Vape Mail! 2015-2016

I’m jealous … I want two of them … lol


Don’t get your panties in a bunch drip. I don’t think I elaborated enough which made my statement unclear. I was not saying you as the buyer would be a fool to expect what you pay for. What I was trying to say was the seller would be a fool to guarantee ship times and in turn refund shipping costs. As I said, once in the hands of the delivery company, they have no control…

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I actually thought you were calling me a fool. I do understand once it’s in the mail is all vendor can do. Most get items out the door pretty fast.


Yes, I realized that and I am sorry it came across as such. Sometimes we need to be long winded so we can at least say what we have to say clearly…


As some of you may be aware I come home every day for lunch.

I can’t believe how excited I get to see if any vape Mail has arrived.

New wire whoop whoop.
20m of NiCr8020 29g, 10m of NiCr8020 24g, 25m .5mm ribbon kanthal, 25m .8mm ribbon kanthal and some more free 32g kanthal. I’ve got 40m of free 32g kanthal already along with 25m of kanthal I ordered 2x ago lol. I’m not running out of 32 for a while lol.


I was a little vague also… I meant the P.O. should refund their fee for not sticking to their commitment. I need to include more detail in my post. Sorry for the mix up. :confused:


I’ll be watching the mailbox today. Expecting 3 deliveries.


Hey guys/gals. Last night I placed an order for 5 of these…

The Cool Fire IV by Innokin

It is a 2000 Mah Subohm capable Box mod

40 watts
low resistance of .2 ohms
pass-through functionality
Spring loaded 510 connector

If they ship today I just may have them friday to offer to customers this weekend. I have my fingers crossed. These are very nice mods which I have already held one in my hand. Looking forward to getting them…


The Mail ran 2hrs early today. They must have know I was waiting.
2 Velocity RDAs from FT in only 2 weeks this time, 3x15ml INW Biscuit and @Ken_O_Where’s Fave Vanilla Custard Cap 4oz.


Those Velocity RDA are extremely cool. Love the way you build on them!!!


I wish they made more with the 2 post design. Looks like some crazy airflow too.


MMmmMM! and MMmmMM some more! Did that VC V1 come from CHV? BTW they implemented a wishlist on their site, works perfectly.

Ive got deliveries coming for the rest of the week through Saturday, bottles, nic, 4 gallons VG and labels. @JoJo helped me find a great price on those Cobalt Blue child proof bottles (30ml) and 40z CBlue bottles that i was looking for, 40 pounds of bottles, hehe.

Looking forward to seeing how the hell you build on a RDA like that.


I got the VC from ECX. It crazy that ECX sells it cheaper than Capella website.

You can build whatever you want on these RDAs. They are not restricted at all.

I’ve had this wire ready waiting for these RDAs to arrive. I’ll be Cloud/Flavor chasing later today.
My sidekick @Jondamon aka CMJ put me on some new wire.

I’ve been on tank and TC for a while but I’m dripping tonight.


$13 in the original bottle… WTF! I have always purchased it from Capella, never again… I probably wont need any for awhile as i have 6 4oz bottles but next time i wont bet getting it from them.


Sounds like you don’t comparison shop. @quitter1 showed me there is always a better deal.


I always did so because i assumed other companies re-bottled and most i have seen do so. I wanted to ensure i was getting the best and freshest product but now i see i was a fool!

Small nic delivery, decided that i would not use the nic that i have on hand to send out liquids to other people. Love the way CTX packages.


BCV has it for 12.99 (a penny cheaper lol) but I have no idea if it’s in the original bottle. Heartland Vapes sells 4oz Capella’s for 12.49 but they don’t look like they carry the v1. :confused: Heartland has good prices for bulk, but I think not as great a selection as ECX or BCV.


For 4oz of Capv1 here in the UK

(Prepare to be floored!!!)

£22.50. About $30.

That is kind of confusing. What strength is that? 0.1mg/ml? Or do they just write 100mg/ml like that?


It is the easiest RDA to build on the market at this time. In my opinion of course…

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