Tobacco Recipes

You’re welcome again! Since you got into DIY because the Tripoli was too expensive as an ADV it stands to reason you should create your own. Very glad I could help you and I hope it is the one you’re after. The nice thing about DIY is that if you think it is still lacking something or other, you just tweak it until you’re satisfied. You have a starting point. Have fun and good luck!

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Hey guys, decided to jump in this forum since I got an invite from Jimk. I’ve only just started messing with tobaccos, fell in love with a Soller’s Pointe clone and then discovered Soho from FA.

It’s an incredible full-bodied tobacco that works well on it’s own. FA calls it a dessert tobacco. I can taste a chocolate pretzel-ness to it, and I’ve been told it smells like a cupcake.

I’ve been mixing at 10% along with 1% Fresh Cream and 2% Meringue. Check it out if you haven’t had the chance to yet. I’ve been getting it from OSDIY, but it might be available at BCV now.


10% for a FA tobacco? That’s a first! :smiley: It does sound pretty good!

Your wife knows what she’s talking about cuz that one kicks ass!

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Awww man! Another one I have to add to the shopping list. Seriously, I’m on a tobacco binge right now so thanks for the recommendation.

Oh yeah, welcome to the forum!


I just got some in vape mail today!..about to mix up a test batch. I’m glad you have given the green light for GO on this flavor. It smells absolutely fantastic!

Please keep us informed of any new tobaccos you may come across I your mixing ventures; one can never have enough good tobacco flavors in one’s stash!


I was just gonna wholeheartedly agree with you on this point when I realised I got Soho in my stash for months already and never even tried it yet…

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FA website recommends 20%!! Very high for FA.


Guilty as charged in my case as well, concerning some tobaccos I’ve purchased…

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I’ve done some browsing around on a few forums and see where 10% is the resting point for SoHo if you like a nice strongish vape. (i.e. that’d be me)

May have to break out the FA Virginia, Perique or 7 Leaves for a little boost.

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(Flavorah) Sweet Brown Maple Mist Gmix

INW Tobacco DNB is the real deal. This is the best tobacco recipe I’ve made by far. This taste like real tobacco. I will be using this in all my tabac recipes for now on. Has anybody else tried this.

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I’m doing this thing! Looks crazy tasty!

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woah 10% fa? that sounds powerfull

I’m gonna give @beatnick recipe a go. If it is as good as he says, then ADV it is.

It’s a brand new, full bottle of SoHo for now; I’m gonna live on the wild side, go full throttle and hopefully, see you on the other side. ; )


Vaya con Dios, amigo!

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The DNB has always sounded like a “tobacco absolute” to me. I’ve looked at it before, but never gave it a try, because the one TA I tried in the past was pretty potent on the ashy side of things even at a super low percent.

I used it at .5 an it come through very good. I was really surprised by how realistic it tastes. It probably would show at .25. I really like the effect it has on flavor.

They recommend 20% on the FA website! It is exceptionally high but apparently this flavour can have that.

Well, I’m liking the flavors of the heartier Inawera as of late, I might have to get a bottle of the DMB and see if it can help other tobaccos that need a little more uumph.

It’ll add an ash taste on exhale and a little throat scratch.