Tips for a new mixer

Boring day on the Soap Operas?

Just wake up from your nap?

Finished polishing your shotgun on the rocking chair?


I dont belittle anyone except you when you take jabs at people when they answer a op’s ?. If it upsets you they dont ask the all high and mighty joel to get help, im pretty sure they are all sorry. God for bid someone takes a jab at you. You get all upset and cant take it. Grow up. Btw you are not funny in the slightest. You should be more respectful to what this about. Its not the joel show. Its people like you that can put people off sites like this


Yes, you’ve never gone all aggressive with people not saying what you wanted to hear, nope, never.

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First off bud that dude ashkan was just a scumbag. He is trying to make money off the community. If you felt i was too harsh on him im sorry ( not really though). But i have no problem with people disagreeing with me at all. This is what makes civilization great. Every one has there own opinion. In your case you are a utter d**k head to people who give a opinions. Like your opinion is the only one that matters. So if its anyone who hates people disagreeing with them it is you. It is usually the case with basement dwellers. They have no life and like to stir the pot online because their life is meaningless. Im just saying man. But i have had enough of you and so have others. Btw as i referred to earlier about you not be funny, when you constantly take shots at people by calling them names or insulting them thats is not funny. You obviously have ptsd from being bullied your whole most likely cause you are obese. But it doesnt give you the right to act this way towards people here. I am done with this conversation with you because it goes in one ear and out the other.


Here is great addition idea make so we can completely block people. It would make life a lot better here


Please continue :slight_smile:


But will write out reasons why he doesn’t like what people say. Interesting.

If it doesn’t matter, why write out an emotional response? I honestly think you need to seek some counselling, maybe talking to a mental healthcare professional will help you with your aggression?

A shorter response would indicate that you can communicate what needs to be said and that you’ve given a good amount of thought in how you feel about my opinion. Instead you’re proving that my comments are getting under your skin, for saying things you don’t want to hear. What’s really bothering you buddy? Do you need a mentor?


This is why its obvious why you dont have any real world friends. Everything you suspect of me is exactly what you are doing. But its pointless saying anything. You are worse then a two year old. You just go on and on. Just shows how pathetic you are. Cant be bothered with reading anything you write. The act has got old. Im bored of you. As with a lot of others.


Lets be honest here, you wouldn’t have said anything if Fidalgo didn’t say anything, because you’re trying to fit in friend. I totally get that and I respect you for it, nothing cures the sads like acceptance :slight_smile:


I’m stopping here and I ask you to as well, we’re derailing this person’s thread that’s trying to learn. Thanks my guy :slight_smile:


Look at you sitting online waiting on a reply so you can go on and on. So who actually has the psychological issues? Just sitting there waiting. Cmon man you cant be this pathetic. Whats it like 5am where you are at and look at you. Keep going on and keep proven me right. Seriously grow up.

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Btw buddy i said shit to you long before fidalgo. So yeah keep trying to put your psychological issues on others. Accepting your issues is the first step in getting treatment.


Is the private messaging not working?


I’m guessing that’s exactly what the OP is thinking!



Welcome @Shane16 :smiling_face: You already received plenty advice but I’d like to emphasize getting flavors into your stash first off.


As @muth said, building your Flavor Stash is HIGHLY recommended. Flavor Stash Guide


Perfect @Letitia


Perfectly snarky maybe. Should apologize, not my business; just knee-jerk reply.


Where’s he gone??