TFA/TPA Flavor Breakdown (Must Read for DIYers) -- dvhavoc

I wish you did, and even IF, you only did it for FLV (you know), I’d still love to see it. SFT’s rule, BUT, once you want to go lower than that, at the compound level, things get very interesting.


Carrier is carrier, and all flavors use it, some change the carrier, but they all do it. Is TPA more diluted than FLV ? Most are. I didn’t want any misinformation out there, that FLV’s were PURE compounds, unpolluted by any/all carriers, as they are.

I’m not swinging the axe on your FLV tree @anon84779643, but seeing as though I am the OP here, and I posted this to help seasoned, and newer mixes both, I wanted to make sure it stayed on track, and was clear.


No, no flavor company worth it’s salt will sell PURE compounds with zero dilutions… I agree…
but there are places that do sell compounds. Not admitting this, would be erroneously slack on my part.

Yes, I agree… compounds and molecules have to have a carrier in order to become useful. Without the carrier, you would still have to dilute, and if you added that on top of mixing, I can only imagine what would happen.

As far as I am concerned… my comment is a side comment… because this IS all about TFA :slight_smile:

If I had the time to break down each flavor with their own compounds and components and the freedom to talk about such things, I would… I lack time and permission. :slight_smile:

I’d also make my own thread :wink:

No offensives have been taken or received :wink:


I come in peace…


Pretzel piece??? :rofl:
Polly wants to know!


You’re being intentionally… (I’ll stop there)

As SessionDrummer said:

“Rate of use” as you said, makes NO DIFFERENCE!

Because even if you only use 1% (high side for many FLV)… Of that ONE PERCENT, you are still using the same ratio of compound to carrier.
So only 7% of tha above quote (by SD) should be actual core components (compounds and imperative components that are NOT the carrier).


I think it’s not that I am being “intentionally” ------------------

if you were comparing use from tfa to flv… and comparing components vs carriers, flv is still not AS DILUTED as tfa.

This is where I am coming from. if you mix small, your components will be small, if you go larger, flv is still less used than tfa is.

However, this is a TFA thread, and I posted as there is no component break down, no compound discussion for FLV… and if I ever do have the time, sure… I will be happy to make my own thread.

My post was started with Gus6 talking on how diluted TFA was. That is all…

Really tho, for as potent as FLV is… for one flavor to only have 7% of a working compound, you have to give props… that is tight :slight_smile:


That was never under contention.

But that didn’t need to be brought up.
It’s understood by most.

Zero need to blow the Flavorah horn in this thread. Unless you want to talk about compounds and how Flavorah (or anyone else) uses them. But we already knew your hands are tied from your previous posts. chuckles

And if you are ever granted permission, you’ll have a lot of interested readers.


I love you too Sparky :stuck_out_tongue:

I just hope I was plain enough… no horn blowing, just that even on a rough compare… :wink:
It’s the little things that keep me happy… I just do not want anyone confused by this thread…
I saw a comment and it really made me not only appreciative, but happy someone else sees just how diluted compounds (in general) need to be to use them like how we do.

I have it earmarked along with a bunch of other discussions I want to do… Instead I find me once again behind my sewing machine for a few days/weeks - who is counting? :slight_smile:


No Smoky, I wasn’t saying how diluted this TPA was, nor was it comparing it to FLV, or anything like that. I just said that for the calculations of% to ppm you have to take into account the excipient (pg, alcohol, vg or whatever).


in the flavors, in all the flavors


Sorry SD, I did not want to respond to you, I made the wrong button …


Yes, and that is what I was referring to as well… it’s all good…
Now back to more TFA chat :wink:


Hehe @Gus6, she knows, she just loves teh FLVorah.


Compounds !!!



If you had to quit using flavorah, is there one tfa flavor you would really want to pick up?? I don’t use it often, but I really like their French vanilla deluxe, as an additive it might as well be a super concentrate lol 2% will overpower any amount of cap vcv1 under 10% lol I use it at 0.5% to add something special to custard mixes:)

Edit: Maybe a slight derail? I’ll delete if so lol


for your off topic… (can we get like a button for our offtopics??)
I would never go back to tfa… If anything, I will still stay in the ultra class … why?
I am a firm believer in less is more. Less is better for us.

Since I do work for a lab and we do create flavors, there isnt much need for me to move over to yet another brand, per say… and I do vape more than just FLV… just not the common standard flavor companies… :slight_smile:

If I ever quit one day… I’d probably just give vaping up altogether… rather than to subside on the commons. I do not vape for nicotine now… so me going thru a lot of juice only happens here when I am either showing out or teaching someone local, how to vape and mix. :slight_smile:


LOL you damned derailers. You BOTH get a demerit. As far as TPA, the funny thing is, about 60% of the juice I sell IS TPA. Never had a customer complain, ask about compounds, mixing rates, nothing, just “Hey, can I place a re-order”, and that’s it.

You guys need to keep that in mind, that the customer is ALWAYS right, and they want what they want. They don’t care about who’s mixing at what percent, what flavor house LOL.

We can debate it here, but customers don’t care.

My (never) to be replaced and constantly used from TPA are:

Strawberry Ripe, Blueberry Wild, Vanilla Swirl, Cheesecake Graham Crust, Bavarian Cream, and Sweet Cream. Buy them in the 500ml’s or bigger, and constantly use them.

Take THAT you derailers !!!


lmao I am not trying to attempt to derail (but in fact I might have already and desp trying to put the brakes on!!! I is!!!) :hugs:

However, most customers only care about… ready?

Cheap good juice (which is an oxymoron in itself) and either does not know better or as long as it is cheap enough, they just do not care. (Seeing you brought up this point. :stuck_out_tongue: ) If you care to take my dare… go mix one of mine… and see how well someone will buy it :wink:

but… let’s hear what you think about the compounds themselves. I am curious as to what you think on the TFA ones you can identify… :slight_smile:


To me, that’s just sillyness.
It’s my opinion they are two separate and independent concepts/objectives. Neither of them having to do with “better for us” (from a health perspective. While that feels 'what you were implying, I don’t want to put words in your mouth.)

At any rate, and ‘as presented’ (even if slightly ambiguous)…the fact of the matter is:

  • assuming the compounds are more potent in “Ultras”, because they are not diluted to the same degree as what they are in other offerings, then:

even if you are using one drop of cinnamon from one company, and it takes 4% or 6% or even 10% from other companies to achieve the same level of “equivalent base compound” (where perceived taste is equivalent), then it all boils down to a matter of comfort/convenience at the mixing table.

That, and price points are the only thing that makes ultras stand out IMO. Given we have so few ultras (as a “brand” offering; ie: FLV, MF, NF) readily available (and MF and NF are [to date] hardly what I’d consider widely/readily available by comparison… They provide better financial value, but that still says nothing about any health benefit. Nor is it an even playing field for comparison based on the fact that different compounds are used in literally every iteration.

This is why it’s so frustrating trying to communicate with you sometimes. IMO, you should be able to talk about individual compounds and how they work, or what a given one brings to the table without any specific mention of who used it, but since there’s this “agreement” in place, and you’ve ALWAYS blown the FLV trumpet so loudly… It’s all but impossible for many readers to think/assume anything other than FLV when you start sharing something. That’s a shame too, because I do understand that you do have hands in more than just FLV.

But such is life. “Shades of gray” and all.
And flavourists, and their knowledge are a closely guarded entity/topic (at that level). sigh

Sorry for the added drift SD.
Trying to stay on point though man.