Tough Times Ahead for Europe?

This was posted on another site, and I’ve already heard real feedback from a few over in the UK. Anyone here on ELR, over in the UK ?


@Mikser are you noticing anything where you are ?


Create the problem, Provide the solution… UBI and consolidation of government next.

Putin has said he’s fighting globalists and I’m seeing a lot of things that favor what he says, but in the same regards, he was (used to be) a part of the WEF. Whether that’s his move or part of the plan I’m uncertain of.


Commies or Fascists, take your pick… The thing is, Fasci from what I learned means together and you’re seeing that with corporations, energy, tech, goverment getting together to run the show. During the pandemic there was a big change and that was a lot of small businesses closed and the ones with the money continued to operate, I believe Capitalism in the West is dying along with Democracy as things being to change. It’s snowballing.

There’s a lot of interesting things to read into, for instance Operation Paperclip and other things. The guy, whom I believe to be a puppet, his father was a General or something similar in Nazi Germany. You’re seeing history repeat itself with those two opposing parties fight with BRIC and whoever else joining in. It’s different now, though. Even in media, I watch this 37 year old guy play a game on Twitch, he’s Canadian but if you know that Amazon is the provider, you’ll know the connection with the WEF. So essentially all these big streamers on this site are mouth pieces for the propaganda and trying influence people into thinking these changes are good. It’s mind boggling, like this one guy for instance said, “man I’d love to eat bugs, that’s so cool” as a random conversational piece with his chat and I pipe up, “are you taking order from your globalist boss? What else is on the script?” Banned and reported.

There’s even a Political section on there and mysteriously people who are not for what’s going on are getting deplatformed, it’s really wild to witness. I can’t make sense of what’s going on, anyways, I’ve talked to EU folks in the Music section on that platform and a number seem concerned but others don’t, So not really sure what to think/



What’s UBI, BRIC, and WEF?


@SessionDrummer price for energy will have tripled by october in the uk. The govt voted to allow the price increases. And we know once things go back to normal prices wont. You have to really watch energy consumption. A lot of things are not left on standby. You can just turn it off at the plug as it has a on off switch. Just keep necessity like fridge on. But the real issue is the heating this winter


People seem to be sleepwalking into these problems. About a quarter of the households are expected not to be able to pay for heating next winter. The ones who are not directly in trouble and still can pay for what they need are still thinking that it will go back to normal soon.
The NHS cut down payments to dentists by such a degree that there are barely any NHS dentists left. So your choice is to cough up the money for a private dentist or not get your teeth fixed. During Covid, normal GP surgeries have basically shut down and the appointments were over the phone only. Perfect if all you want is a doctor’s note for work, but really bad if you had any health issues. Prescriptions were no problem, drugs are being dished out like candy.

But I don’t really see a difference between the UK and the rest of the western world, the rest will go down to their knees, too, maybe with a bit of a delay. Normal citizens are so confused or brainwashed, they can’t see beyond the shit they’re being told from the media.

Apologies for another avalange of negativity from me, but hey, prove me wrong and I’ll shut up forever.


@Psycho_316 thank you, for the REAL, boots on the ground assessment.


@Bad_Influence apologize for nothing, I love that you just said it, like it needed to be said.


I don’t like posting vids a lot, because who has the time, but this one, JUST might be worth YOUR time.

What do you think ?


No, No, No. This is click bate. Get the ratings. If someone believes like this I feel sorry for the induvial. The problem is we have too many English majors in the US. News outlets have an agenda and their not afraid let you know how they feel instead of being objective news sources. There used to laws in the US that basically said if you print a story on one side of a issue they had to print another article covering the opposite view. Then came along the internet and the lawsuits began on first amendment rights. The news media found a sympathetic judge and the news has become us vs. them garbage pile. What sells in the news is man bites dog otherwise their stories doesn’t sell.


I’d never heard of Tim Dillon before, but after listening to him, I’m starting to think, maybe he’s NOT that far off.

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Listening to him all I hear is half truths. Not a big Rogan fan. Everytime I have seen his interviews he seem to be the dog on the package tray in the rear window of a car that the heads bobbing on a spring.
Any news has to be balanced weather it CNN, FOX, or any other outlet. They all present the network POV otherwise they don’t last long on the network.
Once had a conversation with NBC news anchor. She was bragging about how unbiased her reports were. Ask her if she ever reported against network beliefs. She wouldn’t answer me and the conversation was over.
Believe only half what you hear from any news source. Then make up your own mind.


@rcleven I’m kind of 50/50 on Rogan, but I was far MORE interested in what Tim Dillon had to say.


Yeah, and THESE days, you’d be lucky if it was even HALF. :slight_smile:


I just watched Tim’s Netflix special. Was funny for sure… Tim makes fun of rogan……50/50 for me also.


This is our reality. News inherently presents as a public service. The reality is they are a public disservice. The networks are all owned by wealth people that bought them to bolster political favor and influence. To own or run a media corporation is to pack a big ass lever that can be used to threaten, pry, smash, stab, block, and keep things out of reach.


@Mikser I was starting to wonder if that is what it would take.


Capitalism unleashed. Reward individualism and punish the collective. Privatize benefits and socialize losses. Now we will live the consequences.