Vape Mail 2016!

Oh, I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on them and see some killer recipes! I am still waiting on mine to show up.

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Thanks @daath for the link my friend , recieved it this afternoon. Happy vaper :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::dash::dash::dash:


Looking forward to your reviews also. And like @LordVapor, I’m sittin on my hands waiting for my own little order of Inawera too!

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Did they send you a tracking number?

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Don’t hold your breath :stuck_out_tongue: hehe I’ll get to use them eventually, I think - but when… :smiley: I’m looking forward to trying them though! :smiley:

More vape mail!


Nope. I ordered from overseas. From

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Yeah, me too.


you’re gonna love that Griffin!!! it’s like a crius with improvements…


I’ve been looking at that one.
I got 9 rtas and 9 rdas. Always looking for the better tank lol.

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Thank you for this tank, Ray! @ringling

We have such awesome peoples here. I’m overwhelmed with the generosity of all of you good folk…


I can definitely see the love for you on here. The world still has good people in it.


It sure seems like they all ended up here on ELR :+1: LOL so nice to see this happen


I ordered these in early November…


Better late than never, I guess! :pensive:

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Sad pandas…my goblin mini is defective. First time I’ve gotten something from Fasttech that was bad. :frowning: I was really excited about this too! Next one I order will be authentic. Technically I can still use it since it came with two tank pieces and two drip tips (for that matter I have several spare silicone ones that will work just fine). I wanted the green though! Think the gouge in the metal will cause any serious problems? I haven’t washed it or anything in case FT wants me to send it back. Oh well, everything else in the order was fine. :slightly_smiling:

Gearbest order?

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That sucks Jo. Hopefully they’ll tell you to keep it and send you another. Don’t think that gouge would affect much, but not sure.

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Yeah I hope so too. I doubt they’ll want me to send back a $10 clone, but you never know. :wink: I’ll just play with my velocity until I figure out what they’re gonna do.


Sorry to see that @JoJo don’t think the gouge will affect it though. :weary:


Frig! 2 orders being held by customs- you pay now!!! On plus side between 3 orders coming this week over 100 new flavors from MF FA INW NWF and FLV so I will pay whatever the hell I have to I guess. Bull shit though as FOOD flavor is tax excempt