Vape Mail 2016!

as long as you didn’t copy over the zip files you should be able to revert back to the older versions…

Get ready to enjoy easy! I know sometimes that’s a hard concept to come to grips with concerning some RBTA’s, but this one foots the bill. :grinning:

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i received an order from NicotineRiver a coupla days ago…in this order, 4 bottles of flavor, i received one wrong item: coconut instead of cantaloupe. i told Grant about it. he apologized and said he would overnight the wrong item…i told him that would be expensive and that i would gladly accept a bottle of strawberry(ripe) INSTEAD of the overnight parcel…he sent me the correct item AND the strawberry(ripe)…OVERNIGHT! this guy is not fuckin around! he aims to please!
good job @Nicotine_River!!!

EDIT: and told me to keep the coconut, of course


was that you that was bragging about the Noisy Cricket mod?

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Could have been??? I’ve been meaning to post a review of the Noisy Cricket, but just haven’t gotten around to it! :pensive: I’ve been doing this too much lately:


gotta question for ya:
do you use it for dripping or tanks?
what i’m leading up to is: can tanks handle the power of this kind of mod?

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Not a problem, have a great day my friend!


Been vapeing this most of the day. Got a 22g ti 3.5mm ID comming in at 0.08ohm,

vaping at 75w 480f, this things awsome. The volume of vape you actually get for it is unreal.
It’s basically an over engineered OBS CRIVS.
Might just order another :wink:

Very happy vaper :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::dash::dash::dash:


Stick to drippers with the Noisy Cricket! Ya gotta keep the juice flowing to the cotton with this mod or its bad news! I’ll see if I can get off my lazy behind and post a review on this mod soon. :wink:


Just received beautiful drip tips today! Thank you, @bradslinux


Took a bit but finally got one of the two I ordered. Now if I can just figure out the wicking :slight_smile:

Note to self - when deciding you don’t want to use the little ring on the deck, disable the fire button while taking it off. Because if you accidentally hit fire it will heat your big ass coils and burn your finger.


Looks sweet :ok_hand: And ouch! :face_with_head_bandage:

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You should be able to roll back to 1.08. The firmware is in the .zip file you downloaded. I would look at all possible causes first. Loose screw on the deck, coil too close to the chimney etc… Just a thought.


now for the update and off I go!!!


Today…oh baby today!!!

LOTS of goodies in the mail for me today!! 2 new rafale tanks, crown special edition, a few wismecs, a dozen batteries, surprisingly nice Uwell T-shirt and they even threw in a nice work mat, that will come in handy indeed!

Plus a bunch of other stuff and accessories not worth mentioning


Grats, Darth!! Reviews on that Rafale tank in the other thread when you get time please.


Well we know who makes all the money here lol. Congrats. They haven’t even shipped my rafale yet


It isn’t really an in-depth review but it has pictures! haha

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This is too cool. I have never been so happily surprised when I opened ANY package! EVER! One Stop DIY is an amazing retailer in my book.

I know it’s just something simple. And quite silly of me to get excited over. But look what they sent me along with the two 4oz bottles of flavoring…

That’s right. I would have been happy as a clam seeing the gloves. It’s just such a nice thoughtful addition. But they also tossed in two pipettes, and a freakin’ Snickers and a Crunch bar! I can’t get over it. I am sitting here with this big ole’ grin on my face typing this. How thoughtful! Best retailer ever in my book.


Hey thats very cool. Your right its just so simple. I would eatting me some candy while i was diy’ing lol. And you will go back. I need to check them out. Lol i guess i need to ask. Who was they ?and so they ship to the us ?

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