USPS, FedEx, DHL & UPS (!) Vape Mail Ban, incoming late March/ April 2021: Discussion, Updates, Info, Venting, Emotional Support

The other issue will be that with EVERYONE stocking up, getting a ab online store that’s not sold out of base will be more and more difficult.

Like how everyone went batshit crazy over buying-up toilet paper when COVID first became a thing, same* will be happening with nicotine :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Imma email the sites I order from here in Australia to ask them if they’ve got any new info on how it’ll go for us…


it won’t be long before the CC compamies jump on the bandwagon. sure, the vendors could change their name. but it won’t be long before someone narc’s them out. mailing payment a last option ?



i know that you know that they don’t give a rats ass about anyone but themselves. buy our packs or disposables and piss off is what they think.


I just got this reply from Lazarus Naturals which sells CBD products.

While we havent heard anything for sure yet, our bulk isolate and cycling frog isolates are in powder form, which classifies them under a vape product. Again, we haven’t gotten any offical word yet, but those would be the only products that may be affected.


After being threatened with vapeageddon for the last 5-6 years, this all seems very surreal, but indeed it appears to be real. For those of you that are thinking that nicotine will somehow be exempt, I would forget about that…they are specifically doing this to stop residential shipments of nicotine. I haven’t been in a vape shop in ages but I somehow doubt they will carry liters of 100mg/ml, if they carry nicotine base at all. Unfortunately for those that vape CBD and THC products, the transport regulations are going to cripple those deliveries too.


@HVPGH so you’re going to get a rebuildable ??

If you’re concerned, and you probably should be, let’s get you hooked up with some of the “going to be harder to get” stuff now, and others later …


I’m personally looking to stock up on some single coil rta/gta’s


Yeah, brick-n-morter vape shops profit more from vape juice then anything else. I don’t see much sense financially for them to introduce and cater to us DIY’ers.

I agree that nicotine is not going to majically escape the pro-tobacco political movement.


@Jmars & @SessionDrummer thank you guys for the UPS link! I had posted it above but I incorrectly posted it as a clickable text link which def got buried in the chaos :yum:

@robin @natbone & any others reaching out to companies, please come back to update here!! it would be greatly appreciated! I’m awaiting emails from Nude Nicotine regarding their plan & whether or not I would be able to do in-person pickups (I live ~25min from them). I have no problem picking things up & not shipping them out :upside_down_face: I’ve also emailed Heartland Vapes about it as I was JUST talking to them about this issue in mid-Jan & they expressed relief that they use UPS, so I’m very curious if that’s changed for them with the new announcements.

Huge bummer that CBD is going to be included as ofc I’m just trying to get into DIYing it, ugggh.

@muth such a bummer about Sourcemore!! I’m going to complete my order from them with the new method, appreciate the update :grinning:

hopefully @Nicotine_River can pop in here with some updates! worst comes to worst I only live a few hours drive from their warehouse too


Wow, you seem to be in reasonable distance to some important resources. You could start your own underground postal system and ship out to restricted areas. Screw these SOBs. I feel violated!


Being in driving range to a supplier is good, but they aren’t going to be able to rely on people like you to stay afloat. The restrictions are going to wipe out many if not all vendors who depend on retail online sales.


@Nicotine_River did reply to my post, it’s on their vendor tread


Matt from SMM has recently posted a live about the pending ban. My first takeaway was the fact that vape products now fall under PACT Act, which is probably why other logistics companies (UPS and Fedex) have followed suit. The complexities of the bill have probably relegated shipping of products into the too hard basket for them.


@muth, right that’s what I’m saying!! I have no problem doing a bit of extra footwork in order to help out some other DIYers, but as @HVPGH mentioned, this is going to cause a pretty big blow to the nic suppliers regardless. I was hoping that the nic suppliers would be able to stay in business as many of them supply nic, flavors, CBD etc to industry giants as well as DIYers, but considering how damning these new regulations are going to be for both CBD, nic & juice makers, I can imagine some businesses will be closing. Hoping & praying some options (or loopholes) to come to light soon!

Either way, we will have options, they just won’t be as affordable or desirable as our choices now. Never give up, NEVER SURRENDER!

@KiwiPete thanks for the video, I’m about to check it out now!


Thanks @KiwiPete, going to watch this over dinner …


VERY agreed …


:+1: That’s the spirit!


i know how vape shops, and rich vapers can get vape stuff delivered.

trucking companies. your pallet of vape shit is here :joy: :+1: :facepunch:


Went into a vape shop the other day to shoot the shit. The guy, mid-30s, didn’t know about the ban. After I explained it to him he immediately suggested that people will start businesses delivering stuff.

People will always try to fill the needs of the market. Even in the communist countries black markets existed.

My God, what the fuck happened to this country while I was away!!!