Vape Mail! 2015-2016

Honestly have not sold any 50w Isticks yet but I can say I have never had not even one 20w Istick come back with defects. NOT ONE…

Most people like the subtank mini for flavor using the .5 ohm coils, however there are complains about that rebuildable deck. It’s quite hard to wick correctly sooooooo, dry hits are common. Hard to build period since it is so small…

You do realize the Dovpo 50w mini will go to .2 ohms. You can still drip…

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Yep, that was one of the big sell points for me since i vape down around .3ohms. Just in case i didnt like the tank but love the device. Ordered a couple new Plume Veil v1.5 Tobeco clones just for the Dovpo.

Have to say my parents love their istick 20w’s. I got them 2 each and they havent had many issues. One of the randomly fails to read an atty which is fixed by taking off the atty and putting it back on. Great little devices. You know how reddit is, if one fails they all fail… Some d00d posted a picture of a burned and gutted basement, today, claiming that it was a Smok M80 that did it. Now everyone is terrified theirs will do the same.

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You say this d00d works for the FDA lol. Guess he just forgot how to drop and roll lol…

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Play time!


The KURO coiler is good little tool.

Make sure you do some practice runs with it.

It took me a couple of coil builds to really get the hang of it but once I did I was churning out perfect coils in no time at all.

With the end attachments make sure you remove one of the 2 hex screws completely and unscrew slightly one of them as a wire track to keep your wire tight within the gap between screw head and end cap. This way the second hex screw doesn’t catch your wire while your winding.



Thanks @Jondamon. I was afraid this thing only made Celtic knots. Once you get the hang of it, it is pretty slick.

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I do find it easier though wrapping parallels without the end cap being used as I can make sure they don’t twist etc but I still use the stock base and rods while wrapping as it gives me a good anchor point.

It also works with claptons and twisted wire etc just a bit awkward with parallels which is why I still hand wrap those.


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That is nice. So very very nice.

Defender and all the colors. The pic still does not do the carbon fiber unit justice…

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Everything arrived today, juice from BleuX, that i won, my Dovpo, Subtank mini and new batts. Looks like ill need to do some tinkering with the Subtank, dry hits a plenty even at 25w with the .5ohm coils. The box itself is awesome tho. Absolutely love it. Thought the 10 minute auto shutoff might be annoying but its no different than an unlocking ring.

The Subtank is nice but even after priming and letting it sit i still get dry hits if i go above 20w. Ill have to sit doen an build my own coils for it. I didnt really have a lot of hope for the stock coils.

BleuX sent me some great juice, Melonlyptus is everything i hoped it would be, the others will need some curing time.

Happy vape day!

EDIT TO ADD: 6 days transit time from China to Wisconsin. That breaks my previous record of 8 days. China aint messin around!


Now Ken, you have no time to play any more. Your new toys must sit in their box while you take care of your new business venture…lol

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Hehe, there is ALWAYS time for play!

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Won a contest earlier in the week and these are my spoils …amazing juice so far


That may simply be because of the sheer number of iStick 50W’s out there. Also I read that there could have been problems with pre-march production runs of iStick 50W…

I have one, and I like it :smile:

Those new devices look great though!


I believe i read that too. My folks love the 20w isticks, nice and small with enough power for the majority. I damn near started myself on fire @ 50w on this Dovpo, lost a little facial hair.

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I’ve never had one issue with mine …not one . The 50 watt is a great unit I think .


Man the presentation is beautiful! Nice win! I won some BleuX Vapor juice, freakin fantastic so far. Cheers to free stuff!