Tobacco Recipes

I used it at .5 an it come through very good. I was really surprised by how realistic it tastes. It probably would show at .25. I really like the effect it has on flavor.

They recommend 20% on the FA website! It is exceptionally high but apparently this flavour can have that.

Well, I’m liking the flavors of the heartier Inawera as of late, I might have to get a bottle of the DMB and see if it can help other tobaccos that need a little more uumph.

It’ll add an ash taste on exhale and a little throat scratch.

Swinging this over here!

No I have t tried any of their liquids yet, with the emphasis on the word yet!

Excalibur will be the one I choose when it happens. My vape money is going towards flavors at the moment, so it won’t be too long before I pull the trigger on this one. ; )

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Cool! I’m on your tail with purchasing from this NET company. Their stuff looks awesome.

@Professor_Snape; is there a coupon code for that NET vendor I’m not seeing somewhere? I can’t see on their site where they are offering a discount for Labor Day.

Can you sling me a link to the discount! Thx

No code necessary, they just automatically calculated a “Labor Day discount” at checkout.


Nice! Thx for the tip. ; )

Wanted to order it today with the labourday discount, $26.85 flat rate shipping :sob: No deal!


However, looking into my “crystal balls”, I sense good things are coming your way! :wink:

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I hope your wife is careful :grinning:


Didn’t I tell you? She used to be a juggler with Barnum and Bailey!


Recipe for a nice tobacco dessert vape. :wink:

For those folks that love the flavor of sesame, here’s a tobacco recipe that has that wonderful taste of sesame candy or halva. Not really a super sweet vape, as the candy can be, but the flavor is very reminiscent of a sesame crunch bar.

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Oh my…ADV alert! :yum:

Next iteration of this will have a little FA Dark Bean Espresso for a more authentic Black Cohiba flavor. :+1:

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The first time I saw Halva in a Turkish shop I felt I had ended up in a fairytale. I only knew Halva from 1001 nights and was expecting a magic carpet to arrive next :grinning:
The French Oak is steeping for two days now so I need a bit more patience.[quote=“Jimk, post:132, topic:13742”]
Cohiba flavor
[/quote]In transit somewhere between Australia and here but as soon as it arrives I will have to make this juice Jimbo :yum:

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I’m really liking this mix…it’s been in a Velocity dripper for the past 5 days; I’ll have to bump up some of the percentages a bit when I move it to a tank, I’m feeling. Or just throw in the FA Tuscan on top of the existing mix.

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I’ve added 1.5% of Tuscan Reserve to it actually, if I may be so bold as to do that to the Masters recipe :sweat_smile:

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The original mix is great, but it does need a bit more tobacco/cigar for folks like us. :wink:

Perhaps bumping down the sweet stuff in the mix would be the way to go?

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