8 posts were split to a new topic: Your thoughts on the Evolv DNA250C Chip and Replay Mode
Kinda vape mail? Eciggity Retail store. Same prices as the warehouse but I got hooked up with a bunch of free stuff. Picked up a CapStone RDA, some COTN and a Drop Solo.
Bobblehead For The Win !!!
Ok then, Get to it!!! Always interested in a good regulated tube.
Got myself a wotofo profile. (Or 2)
The flavour is incredible, blows everything else i got away.
Ps forgive my dodgy slightly burnt wick.
But it still tastes great so not changing it yet.
It looks like COTN is the same material used in mops. I wonder if you can buy a mop cheaper?
It is actually some pretty good stuff. Great for wicking on the go. No fluffing and they juice up fast.
I will have to try it. Even if I have a life time supply of cotton pads I must have paid $8 bucks for.
Same here. That on top of a ton of rayon and hemp.
These are handy if you are in a hurry or have trouble wicking.
same here, have boat load of pads, and various cotton types, but COTN is great and $$$, but it just works so damn good!!
No i buy them from @ecigexpress they are .15 cents each … flavorhunter50 is the code they have 30ml and 10ml … i bought 75 of them with shipping it was like 21$ , these ones are 30ml and i only use them for new recipes or sft and only use once… I wish i has somewhere to store more or i would make a purchace of 500 or so just so i do t run out for awhile
I can’t wait to hear your notes about that MF Grape… WONDERFUL STUFF THERE!
EDIT: Where’s your sample?
I was rushed for time so I Amazon’d them.