I finally found some time (and an atty that needed a coil change) to mount up those big staples. They ended up ohming out to exactly 0.1 on the money. Next time I’ll use a little less ribbon and it will be perfect for a tube or parallel mech. For now it’ll sit on the G2…just to be safe
Check out the stock coils that come with the Serpent SMM! I was shocked whe I realized they were quad core claptons. I’m not 100% on the wire type (and it shouldn’t be a secret) but I think its ni80. The wrap wire is thin gauge too, maybe 38 or 40g? Usually factory made coils use 34 or 36. I cleaned them really good with soap and toothbrush like I always do and then started slowly heating them to see if I got any color. I couldn’t see any chage until I got it red hot. Thats when it turned to gold and finally to a bluish purple. I strummed them with ceramic tweezers to get an even glow and the color scraped off! I’ve never scratched the color off a coil. Once I got it glowing even I washed the damn things again. I still vaped them though and they work fine. I didnt make these but wanted to share them with you guys.
My first time messing with .3 ribbon! I’m pretty happy with the way they turned out but there’s plenty of room for improvement. These are framed staples made with .3 n80 ribbon, 28g n80 frames, and 40g kd wraps. 3mm ID ohms this out at .2 on the nose