The Perfect Glazed Doughnut

Oh bloody hell that sounds nasty and to think I was on the verge of buying that flavour myself,you saved me there mate thank you.


Together with the Play-Doh vibe I get with donut flavors, that sure sounds like a good time. :nauseated_face:


Hey packaged playdoh dropped in a puddle, what could you not like :slight_smile:


I gave up on the fried donut and went for a krispy kreme light one. I went mental on the frosting and sweetener and I mean mental (to the point of too much shame to post). Was airy and certainly frosted and probably more on the right lines for a doughnut from the sounds of the dough bros reviews but I just really cant get to the point of what to me tastes like a proper donut fried or just sweet but I think a cakey frosted donut is probably more achievable than a nice fried one…but I think its beyond me as far too frustrated after about 15 diff mixes now…and I certainly just dont get the love for WF Glazed DOughnut after buying that one again, is just airy nothingness to me


Well 10/10 for effort mate because you tried bloody hard,I hope someday that you will just accidentally stumble on this magic formula. Same for me with the WF Glazed Doughnut,it’s just like vaping fresh air because it lacks all the body. I’ve just had a warning that I must PM you instead of writing on here because I have replied to you 3 times. Oops :grimacing:


No need to worry about that I have 5 donut concentratres gonna grow cobwebs now haha


TPA Pie Crust and Sugar cookie CAP. 1.4% and 3% great base to start and it was an accident I found it.