The ELR Pay It Foward Thread

The hang of candy mixes i hope you mean cuz ive vaped several of your custard mixes and the hang of it you got! Didnt you used to have a mix called something like Thanksgiving Nog? I could have sworn that i saw it at some point but i went to find it and its gone.

Im pretty baked right now and o cant remember what state you are in but if yer in a legal state trying a strain with around 1% CBG in it or a concentrate of a strain with it. That combined with CBD seems to work pretty well with the folks who CBD alone dont work for. I was an mod on the CBD reddit sub for awhile and many people mentioned that CBD alone didnt work for their anxiety no matter the method of ingestion but some of them said that smoking a strain with thc, cbd and cbg seemed to work.

Anxiety can be so horribly crippling, im sorry you have to deal with it.


Yes, i meant candy (and some fruits) :slight_smile:
I’m in Massachusetts, we have dispensaries here. I think I need to get an actual medical card because the recreational side only has so much. I don’t smoke it, I eat it.

I made a lot of my recipes private a while ago due to that person that got perma-banned… they followed me to facebook by the way.

I’ll make it public again, the eggnog custard. :slight_smile:


I have never made an eggnog recipe public…I thunk because they have never been what i want BUT i have a few …Ill link them in a thread maybe some will work for you


Here it is! I mixed a 30 ml of it earlier, I forgot how good it is! I made it public again. I remember you saying you liked my note saying Holy shit the is good! :blush:


The stupid bastard was talking crap on our discord sever about us too, using his alt.

Thanks for reposting the recipe! It gets mixed tonight!.

Thanks bud, i pretty much just mix something new each time now. For years i tried to make one like Kwik Trip’s that we have around here. Huge convenience store around here and they have their own eggnog, its so good that i would mainline it if it was possible.


They just got me on the VC via message tonight. I very rarely log in over there. TRYING to start crap between @fidalgo_vapes and I. I tried deleting my account over there because I just don’t want the bother. The message was sent 8 days ago, the same day I banned him from Beginners DIY on FB. :woman_facepalming: Some people really are severely diluted.

And you’re welcome!


You and Me are a ok…At least in my book, there may have been a couple times where I wanted to yell through my phone and Say YOUR WRONG thatsbis not a good flavor your crazy …Lmao jk


I hear ya! Every Monday I go on livestream with boxing gloves to argue with Sam haha jk jk Tim and I have the closest pallets.


Hey Folks especially all of our new people. It’s time again for me to trim down my stash. I have quite a few flavors that I’ve bought tested and really have no use for. I’ll make a list so y’all can decide if you want them. Free of charge of course. Most are 3/4 to full 10ml bottles. I’d rather give them away than to toss them out. I’ll link the list to this post once I have it complete.


You are truly amazing…I just wanted to tell you that :heart:


Im new , Im new. ME ME ME lmao…That is awesome. I am such an addict i have to keep and buy all. Last time i purged itwas FW and TPA because i was tryi g to get aways from them , oh and Cap. I just ended up buying the ones i got rid of. Yes i know Im Sick


Thank You Lynda
Here we are the list. Now don’t care who wants these flavors but I’ll be shipping the whole lot. Not single flavors. Now I can send to SD, Lynda, Fiddy ok maybe not Fiddy LOL, Ken or Rocky and they could divide them up. Though I’d like to help out a new mixer to save them some $$$$. There is a nice selection and a few bigger bottles.
The List

60ml FW Kiwi
30ml Fw Greek Yogurt
Fw Sweetener
FA Kiwi
VTA Kiwi
VTA Strawberry Milk
VTA Arabica Coffee
TPA Malted Milk
WF Buttermilk
10ml MB Captain Rum
MB Funky Pineapple
MB Shape Up Pear
JF Cocoa
FlV Apple Filling
FA Almond
FA Cookie
FA Custard
FW Butter Cream
FW Marshmallow
FW Butter Pecan
FW Double Dutch Chocolate
Cap Vanilla Custard
Cap Pomagranate V2
Cap French Vanilla V2
Cap Vanilla Bean Ice Cream
Vta Vanilla Classic
Vta French Vanilla Ice cream
Vta Love
Vta Butterscotch
Vta Cherry
Vta Thai Sticky Rice


Oooo, I see 4 in that bunch :eyes:
Nice list. I still have some that you sent me I need to send to someone! I’ll go through them tomorrow and also make a list!


Im new but i do got a lot of flavors so if anyone else new then pick them . I dont have many fruit flavors though. I was gonna wait for black friday sales.

Btw its awesome that you have this here. I miss the pif on ecf back in the day. I used to participate all the time. I sent someone a nice Reo mod once


That is a nice list there…Are you getting rid of the VT because you dont use them or because they are mediocre??? I have a list of VTA that ill be ordering soon. Ill send list tonyou before i pull trigger sonyou can say Ya or Nay , if you dont mind


All the VT are excellent flavors I just don’t use them enough. The Vanilla Classic is very similar to FA, the FVIC is very similar to Hangson, Love is a malted White Chocolate, the VTA Butterscotch is one of the best I’ve tried. the Cherry isn’t too bad, and Thai Sticky Rice is a toasted rice cereal similar to FE Sweet rice.
For Sure let me know what VTA you are interested in I had all of them at one time. Of course the ones I really want to restock have been discontinued or are hard to find ie. like Red Dates best raisin I tried, and VTA Ice Coffee though I’m sure I could just use Coffee Base with WS23.


Lmao :rofl: I’ve done the same thing. I’ve had complete collections of WF, FW, Cap, VT, 3/4 of all of the TPA, all of the Inawera Tobaccos, and all of the FLV tobaccos. And have given almost all away, then when I realized I need a certain flavor I have to rebuy it.


As well as a lot of assorted less used brands FF, Bickford etc. it’s crazy to think of all the money I’ve spent over the years. At one time close to 3000 flavors now down to this. I don’t regret spending $.01c.

Far right all the flavors for my ADV YO HO HO, middle VT and Blue crate everything else. Oh and next years supply of ADV.


Wow…I think i would cry bro. Did you know ProVapes? He was an OG here and one of the best mixers. He did the same thing and at that time i was also surprised.


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