Uwell Stock SS coils

I would try the soaking one in PGA mentioned above and allowing it to air dry completely before using. You may find as already mentioned that it is some sort of residual fluid in the cotton causing the problem. It could also be something left behind used in making the wire that has had time to soak into the cotton. Back when I used tanks with screw in coils I would clean the used coils this way and use them a second time as most of the juice I vape gunk’s a coil rather quick. Personally I would rather do this than suck down 2 to 3 tanks of who knows what.

I also would start with a email directly to Uwell if there are others running into the same or similar issue it seems they would do something to protect there reputation.

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I don’t mind doing all that if I have to, I just never had to and would rather not go through all that.
If I had all that time to devote to stock coils, I might as well just build!

I am sending them an email for sure, I’ve been a proud customer for over half a year and now I’m ready to rip someone’s head off!!

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I do know the feeling and sympathize with you, one expects to receive what they paid for in good usable condition.

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Most of all the regulars know why I don’t currently make my own but so you know it all comes down to time. I’m a chef in Siesta Key Florida and I am in the middle of season and work 120+ hours a week. Some nights I don’t even go home and just work through the night! So you can see where finding time to sit and do all that is ZERO. I can’t even make juice this time a year and normally make 100s of bottles on off season to get me through season.

It’s a shame because I now have 10 packs of these nasty coils!! Coming off of 6 months of great coils into this, is what makes it so aggravating! I will post Uwell’s reply, IF I get one…



I fully understand and sort of already knew that just got a chuckle out of you mentioning building

I truly hope you find a solution soon I just can not imagine vaping that bad taste thru 2 to 3 tankful’s.

Back when I was working for a living I would not have had time for it either. Traveled out of town a lot and worked mega long hours like yourself.

I truly feel for you having to deal with yucky taste.

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Ok, I just sent them a very lengthy email…praising them in the first half and then crucifying them in the last half :smile:

I’m not looking for any free stuff (would be nice though) just looking for an explanation. It is obvious that they changed something in their manufacturing and I hope it isn’t permanent!

I don’t want to say that I am the expert on crown tanks but I will say that I am a expert on them. These are the only tanks I use now and have been for a while…so they can’t tell me nothing has changed!

The real kicker was when I’m sitting here in my lab staring at dozens of new crap coils, just to have my son knock on the door with the mail and 4 more packs!! LOL normally this would be great to be this set up!!

Thanks @wvsanta! I appreciate your help and suggestions! I want to not work for a living!!! haha where do I sign up?? :wink:

I am now into my 3rd full tank and the nasty has subsided… a little…but still not enough to taste my damn juice!!!

At this rate, by the time I get this nasty taste out, my coil will be fried!!

Broken back in 2007 did me in, already had bad hips, knees and ankles form being on heavy equipment all my life just now getting back to being able to do physical stuff again. It has been a long hard road to getting back active

I have been getting the same taste from the stock coils, I also get that taste from the Herakles stock coils, I think I mentioned the odd taste back in mid September as tasting like “starch” as if when making the coils they had starched the cotton and ironed it :frowning:

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Damn brother…I can’t in good conscious, “like” that comment :frowning:

That I will not sign up for!! Broken back?? Damn you got lucky with that one! I’m sure I don’t need to tell you this but that could of went in a very different direction for sure!!

I am really sorry to hear of your misfortune man…but I am happy to hear you are bouncing back! (pun not intended)

I can only imagine the road to recovery and I’m sure it was a struggle! Personally I haven’t had an issue with my back like that. My wife on the other hand isn’t in a good spot either. She was diagnosed with DDS about 5 years ago and it is not pretty at all! DDS - degenerative disk syndrome, is a nasty condition and her progression is that of an 80 year old and she is only 36! Basically her spine is crumbling away to nothing and all the cartilage between her discs are gone. EXTREMELY painful and I cry for her so much watching her suffer…and there is no cure.

She has gone through so many surgeries and experimental surgeries that she can’t even stand the look of a hospital. Some of these “experimental” surgeries were so medieval they shouldn’t be legal!!

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Have you always had this taste Tut? When did you buy your crown/coils? I only ask because this is a new issue from where I stand and it has only been with the coils I have purchased within the last 4 weeks or so

When I first purchased the Crown I don’t think I noticed it, but in September I did notice it in the stock coils of the Herakles. The last 2 sets of “stock” coils I’ve gotten for the Crown has the same taste as the ones for the Herakles though. One set of coils I purchased here in Misery (Missouri) about a month ago and the other set of coils I purchased while working in Ok City week before last. I’m switch hitting between both tanks right now, a couple puffs on one than a few puffs on the other, both sadly have that same pressed starch taste to them.

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If it is the same taste that I am getting, then I’m positive you would of remembered it when you first bought the crown! This leads me to believe that it was a huge batch of recent coils or that they changed something…

I’m not familiar with the Herakles tank though…that’s not uwell coils is it?

I guess thios taste is so strong you can smell it in the vapor. My wife just walked past and said “eww, that juice smells like burnt popcorn”


Yes I got my new coils but I’m using the .5 that came with the new tank. As soon as I use a new coil I’ll let you know, the .5 in the tank taste good like it should. All my new ones are also .5’s may not help you much, they may not taste the same as the .25"s :worried:

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The coils are not the same but they look very similar, vertical build with the hard exterior wall of cotton around the coil, which led me to believe it was starched.

BTW the Herakles coil on the left is new also. The cotton is recessed lower than the lip of the atty and has a wire mesh on top to prevent spitting. About the only difference in the coils.

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Darth I just put one in for ya. It tasted funny for about 3 or 4 pulls and now it seems fine, but I’m vaping a new york cheese cake so that maybe masking the bad.

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Thanks @Cloyce! I wouldn’t think there would be a difference between the .25 and the .50s but I don’t know, because the .50 coils I have are from my original tank purchases.

Well now this is very strange…it only tasted funny for the first few pulls but it cleared up…hmm… The cheesecake shouldn’t matter because I tried a heavy cream juice and I also tried a heavy citrus juice. I couldn’t taste either of them!?!
If it tasted like what I am tasting you would of immediately noticed and thought maybe your nicotine had spoiled…it’s that bad!

If you don’t mind me asking, where did you buy your coils from? If your .25 coils are fine then they are either an older batch or a newer batch than what I have, which would be good news if they are new and proves they shoveled out a bunch of bad ones…

I have yet to open and try these new packs I got today but hopefully they are back to what they used to be…

Thanks a lot @Cloyce for taking the time and trying one for me, I appreciate it!!

My new coils are all .5’s and I got them from Lightning Vapes 2 days ago.
And your Welcome no trouble at all!

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Just for kicks, what happens if you put a fresh coil in the base and stick it on an ohm meter? Are they true to what your mod reads, or do you lock in the ohms on your mod?

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No ohm meter currently BUT it reads the same on all my mods?