The one thing you hate about mixing.. List it here!

I’m a lot like that too… If I have a juice that I will make often, I use that bottle until it dies (they typically don’t die though). But if I make a dud or whatever, I generally don’t re-use the bottle. I guess it’s technically a waste of money compared to cleaning, but then it’s still a lot cheaper than analogs, so same’s the same to me.


I do that too with my regs…just refill them :smiley:


but… @Laura5!! :crazy_face:

You so got it tho… start small… :wink:


All of my testers are done in glass. I wait until I have about 40-50 dirty ones before washing them. If it’s a plastic bottle I toss them. I never could get the smell out of them and they’re relatively cheap. But all that washing is definitely a pita.


:astonished: can’t believe you throw out bottles - I reuse as much as I can :rofl:
Wash up once a month after mixing when I wash my mixing gear - no scale here :crazy_face:

I do hate it when I make a 30ml tester and go to try it and only get one tank - coz hubby’s already vaped it :rofl:


It is very few really. Probably less than 5% of them get tossed before they break or crack. In the grand scheme not a big deal. I used to take them all, peel off the label, rinse them well, put them in hot water with a denture cleaning tablet for an hour or so, rinse them thoroughly again, let them dry for a few hours, etc. But as a famous internet meme once said, “Ain’t nobody got time fo’ dat!”


Lol, I get it but my first reaction was “whaaat?”

I guess I have been somewhat influenced by the “reuse recycle reduce” slogans :rofl:


I just peel the label and give a quick rinse under the sink faucet. After they dry I give a sniff test. If I can smell anything from a previous mix I just delegate it to a mix that I know will be on the strong side. If I can’t smell it I use it for the lighter or unknown mix. I just do it as they become empty. Even with the ones I can still smell, the smell is always very faint. I don’t think it can change the flavor of the next liquid that occupies them. I’m sure there are exceptions, like a certain Watermelon extract that someone claimed the only thing they could do to remove the smell and not contaminate subsequent flavors was to toss and replace with new ones. They were referring to bottles, tanks, drip tips, etc. . Thankfully I’ve not come across such a dominating flavor.


I hate all the dilemmas I have.
Do I mix or go to bed
Do I re-wick or just use another device and vape whatever is in that RDA/RTA
Do I mix or ???
I hate not knowing which of the many recipe ideas I have running through my head I should start with (they all sound good) or mix one of my go to vapes so I don’t run out then I end up not doing any of them because it’s time to go to bed or time for other chores or some other priority.

I love this hobby! :smiley:


After years of mad experiments, I always have a fair few concepts which I can revisit when the mood takes me.

Obviously I have two mods there for my personal favourites with 500ml bottles of old-faithfuls to ensure I always have a back up.


Bottles by the ounce. I mix using millilitres, not ounces. I want 100, 200, 300ml, etc. Think about how our commercial juice bottles are measured: 30ml, 60ml, 120ml, 240ml. The reason for that is it correlates to ounces. Approx. 1 oz, 2oz, 4oz, 8oz. Where’s the common sense? I’ve never seen a recipe calculator corresponding to ounces. If the mix is evenly measured in mls you could practically calculate on the fly. If I make a 10ml tester and it rocks and I want to make the next a 100ml, all I have to do is move the decimal. When I first started mixing I would make 120ml recipes just because I had a ton of 120ml bottles…der, took me long enough to figure out that 150mls would be easier than 120mls but since I never had or heard of a 150ml bottle I didn’t conceive it. Sure I could use oversized bottles to accommodate the mls but I like things to fit nicely, lol. I didn’t think this was going to turn into a rant, my apologies.