Uwell Stock SS coils

i just posted below that most seem to use the 0.25 coils and I seem to hear the most complaints from them but I too use the 0.15 Ni200 and i am a custard vaper, which gunks up coils by the second tank when rebuilding, so i rewick every 2nd day but these Ni200 0.15 coils, I am on my 4th one (have 2 tanks) and each one lasts at least 6 weeks. I have no understanding of why they are lasting that long…Like the energizer bunny…fantastic and if all coils were as good as this 0.15 is for me, I would stop rebuilding tomorrow.
If one coil lasts 6 weeks and 4 are in a box, that means i get, roughly 24 weeks from a $9.35 investment.
Unheard of in my vaping career, for pre-made coils.

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yeah i still am on the first coil i put in and its been nearly 2 weeks i’m super impressed with the ni coils still haven’t tried the ss ones because i haven’t needed too :grinning:

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I’ve gotten very lazy about new flavor change over. Just run it til TC won’t let me go any more, then put a couple ml of unflavored and run it til it stops again. Usually clears it out well enough to put a new flavor in so far.

So lame! :grin:

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Hmm i might have to try that it never occurred to me to do that. Im loving the easy option.

I’m wondering if anyone has a great place to buy the .25 coils for less than $7.99?

I can’t remember who it was, maybe @Big_Benny_MI, that said he gets crown coils for less than ecig’s price. I am in no desperate need at the moment but unless I am in front of my computer constantly hitting refresh, they go OOS in an instant.

Sometimes I get them through ecig for 5.99 but mostly 7.99. If anyone can suggest a better price elsewhere, please let me know!

Off season is right around the bend, so I will be able to build on another tank but for now, the crown with the .25s is a perfect fit!

Also, in reference to this thread’s topic, I haven’t had any issues since :wink:

Mine wasn’t cheaper. It just wasn’t worth it to me to go through ecig and pay shipping for just two packs of coils. I get them from Vape Royalty when I’m ordering other things. They’re 8.99 at the moment but frequently run $7.99 (and no 2 pack limit) when they have specials on the Crown tank at $19.95. I’ve bought several tanks for coworkers and just bundle the coils at the same time.

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Hey @Big_Benny_MI, I forgot to tell you that ecig.com removed the 2 pack minimum a while back. I am not sure if you still buy the .25 coils or not but from 5.99-7.99 ea, with unlimited packs, it’s the best I have found yet :wink:

FYI they are currently $7.99 but I can let you know when they do their $5.99 sale


Sweet and yes, I do still buy them. Just wasn’t worth it with the cap plus shipping.

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Oh for sure. I was using a free shipping coupon for a while (expired now) and then bundling other things.
Fortunately I was able to buy a dozen packs @ 5.99 a while back (before the limit) and I was set for a while (still am hehe)

If you do order, there’s a 10% off code


Been using the 1.2 ohm coils for a several months now, but a few months back ordered a pack of 0.25 ohm coils from Fastech with them. (They had an authentication code to check at myuwell as well).

Somethings changed with the 0.25 ohm coils I have had to switch back to the 1.2 ohms. The 0.25ohms have a metallic taste for want of a better description it feels like you have a leaky tooth filling when using them. Make the vape taste metallic and all in all an unpleasant experienece. Gone back to using the 1.2 and is all fine again.

Try breaking in the coils in power mode by slowly increasing the wattage used. Here’s what I do: start at 25w for about 5 short pulls, then 30w for 5 more pulls, 35w for a few more, up to my desired wattage of 50-55w. You won’t get much vape at all at the lower wattages but it really helps to break in the coil. After that, no more weird taste!

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