But will write out reasons why he doesn’t like what people say. Interesting.
If it doesn’t matter, why write out an emotional response? I honestly think you need to seek some counselling, maybe talking to a mental healthcare professional will help you with your aggression?
A shorter response would indicate that you can communicate what needs to be said and that you’ve given a good amount of thought in how you feel about my opinion. Instead you’re proving that my comments are getting under your skin, for saying things you don’t want to hear. What’s really bothering you buddy? Do you need a mentor?
This is why its obvious why you dont have any real world friends. Everything you suspect of me is exactly what you are doing. But its pointless saying anything. You are worse then a two year old. You just go on and on. Just shows how pathetic you are. Cant be bothered with reading anything you write. The act has got old. Im bored of you. As with a lot of others.
Lets be honest here, you wouldn’t have said anything if Fidalgo didn’t say anything, because you’re trying to fit in friend. I totally get that and I respect you for it, nothing cures the sads like acceptance
Look at you sitting online waiting on a reply so you can go on and on. So who actually has the psychological issues? Just sitting there waiting. Cmon man you cant be this pathetic. Whats it like 5am where you are at and look at you. Keep going on and keep proven me right. Seriously grow up.
Btw buddy i said shit to you long before fidalgo. So yeah keep trying to put your psychological issues on others. Accepting your issues is the first step in getting treatment.