The Perfect Glazed Doughnut

I thought about that one but people’s reviews put me off although I suspect there is a possibility that they were using it at too high of a percentage,I will give it a bash though. Thank you @anon84779643.


1-3 drops to start, in a 30ml @Lucas_James_Holden… You know I have been using flv for a mighty long time, and I know my flavors. check out the donut I just released… it really comes together. You could leave out the fruits altogether. They sell a donut here locally that if I ate it every day like I would love… I’d be 600 pounds! So that one is my interpretation of it :slight_smile:

You could add some sweetness to it, but it really doesn’t need it.


Thank you @anon84779643 for helping out here,I will certainly be checking out your doughnut recipe. I can imagine the temptation of having to pass the doughnut shop without going in and buying some as I am diabetic and have to do things like that all of the time…well ahem…most of the time :laughing:


Yeps right there with ya @Lucas_James_Holden… except I am not diabetic… just trying to lose a few pounds… bound and determined to fit into my bikini soon! :slight_smile: I love my sweets just a bit too much :rofl:

if you have the flavors, let me know how the mix turns out… just remember, you do not have to add the fruit… but you do not want to sub anything out on it either. I know it is a lot of flavors from my normal mixing, but if you ever do get all of the flavors, well worth a mix up :slight_smile:


I am very much the same with flavourings, a bit all over the place. Some I just cant get much from at all (strawberries being one) and often see some of these 4/5% recipies and knowing the flavours they have used, jsut know I would barely taste anything at all from them. Then there are other flavours I only use 1/2 or 1/3 of what seem to be the common usage strength wise.
Did just check out dough brothers and cant gather anything from reviews of flavourings…but does sound like there is a tonne of some kind of sweetener in them?


Thank you @anon84779643 for sharing your recipe,I will have to order a few flavours to make it but it looks really nice and a useful base without adding the fruit flavours.


Let me know what you think.
I’d give it a 3-5 day steep, but it could or will go a bit longer… maybe 12 days… but if you can’t wait that long… it should be locked in by day 3 and only get better the longer you let it sit :slight_smile:

Im aiming for a new donut now… strawberry cheesecake donut. Think I settled on that since last night.


Yes they are sweet but I personally like that,sweetness aside though they all have a great doughnut base,if only I could pick out the flavours they use in it because I do recognise them just not what they are called.:thinking: Joy and Zeppola maybe but that’s as far as I get.


I will let you know @anon84779643 but it might be some time before I can get everything to make it as I have a never ending list of flavours that I need to get and so many recipes that I want to try to the point where I will be pushing up the daisies before I get to the end :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: oh and then there’s the all of that lovely hardware I would love to have…I don’t know what has come over me hahaha!!


Yes Joy I always thought was excellent for making donuts but so many seem to get beer or other horrid off notes from it. For some reason I kind of shyed away from using it for that reason…god knows why as I dont at all.
Well OOO Glazed Donut was no good whatsoever to my taste buds. Only Solub Arome has got me near to a donut flavour and Capellas Donut with there custard is actually very good but I think I am going to go another route altogether as none of the dough or doughnut concentrates I have tried have really worked. I think I am going to try and use a lot of joy to fry a cake concentrate for the dough and add lots of sugary/frosting type flavours on top.


I like the fried dough, sweet dough and the donuts from flv…
Lemon helps, as well as smooth van and van bean…

and Im sticking to that. keeps me happy and those that have tried my donuts recipes enjoy them too :slight_smile:


You say that about every other recipe of yours. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Has anyone got a pin for Smoky’s “head balloon”?


I do not!! I know I have some duds… trust me!! :rofl:



@Will_G Your experiment sounds very interesting,please let us know how it goes. I have just tried my SA Donut tester that I made at 5% and it definitely has promise but you are right about needing it higher as it’s not strong enough for me as is so I’m going to make another one at 8% and go from there. @anon84779643 I am definitely going to get that FLV Fried Dough in my next order,I recently purchased their Sweet Dough but haven’t gotten around to trying it yet.


I love love that sweet dough… it’s like the soft airy dough, in between a cross of a cinnamon bun
[without the cinnamon, but there is a tiny light spice in the background] and a donut. I have used sweet dough in things like cookies and cake batter mixes… anything that needs a sweet soft doughy back taste :slight_smile:

Now you got me craving sinnamon buns :stuck_out_tongue:


Well made two different ones and one had solub arome in it still. I have used joy really high in both as remember one of the first donuts I did years ago was liek that with cap donut in and dont know if it was beginners over excitement or not, but remember liking that. Will let you know once steeped for a few days to remove any beery non joy haha


Well that experiment didnt work it is safe to say, gross


Ahh that’s a shame but it’s all trial and error especially in this game,I’m sure you will get there though,thanks for letting us know how it went. I wish I had more experience and confidence to experiment more with my flavours,I shall have to start trying things for myself even if I balls it up and knowing my luck I will many times over :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Yeah I am still trying. I bought Flv deep fried dough as seen it in a lot of recipies. Oh my do I not like it. Have used it at 0.25% 0.5% 1% and even 2% and I think I get the same effect many do from joy with the stale beer.
It tastes like soggy fried cardboard to me at any percentage and seems to just kill any sweetness in the vape too…Sadly I discovered this after using it at different percentages in another 8 ruddy donut efforts :frowning:


Just wait until Smokey Blue sees this. You’re going to be in big trouble my friend. Lol. FLV can do no wrong, don’t you know. (just kidding Smokey, don’t take me to task). I feel the same about their cookie dough. Tastes like old socks to me. Not that I’ve ever vaped old socks, but you get the idea.