Vape Mail 2016!

Here’s their FB -

You can message them on there, and order that way or ask any questions. Sound guy Anthony is.


Sweet. Thank you brother. :ok_hand:

That was my least favorite coil. If you get a chance sometime try one of the x4 coils. The T8 which is the other one in the kit isn’t bad either though.

The 0.4 is ok, I find it a bit weak, coming from RTA coils I build. I just tried it because it was pre-installed. The other coil does look a lot more interesting. It looks to have quad coils? How many types are there? I’m not sure if I’ll keep the tank or sell it on, if I was to do that I’ll not use the other coil. makes it more appealing for a buyer if you have a new coil :wink: OR I may get the RBA for it.

The other is an octuple coil. The x4 coils I use are a double barrel quad configuration. Personal opinion is try the other one. This is quickly becoming one of my favorite tanks I own. I putt on par and maybe better than my Clietos. I haven’t bought the RBA but I can only imagine it being even better once I do.

I might do. I’ve found all types of coils for it on a local site, they have the RBA also. Have you ever tried the Brit beast version? I hear it’s the same as the baby beast pretty much, but shorter and wider [24mm]?

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I got a MF order today with a couple samples. Very fast shipping…


It’s officially Pumpkin Spice time! Here’s breakfast… Pumpkin Spice Panettone French Toast with homemade Pumpkin Butter (wrong forum?)

WoW! I ordered Monday AM from BullCityVapor and received today at lunch! That’s just over 48 hours …can’t beat that! Well it didn’t have to travel too far… Thx for the bump to Priority USPS BCV peeps!

Was sure I would have to wait for the weekend or even Monday to whip up some Pumpkin Spice juice. Also got the new Flavorah “Sweet Dough” and “Pound Cake” …bottles to put all that juice in, and some testers. You know …I’m already short a flavor or two, but here’s a closer shot to see all the ones I’m filling in …pushing 200 flavors


Wow, got any photos of BoDarc Laboratories Inc? :stuck_out_tongue:


:wink: workin’ on it Mate

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Interesting note about that picture (and ty for sharing it BTW)…
I notice they’re all virtually the same color. Although being very different flavors.

Is it the flash shining through and lighting up the contents (liquid line) in a dark bottle? Or are they actually clear bottles, and the liquids are all dark"-ish"?

if they are actually clear… Then they have to have quite an interesting extraction process. Other possible explanations also spring to mind, but I’ll nip myself in the bud so you can answer the above paragraph. Lol

what pisses me off is that he gets all the original labels…that really annoys me haha…
why don’t they do that over here???

looks so much better…I know its petty…but it just does my head in lol :frowning2:

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Holy hauls Batman!

Early :christmas_tree:?

Whatever the reason… SCORE! =D

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Lol. Sometimes it bugs me too (depends on how the labels are done).

But it’s always an indicator of whether they’re repackaging a bulk order (think gallon or larger) or simply ordering a buttload of the more expensive pre-packaged smaller bottles from each OEM. :wink:

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Yup. They are the original bottles. It costs more though.

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Glad you enjoy it! Nice simple creamy, rich, and smooth vape. :smiley:


These are amber bottles. Pretty much all the MF fruits I’ve used are crystal clear and will stay that way all through the steep period.


Much appreciated!

(well, glad I nipped it! Lol)


It’s not really anything like the Baby Beast imo. It’s top airflow and you remove the top for filling rather than the easy flip hinge. Also really don’t like the looks of the drip tip. Much prefer the one on the Baby Beast. The Brit reminds me more of the Helmet series tanks.

The one I really want isn’t available yet, but takes the Baby Beast and bumps it up to 5 ml in a 24.5 mm short tank that still uses the same Baby Beast Coils.

If it vapes like the Baby it’ll be my perfect tank.