I was emailed the link by CASAA.
I’d encourage all to take the survey when they have the time. took about 15 minutes or so.
Just finished it. There’s a neat bit at the end where if you are interested you can sign up to be interviewed on Skype/Facetime and they’ll pay you $20 if you are selected for interview.
I got a second email saying that the site had been bogged down by responses and people were having problems taking the survey. They are working on it so if you get an error message try again later. If they send me a new link I’ post it.
Seemed to be working just fine when I filled it out. Tho I did not get any sort of email confirmation after submitting, so if there was an errrorrer there was no indication.
No this was a separate email letting me know if I had problems to try back min submitted fine as well.
Yeah, I got that same email around 1:30 CDT, and my submission was around 4-ish, so I hope they got it sorted and our surveys didn’t just go into the bit bucket.
Worked for me when I took it.
Just worked for me
That’s the best survey I’ve done so far. I really hope this help people understand vapers and vaping.
I looked this at survey. I vape a vaper device with no nicotine. Please help and tell me where I’m wrong.
I believe this survey is based on folks who vape e-cigs/vaper devices which contain nic. The way I read it, this survey is for only nic users who use “e-cigarettes”. To say it another way: “e-cigarettes” must contain nicotine. If you vape no nic, this survey is not for you.
“Note: For the rest of the survey, the term ‘e-cigarette’ should be taken to mean any nicotine vapor product.”
I saw bits where they had options for 0 nic in responses, so I think you can take it. Especially if you haven’t always used 0 nic. I think they want some results like that.
I did it. I had no problems for me either.
These surveys get used for a lot of things and not all of it is good. I’m not trying to be a negative Nancy here but I am by nature a big picture person. Altria knows their burning leaf product is going by the wayside so their next move will be to start buying up small vape oriented companies. They have the money to build a better mousetrap and their business model is sustainable addiction.
All this information could eventually get used to enhance the sales of a new breed of addict so I would rather not help anyone keep me addicted or get me addicted to a new additive they put in our vapor. We all need to be mindful of things like nano-tech and advances in addiction beyond what we can see right now.
Another reason to DIY!
It’s half the reason I’m buying all these drippers, wire and tools too. It was you guys that taught me I needed to “know” what was in this stuff.
Thanks for the input. I think I will pass. Survey writing has to be very exact. I believe this data is intended to promote vaping and a good way to get our message out. I’m just sorry that the text was not properly vetted in my opinion.
I don’t see it being negative at all in fact as I was filling it out I was say’n to myself I am going to be pissed if this is going to help out a tobacco company and not increase awareness in the vaping community. I agree not all things are for the greater good and circumvention is real. Here’s hoping on the positive side but since you brought it up i’ll admit to what I was thinking as well
One survey we were asked to fill out a couple of years ago was asking a lot of personal medical questions… and that’s when my radar went off. I’m really trying not to be negative but any time someone is trying to gather information that takes 15 minutes to fill out online? By today’s standards? There’s a lot going on there is all I’m saying.
They gather it for propaganda against us as well I get it. Like someone once said on here they never ever put they smoked not one time ever in their medical history , I thought well that’s pretty smart actually that way they can’t link it back to smoking but they will somehow try to make vaping a dirty word I hope not thou.
“There’s a lot going on there is all I’m saying.” Just like politics, choices between not so good and less not so good. I hoping my take on the survey is wrong. Life’s too short to be negative all the time.