Using "The Juice Calculator" recipe import function

Well my problem is not NOT noticing a bottle on the rack is running dry, and/or adding to the shopping list, but most times I have to buy in bulk to cut down on costs, at least for the heavy hitters, one off’s don’t need that level of purchasing. For my mixing style (and mega hoard) once a bottle does run dry on the rack, then it becomes a scramble to locate (if at all) the backup stash level(s). LESS flavors are easier to manage for sure.


If expound on the information @CosmicTruth provided and that I mentioned earlier in this thread you can make this calculator work flawlessly with ELR! They key is in building the template prior to importing!
The only thing that makes it difficult is the naming conventions used in ELR for Ingredients. When building your template you have to adjust those columns to match ELR’s naming conventions!
It took some time and effort and some frustration (Cussing) but I am running two instances of the calculator and both work perfectly!
I can import from any site on the web and not have any errors! I think it’s well worth the trouble to set up initially and then it takes care of itself with the auto back ups.
The inventory management of the calculator is the shit! I hate when I try and make a mix and pick up a bottle with a couple drops in it and then have to order because i forgot to add it to my to order list!
When you open the calculator, if you need to order anything a big ole box appears on the screen and tells you what is low!
I could go on and on but bottom line is this is a great resource for any DIY’er!


Tools → Options → Recipe Defaults tab
You’ll see Default Values For New Recipes. Just fill in your parameters. Hope that helps!


It’s an off-line calculator. If ELR or the internet itself became inaccessible for whatever reason this would be the go-to app. That’s why I started this thread…to have a way of accessing your ELR recipes off-line.





Its over my head, but I know it would be possible to write a macro for excel that would take the exported flavor stash from ELR, re-pagnate it, move cells into the Juice Calculator format, and save it to the juice calculator folder. It would be possible to do it in C++ as well, its too much of a project for me. It would be cool though to just click import from excel and find the pre created file.


OK I’m wondering if @daath would be interested in creating a new export function on the flavor list page, it would be like the CSV export but having the format used by the Juice Calculator:

It could actually be a text link hidden somewhere, but having the ability on ELR’s my flavor stash page would really help ELR users to backup their recipes.

I’m not sure what common elements are being stored on ELR but several of the fields could be filled it seems.


@TorturedZen TY Zen, Ill honestly try it again, cause XML is easy to work with.

But never would think to start there. Looks like its loaded w tons of powerful features, just not intuitive or practical to easily be slipped into how I work now as a replacement. It brought everything to a grinding halt when I tried figuring it out, after 30 minutes I uninstalled, so I could get back to the mad scientist work.

I usually have Browser, Excel, e-juicemeup and notepad++ open and switch between them.

Also the new Firefox doesn’t seem to even use Flash or will install it, so it renders the simple edit/copy functions on ELR unavailable for me.


Your right CT. Since I can export stash and now export recipes, for a back up local copy. I really only need ELR to do everything. :ghost:


I mean the light will go on at some point for everyone like it has for me. But you dont have to do very much recipe or flavor management on ELR. It does it for you. Its so simple to adopt the best recipes you like tweak them for your taste or favor replacements, save them as Private and then export them for a local back up, and your done and on your way. No switching back or forth to other apps or importing anything any more.


lol sorry last post then bk to home improvements.

If your running low on something add it to your shopping cart and there you go your next order list all ready for you. then delete it when order comes in, or leave it set up as a monthly order reminder.

And if your creative Im sure you could use theses fields for something other than what they are ment to be used for. Like a location or row or box number.

Bottle size: ml
Weight in grams per ml:


Does anyone know if the calculator automatically reduces your inventory or do you have to use the button? I found a click box to tell it to adjust inventory when a label is printed, but what if you don’t print labels from the app?
For some reason my help file does not want to load properly. So i couldn’t find a solution that way!


You click MAKE RECIPE when you’re done mixing a recipe. Inventory is adjusted automatically after clicking that button.


Well done @TorturedZen… Thx :+1:t2:


I’m glad you found it useful. I’ve utilized several juice calculators over the years and this one is still the best.


Thank you TONS!!


Wow! Thank you, TZ, for introducing this. It sounds amazing.


@TorturedZen is the man with the Juice Calculator.


You’re welcome. It’s a neat app, once you get familiar with all the options and get it dialed in.


Speaking of calculators…you’ll be hearing from me. Incoming PM.