My roomy asked me to give me a ride to the store, before he got in I guffed out a cloud of honeybun, and he gets in and says, “You got donuts?”.
“Nope, honeybuns”.
He thought I actually HAD donuts.
So yum.
Never had an actual honeybun but a hidden gem concentrate for me is “Sasami Bee Sting Pie” which is a popular German Doughy Cake topped with Almonds and Honey. Probably very hard to get hold of in the States buy UK Nom Nomz stock Sasami.
I dont really get almonds from it, there is a cake element, but what makes it so nice is the honey. Have to confess never had Flv Milk n Honey but its the honey quite faint? Have tried FA and a couple of others and they have all been too sweet and syrupy for me. The honey in this tastes to me just like honey spread onto plain toast and dried, very nice in bakery mixes and I expect would work very well for a honey bun recipie
Hands down my favorite FLV flavor and forgiving, you don’t curse the world if you accidentally get 1 drop too many like some FLV flavors.
FLV Milk & Honey is not cat piss like a lot of other honey flavors. It is just a sweet milky honey that goes great with a lot of things, I like to use it to give vanilla a bit of a sweet kick. It is a fantastic flavor, you owe yourself some
Hey @mjag… try this one
.6% Milk & Honey
.6% Marshmallow treats
and let it sit for a few days… nopes not a honey bun… but this is good!!
Might give that a shot but lower marshmallow treats to 1 drop per 30ml and go up from there, it is a dominating flavor for my pallette. I have done solo tests with it and at .5% it is overpowering for me
I have too… it’s funny, I call it a creeper flavor… as it does grow, or at least me, I get a sense of it “growing” like a flavor fill out? but gota admit, its good!
That brings up tastes of my youth “Bienenstich “ - wow I have to get that concentrate!