Just got a really nice care package from @GPC2012. 5 coil cartridges for my beloved Penguin pocket-pal and five bottles of his hand crafted juice. Whatta guy!
Grumpy old farts have the best stories though.
As long as they can remember them…
that why they are grumpy! they cant do the fun stuff any more!
Check out some of these builders
Is it the Black model?
yes it is thank you lol so no box they always just send a little bag ??
B stands for Black
Yeah 528 think that since they believe they are high end a simple bag means they are just that. My opinion is that it is kinda cheap and a bag doesn’t protect the RDA at all during shipping.
That makes it extra special, kinda like Crown Royal! (Pardon me while I go dry heave at memories of drunken revelries…)
Yeah, Mine came just in a bag as well. Kinda cheap if you ask me. Mine is Brass but doesn’t have any letters on it.
My wife keeps asking what I want for my B day next month, I just have too many flavors that I haven’t tried (but already own) to want more (of course the next vendor that has a sale will still get some of my funds… lol) thats a nice looking mod @JamsGrumpyGills how does it feel in the hands?
That’s huuuge (looking)!!
What’s it take? 6 batteries? Or one Flux capacitor!
I figured. I was just joking about the camera angle.
I guess I should have went with my original thought of “it’s half the size of a chair back!!” But then I wouldn’t have been able to work in the Flux capacitor…