Turning Food Desserts Into Vape Recipes

How do you turn food recipes into vape ones? This is my small list that I keep working on. Some I’ve taken from things I’ve seen other’s use and adapted them, others from messing around and trying different things.

Turn Cooking Recipes into Vape

Real cream cheese (Sweet) : 0.25% Brie Cheese (Flavorah) and 1.50% Cream Cheese Icing (Lorran’s) works for inside of a Cream Cheese Danish

Pumpkin is a HARD flavor to recreate but Flavorah has done that with their Yam. 1% FLV Yam tastes just like unsweetened, no spice, pumpkin puree.

Buttermilk flavor is made my using 3% tfa whipped cream and 1% cap golden butter

Butter Flavor : Vienna Cream (FA) with Almond (FA) give nice buttery taste after steeping.

Eggy Custard base – Vanilla Custard Cap/Meringue (FA)

Condensed Milk : .5 Condensed milk (FA) with .25 custard (FA) make real condensed milk not as sweet though to get that sweetness add 2% FA Marshmallow

Malted Milk : Malted milk and sweet Cream together make a more realistic Malted milk flavor mix them at 50/50 if TFA ie 2% MM and 2% Sweet Cream equal malted milk realistic


FA apple pie 2% and biscuit INW 1%

TPA Graham Cracker Clear 1% FA Cookie 0.5%

INW Biscuit 1% FA Apple Pie 1%

TPA Cheesecake Graham Crust 2%

FA Apple Pie 2% and FLV Cookie .75%

INW Biscuit 1% and CAP Sugar Cookie 2%

INW Biscuit 1% and FW Butter Pecan 0.5%

Vienna Cream (FA): is also known as Bavarian Cream

Catalan Cream - Flavour Art could be used for Dulce De Leche

Milk: Creamy Milky Undertone (ooo flavors) is one of the best plain milk flavors I’ve used

Yellow Cake Mix: The difference between a white cake mix and a yellow cake mix is eggs! Merigue and Vanilla Custard lend that egg here.

0.50% Golden Butter (CAP)

1.00% Meringue (FA)

2.00% Vanilla Cupcake V2 (CAP)

2.00% Vanilla Custard (CAP)

White Cake Mix:

1.00% Marshmallow (FA)

2.00% Nonna’s Cake (FA)

1.00% Sweet Cream (Flavorah)

1.00% Vienna Cream (FA)

Corn : Health Cabin Corn at 0.25 is the most realistic corn I’ve ever tasted in a concentrate. This is SUPER potent even at this lower percentage.


Asking or telling?? :stuck_out_tongue:

Now imagine sticking to only 1 flavor company… :angel: :crazy_face: :tada:

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Always asking for options LOL. I’m a dessert chick that can’t eat sweets anymore so I find a way to vape them


Ok lets talk pretzel… seeing you do not have one…

here are my 2 pretzel recipes:

Yogurt dipped, tastes exactly like you would dip a pretzel into yogurt and yeah… it’s all in there :wink:

Now for the next one… a bit of a change… see if you can spot what I did…

Try mixing them both up and see if you can flip my recipe into the standard flavors :wink:


I have the AP, Caramel, Cheesecake (coming in) … I could definitely pick up Fried dough (maybe use the Zeppola I have?) I have Graham cracker but clear. LOL won’t touch the Greek yogurt I have by FW on the first one

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Those beer nuts kind of intrigue me, can’t do cinnamon so can I nix that and will the mix still be good?

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Zeppola wont cut it… more like Joy… and really, ya need the flavorah flavors first to taste how it is before flipping… that is the one advantage… I prob have messed with most of the standard flavors, and know how they “lay” in recipes, even from 5 yrs ago… :stuck_out_tongue:

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Cinnamon… might be an issue… but in this recipe, once steeped, it will not bother you… it blends in nice with the doughy… you might want to go ahead and try it… lemme know… I can send you a ml to see… :slight_smile:

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I have the joy :slight_smile: and yeah I do need some more flavorah flavors


I could send you a shot of the full recipe, Michelle… I am making shots already for another order…
Lemme know… will be mixing tomorrow.


Sounds great!


Drop me your adress in mail somewhere, here or fb… :slight_smile:
Meantime taking my cosmo and curling up… :stuck_out_tongue:


These are not quite the same…
Vienna Cream is a butter cream. The usual ingredients are butter, milk and sugar.
Bavarian Cream is made from milk, eggs, gelatin and whipped cream.
They’re very different in flavor and consistency (but in vape terms, the flavor is the key difference).

In terms of concentrates, Vienna Cream (FA) is a lot less dense than Bavarian cream and doesn’t have that eggy note to it. Bavarian Cream (FW) is different IMO, it’s more like a vanilla pudding than a bavarois.


Now I want to vape a chocolate malt. You ladies are making this Ogre crazy.


I gota chocolate milk recipe, Ogre… I need someone to try it out :slight_smile:


Sure! Why not.


Next order I’ll give it a shot!


It might take it to my site as a shot, Orge… trying to get my work done but…
Squirrel!!! :stuck_out_tongue:


Wow @authormichellehughes, I really like looking at it (crusts for example), all in one shot. I kind of wish I would have thought of that !!!