USA United Squonkers of America

I have a solution to the over-squonking-long-pin leaking-out-the-AFC on the Tsunami 24mmā€¦
but fuk, I am old and canā€™t be trusted for shit.

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Hey Iā€™m all ears!

Simply pull the topcap off and watch while you squeeze the liquid up her bottom
It wonā€™t take long to remember how many hits you took til you need to squonk again
and how long to squonk each timeā€¦it will become a habit and wonā€™t leak anymore.
I do it all the time.
I make the same 30pg/70vg mixes, so if you change to other percentages, you will have to change your squonk habitā€¦
Hope that makes sense.

I have no intention of cutting my pin shorter.


Iā€™ve done that with the squonking on the tsunami too and it works beautifully until the ADD kicks in :grinning:. I usually mix at 20pg/80vg but have tried 30/70 as well and didnā€™t really notice a difference.

Gonna probably place an order next week with fat daddy for some bf pins so Iā€™ll definitely will need to bone up on shortening the pins here soon. Not sure what sizes will work so Iā€™m going to order both sizes.


I had a hcigar vt75 that I got for 1/2 price and had had nothing but weak battery issues even after update. So I decided to pull the board and Iā€™ve wanted a nice regulated squonk box so this is what I came up with. 1590G+ enclosure, brimstone dual 18650 v2 3d printed sled, brimstone dna200/75 bezel and varitube 22mm bottom feed connector. And for some reason the weak battery warning issue is no longer. For a time I hated the dna75s but now itā€™s just as good as the dna200 especially since I donā€™t normally go over 50watts.


Way cool good job :+1:


Well, I couldnā€™t find the thread where this charger was discussed, so I will begin here.
I know @LordVapor said his was stolen in that messā€¦

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The more I use my dna75 ,the more I wish I had one for squonking! Very impressed with what you have made , that looks to be perfect. Good looking job @MaineVapes1 and Thank You for sharing!


DNA 75 First look

Check it out @BoyHowdy

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Did you get the BF Pins from Fat Daddy ? How well did they work ?

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Yes I got them. Bought both sizes because I wasnā€™t sure which one would fit the NoPity. The 2.5mm BF pin from FDV works just fine in the NoPity. Loving this RDA. Great flavor and airflow and no leaking like the Tsunami when squonking plus since itā€™s a 22mm so it fits and looks better on the DB160.

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Way cool glad it worked out :+1:

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No Pity Clone

Does NOT come with BF Pin ā€¦ So get the 2.5 pin from Fat Daddy ā€¦ Post # 229

Did you cut down your Tsunami 24 BF Pin ?

Not yet. A buddy of mine is going to do that for me. Have a couple other RDAs that I want to use BF pins with so I need to figure out how much those need to be shortened before I give him all of the pins to cut down.


@Syntax_Vaper check out this thread :+1:

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Thanks bro! !!! :slight_smile:

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I just ordered the 24 Tsunami to try on the DB160.Does the bottom feeder pin need to be trimmed down?

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I think it would help if you tend to over Squonk there is no reason for it to be so long it just needs to be flush with the deck :+1:

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