Thoughts on my new recipe

Hi folks, just made one up out of my head looking for your thoughts on how you think it will taste and steeping time.

Marshmallow (FA) 3%
Smooth Cappuccino Cream (WF) 1%
Vienna Cream (FA) 1%

Boy oh Boy, I think my flavour stash needs to be expanded now… these flavours will last forever I think. Recipes hardly dent the bottles lol.
I will be sick of coffee and marshmallows pretty soon I’m guessing.

Does anyone know if Nicotine River ships to Canada? Will border confiscate the liquids?

Thanks in advance… vape on!



I would try it right off but I can tell you now that the Vienna cream will need a good week of steep time to mellow and blend better… It’s good to try it now and then in a weeks time so you can note the change… Also again in 2 weeks to see if it gets better… Once the flavor starts dropping you will have a good time line of when it’s ready and how long it keeps its flavor if done over4 or 6 weeks

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Some Caramel (FLV) might work well in that around .5 to 1%

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Thanks for the input, just shaked and vaped it…still weak on marshmallow side but that will probably get stronger as it ages I hope.

Wife likes it, that’s all that matter lol.

Wondering if these lotta latte, smooth cappuccino cream have hazzle nut in them, that’s the flavour I’m getting a lot of from those two flavours. not liking it… hopefully that will fade out as it ages.

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The marshmallow is more of a Sweetner especially at 3% some toasted marshmallow might add a bit more flavor and sweetness… I have never tried those flavors so I am not sure if the hazelnut you are tasting might fade a little but others on here might… I believe my buddy @Amy2 likes coffee vaped and if she’s not too busy might be able to give a little insite on this…


i usually dont go over 1.5 % on Fa MM it is often used as a sweetener and mouth feel


Thankyou kindly sirs

I too wouldn’t use FA Marshmallow that high maybe tops 1.50% too high and it gives a Talc powdery (undesirable to me ) taste much higher most Marshmallows come off that a way when used too high. I’d like to hear how that WF’s Smooth Cappuccino Cream is , if you feel you want a lil something else I’d say a touch of Catalan cream or a touch of Caramel would work great.


Hi Amy, thanks for the reply. I mixed a few one flavour batches yesterday and am sampling one right now…Lotta Latte. I mixed a 10 ml batch of it at 15% …whoooa, too high so I started cutting it down with pg/vg in my Joyetech ego aio… now I get a milky coffee caramel type taste, its not actually too bad. I also mixed a coffee (TFA) at a 70vg/30pg at 5% which smells real strong of well…coffee lol. I haven’t tasted on its own but put about 6 or so drops in my tank on top of Latte… Might be good as a base for other mixes. I will experiment more.
I also mixed a 5% Smooth Cap Cream but haven’t tried that one yet on its own but smells like it has caramel as well, smells real strong as welll. I am going to experiment more with those three at different combinations to see if I can make a nice coffee cream.


Woozer Lotta Latte is strong to me at 7% can’t imagine 15% but at least the take away here is that you learned what that flavor is all about it is a great mixer too esp if you want a graham cracker crust effect that you’d also want a touch of latte and caramel it’d be a hit !

Glad you’ve got some stuff steeping it really helps. I do the same thing if something is too strong I’ll increase the batch size and dilute it down w/ vg then build back up the other notes I want to be more prominent.

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Thanks again Amy… I guess its back to the drawing board then.

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Look at it as a chance to grow not a failure. I used to keep everything I made and suffer through vaping it after a while I started to let go and dump it and chalk it up to a loss. That is a personally preference and I guess it’s depending on the batch if it’s an easy enough fix that kinda thing. The drawing board is one of my favorite places to be :smile:

Darn, right, I’m having a blast… get to play with my new AWS LB-501 scale too.
Hey, this Latta Lotte is not too bad in this AIO. Still getting an hazelnut flavour from it I’m not liking, hopefully it will go away in time… I have a peanut allergy so nutty is not really my thing.

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Sort of unrelated but I will share anyway… As a kid I grew up eating watermelon and canteloup and all those kinds of mellons and loved them. As an adult I seem to have developed an allergy to melons… How that happened I have no clue and it really bums me out… Since I do enjoy my vape I figured I would try to vape some watermelon since I can’t eat it… Well lo and behold no reaction!! So even though I can’t actually eat it I can vape it!! So I get my watermelon fix in vape form only :slight_smile: my only viable work around


That was going to be my next question to both of you guys does the reaction transfer over to vaping…glad to hear no problems !

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yeah for me, the nuttiness is bothering the inside of my lips…when I did the one drop of hazelnut in 5ml of water test yesterday it was kinda like my peanut allergy but not as severe, just bothersome and annoying… I can eat other nuts so maybe its just the chemical formula of the flavour…ie. too strong.

I actually like the hazelnut cream mix for my coffee drink. hmm

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Well that’s nutty ahahha sorry :wink: if you like hazelnut in your coffee you’d think you’d like it in vaping weird huh. Somethings are just that way. I don’t like cantaloupe irl but like it in a vape.

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Just vaped half my lotta latte, then filled up tank on top of it with my 5% coffee I made and noticed it smoothed it out a lot, but now my mouth filled with sooo many flavours I’m having trouble getting proper taste…glad I only used 2% nic lol

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I guess the coffee will need a week to steep, wife said its very alcoholy if that’s a word haha

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I think we make up words all the time :wink: alcoholy makes perfect sense to me hahha we often say chemically so yep steeping it will help it out also you may put just a couple drops of a fresh cream or a sweet cream in there to buffer some.