The ELR Pay It Foward Thread

Ive had Wild Rasp in the past and it was wonderful. Im wondering how it compares to the Silver line. Reckon ill order it and start an MF Silver thread like i said i was going to do last year, lol.

Thank you, @Lynda_Marie.


I would like to thank @rcleven for the generous gift of SSA Butter Base! I received it today and plan on using it tonight!
Thank you again @rcleven for paying it forward!


I wanted to add a few coils to the package for your Steam Crave RTA but I didn’t have any made up. BTW the medicine bottle makes a nice place to store unused Atomizer’s. They screw into the hole in the cap. Any leakage?


No leakage whatsoever, nice idea with the medicine bottle! :+1:


I think my BB is the original and my wild raspberry is silver? I know there bottles have different looking labels.


@Lynda_Marie you can look at side of bottle and they will name the carrier if its Alcohol its silver if it says Bio based vegetable pg its premium



Easy way to tell

If you have bottle like this its original b4 the premium , silver

Fuck ill write silver on bottles btw , sorry for delay but almost done


Thanks Fiddy…I really do appreciate the time you’re taking to do this.

Mine must be premium!


So I just got an unexpected package of bottles from someone on my doorstep today. There’s only a handful of people that have my address, and they are all here, SOOO THANK YOU, I appreciate that kindness. Bottles are always needed. It’s surprising how many I go through now. :pray:t3::heart:

I really love this community, so many genuine people that have helped me greatly.


So grateful today. A few nice things in my life happened to day. I woke up with my family and my animals. It’s a great day.
BUT then I received some mail. I know some people don’t want/need a shout out, but I just need to say thank you so much @fidalgo_vapes for this package. MF concentrates. I definitely wasn’t expecting this much. I can’t wait to get testers going and steeped!


You are welcome…I need to reup on some so when i do ill send those


I’m on my way to a friends house to drop these off. Her and her boyfriend have to travel over the border to New Hampshire to get flavors, so I think this will last them a while. I panicked way too much before Massachusetts flavor ban, and over stocked, then started DIY. I can’t imagine how much people are paying for a 120 ml from a local shop. I don’t vape commercial anymore. So I’m happy to pay it forward since people have done the same for me :heart:


Good for you…If they need any gear i also over did it when Vape Mail ban scared everyone…I have quite a few mods that are 18650 and im pretty much out of that style.


I just had to share this photo. I gave my friend and her boyfriend those 2 big bags of juice. They were away so they just got them last night. She sent me this picture of her BF looking at them all and said “he’s sorting them all out and looking at them like a kid on Christmas “ This made me so happy and made me laugh



We need to Clone THIS!! :blush:


I was trying to find one that i have tried, there arent any, lol. I cant remember the last time i had a store bought juice that wasnt locally made and likely illegal.


What does that mean? Did you move on to a difference battery type?

By this i meant that they sold house juice long after the filling period and told me they were FDA approved. Of course they werent but i did try the juice, some pretty decent house juice.


That was pretty awesome of you. See this serious look on his face? Thats the face i make when i get a bunch of new strains and cant decide which to try first! Thats there is a seriously happy fella.


Yes , 21700…Mainly dual 21700


You bugger always skiting :rofl:


Agreed! I think I still have a bottle left. I’ll have to crack it open and drip some. It’s been over a year since I’ve vaped commercial!


:joy::joy: That made me laugh out loud :joy:

When I first started mixing him and his GF wanted me to make them some candy liquid or any dessert. Over 2 years later, I’m just getting the hang of it. Next time I see them I need to let them try my cookie crack or Fryed Custard to see if they care for it. Cookie crack is love it or hate it.

I’m still trying to find a strain for my anxiety. I’m getting taken off my anxiety meds. I’d be like a kid on Christmas if I discovered that!