Vape Mail! 2015-2016

No worries man! Still a great price! Would of been an amazingly good price with 3 batts but still the best deal I’ve seen!

Sigh, I am weak. I must now go stand on the corner and sell myself to cover that… (jk)

Happy vaping! :cloud: :cloud: :cloud: :cloud:

ummmm OK. I’ll try that one. If you don’t see me in a week or so, send flowers.


Has anyone seen a good deal on PG/VG? Essential depot seems pretty good. 2 gallons for about $40


Waiting on an evic vtc mini, samsung 25r batteries, Nitecore i4charger, sleeves, ceramic tweezers, drip tips and of course my Koopor plus and tfv4 mini. Let the postal service stalking begin!


So far i have stuck with the fruits and you know me there are also massive amounts of custards/creams involved so mega curing time.

Did i mention that i keep mine in the fridge? I dont know if it is necessary but no preservatives and natural extracts just seems like they should be in there.


My Evic VTC’s and Goblin Mini’s left China yesterday, im pretty excited.


Vape Mail… going the wrong direction. I had to send my BRAND NEW Sigelei 75W TC to Asmodus for warranty replacement. All of the sudden it started to read resistance incorrectly. It didn’t change the way it operated, just shows dead on double the actual coil resistance. Weird. :frowning:


Well thay sucks. But it’s going to happen. Im sure they will just send you a new one back.

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I didn’t get anything in the mail today. But i do have a crown, the crown rba deck and the billow v2 that will be here Friday. Plus i got 18 more flovors coming from Capella :slight_smile:


Yea, kinda sux. It says on their warranty web site that is exactly what they do. It is a device swap. Costs $8 in return shipping and some paperwork.

Yeah well at leat they will change it out. I just hope you don’t get the same problem. And if that seems to he there main problem. Why don’t they fix it. That i don’t get. Just keep giving out that stuff. Good luck

I know there have been some issues. But later firmware updates where supposed to correct them. From what I understand, this is a chip of their own design. Maybe they should have stuck to a Yihi…

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I’m billowing …always late to the game .


So Sapor RDA was recommended to me by several on reddit. Dafuq is with the airflow being at the top of the cap and not centered on the coils? I was going to order one as i havent had a new RDA in almost a year but i cant see myself spending even $13 for a clone on something that doesnt seem logical in my THC addled brain.

Anyone have one of these and is willing to explain what the deal is?

EDIT: I found some clearer pictures and see that it is channeled down from the top directly on top of the coil. Still not sure if i am interested in this. What are your thoughts?

Lloks like my billow v2 will be here today. Yeah. But i ordered from calpella 2 days ago. And they still havent got my order sent out. Talk about slow lol.


11 weeks later…


Well this came in 2 days early, got a deul 26g 8 wrap on 2.5 mm. At 0.25ohms. This thing hits really good. No dry hits at all no matter how long i draw on it. And as far as leaking. Not one little drip. Dry as a bone. I give this a 7 out of 10

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7 out of 10? What did you knock points for? Flavor? Just curious.

The deck had screws in it that i couldn’t hardly even see. They had no heads on them at all. That made it a 7 to me. Im going to put better screws in. Other then that it is a awesome tank.

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