hi fellas,
I made 6 batches of unicorn milk recipe on 23rd july, each 30ml bottles. Just tried a bit and it taste really bad. I am worried if all these batches are a dud. I bought exact flavors from the exact manufacturers mentioned in the recipe. Am I missing something? Oh btw it has steeped for 7 days now and no heat only shaking.
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There are several versions of UM. Which one did you make and can you post it?
That’s the title, please tell me ur experience with it
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That’s the same one I made. I didn’t experience any bad flavors, it was just too mild for my taste. I know for some people a 7 day steep for creams and custards isn’t enough. Try steeping further and test periodically and note any changes.
Also did you mix one batch and divide it or 6 separate batches? You might want to test your other bottles if you mixed them separately.
Na I made each 30 ml separately, so each one should be different. My scale takes a while to recognise every drop, do you know if it makes a huge difference for extra added drop?
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For very concentrated flavors it can be a problem. With that recipe being all CAP… a drop or two shouldn’t hurt the mix.
I’d say let it steep further… it should improve.
Problem is that I am not getting any hint of strawberry or sweetness at all
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That’s the same problem I had with it, but mine steeped for more than a month. For me, most strawberry concentrates are hard to taste. If it doesn’t improve over time, you can always tweak a small amount of it to your liking, then adjust the entire batch.
Good idea, ill se how it is after a month then prolly add if needed, but I really hope the strawberry notes comes out
@VapingKrakenVK , I would say almost definitely leave it 3 to 4 weeks, if I make anything custardy/milky/mothers milkish it takes a month to really shine, it’s just the nature of those flavours unfortunately, patience is key
the CWS recipe is decent enough for a UM clone. Better than any other I have tried. As to steep times, It usually does best at about a month. For more strawberry ooomph, try adding 2-3% Strawberry (Ripe) (TPA). Mixing TPA Ripe with CAP Sweet is an old trick. The 2 work very well together.
I agree with the above. It needs time to develope. Personally I won’t touch most custards until week 4 And most of mine won’t be good until 6 weeks. Which is sad having to wait 6 weeks. But it’s worth the wait.
For me custards always seem to hide the sweet fruity flavors. The one thing you might try on one bottle is to add 0.25 to 0.50% TFA Sour. It might help bring out the sweetness and the strawberry. CAP Sweet Strawberry can seem a little light to me in some mixes. I always try and add a little backup of some sort when using it.
Ive made around 600mls of that recipe. I usually let it sit 3 weeks and its good to go. The strawberry can be abit light depending on personal taste. What i done in my last 300ml was increase the sweet strawberry to 9%. Thats sitting in the cupboard now n its been just over a week, but i wont even touch it for another 2 so i know its all settled. Strawberrys can take a couple of week to come through when mixed with creams and custards, especially with that many mixed together in that recipe. Just let it sit for a few more week and come back to test it, thats the best advice to have, TIME. It works wonders
I’m vaping on that right now. The strawberry is a little week but still comes through and seems balanced with all the creams. I let this batch sit in my dark cabinet for 2 months before pull it out for use.
Put 4% Distilled Water and 1% Vodka in it, see if you can save it. Heat it a little bit to burn off the booze.
If all else fails start adding Capella Vanilla Custard V1, and a little Marshmallow to the mix until it’s vapable. That stuff can fix a lot
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that recipe is in my rotation it needs to steep for at least 2 weeks minimum i also add one drop of strawberry medicine flower per 10ml bc the sweet straw is too weak for me besides that the recipe is great i have to admit the graham cracker exhale i love that yum
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Honestly I never vaped anything custard related, so dont know what to expect, some people say that they taste strawberry on exhale which is the reason I made this. Maybe I will wait 3 weeks let it fully steep, and if I dont get much strawberry notes can I just add like an estimated 3-4 drops? then would I have to steep it again?
what other strawberry do you have ??? i get more strawberry and custard notes on the inhale and graham on the exhale
honestly i think your issue with this recipe is time