Vape Train Australia (VTA) Single Flavor Tests by SessionDrummer

Just as Letitia says, 3% is the recommended usage and it does very well in coffee mixes. I can speak from experience. Idk if you like coffee vapes but here’s a simple mix where you can benefit from the Toffee IC. It holds its flavor through the entire vape.


This looks really good. I guess i have to pick up some VSO flavors :slight_smile:


Thanks for the advice and I shall definitely be trying it lower. The toffee has also made me revisit my initial thoughts on mixing the other two and I shall be following the advice received on here and lower my percentages.

Unfortunately I’m in the minority and don’t drink coffee so I’ve not even attempted it in a vape. If I’m being honest I can’t stand coffee!


Coffee vapes are more like coffee flavored desserts or candies. Do you like Tiramisu cake? A coffee vape might surprise you. I detested menthol cigarettes but find that I enjoy menthol in honeydew eliquid.


I’m not much of a sherbert consumer but do you think this would make a nice cocktail? It irks me when a flavor gets high ratings and it’s not in my wheelhouse. Makes me wonder if I should just try it anyway. Vape vs RL doesn’t always jive. I’m still chasing an Original Werther’s candy. I always taste something weird in caramel/butterscotch flavors or taste hardly anything at all.


@muth, you’ll have to decide if this is what you are looking for.


There might be a sub for the VSO. Do you have any other favorite coffee flavors in your stash? I think a splash of VTA Coffee Liqueur wouldn’t hurt either :wink: I’ve been meaning to try that.


No I don’t, and I have tried it.

I’m afraid coffee is just one of those tastes I really don’t like.


I’m on Vapetrain Sugarloaf Pineapple now and after a little time I find it ok but not spectacular. More time required and I’ll post my thoughts soon.

I have to say that I expected a bit more from this one but unfortunately I find it a little bland and weak. There’s nothing wrong with it but I wouldn’t rate it above TFA Juicy Pineapple personally but do think it’s better than Capella Golden Pineapple.

It does have a sweet and juicy pineapple taste but just not enough of it in my opinion. A refreshing vape that is certainly vapeable on its own and I’m sure easily used in recipes but it just doesn’t jump out at me.
Perhaps it’s a case that I’ve overdone the percentage and muted the flavour a bit?
I’m not sure but that’s where I’m at which surprises me as I’ve read about a lot of love for this one but honesty is required here.

I’d rate it at 6/10 and wouldn’t bother buying it again.


I recently ordered that one and a few more from BCF. The only coffee i have right now in my stash is FA expresso. I really don’t like it much. No matter the percentage that i mix it at, it always tastes like burnt coffee… Once i get my shipment, ill whip up your recipe.


Last one to sample out of the first little mixing session is Vapetrain Pear Halves which I’ve just dripped into the Wasp Nano.
Literally just a handful of Vapes so far,therefore I’ll reserve any comment for now.

I just verified my memory on Vapetrains site and this one is supposed to be pear with a sweet syrup as would be in a tin of pear halves. I agree that the sweet syrup is there but unfortunately find the pear aspect a little lacking. I fear that my mixing percentage of 7% for this one could have been a little high as it’s a little chemically to me too.
In saying that it’s pleasant enough and I believe will help a recipe at a lower percentage with another pear concentrate springing to mind.
To summarise it’s vapeable as a stand-alone but with the pear taste not as dominant as I would like. However the sweet syrup does have possibilities to my way of thinking.
I’d rate it at 6/10 and doubt I’d buy it again.

I believe that concludes my initial testing of the Vapetrain concentrates that I bought and mixed to date but I have a few more to try. I shall mix them as soon as I’m able and post my opinions on those too. I’m happy that I tried them as they’re all useable but if I’m being honest not as good as I hoped.
I do believe that I mixed most too high which will probably make a favorable difference and shall adjust my next batch to suit.
For me the absolute stand out by a county mile is Fizzy Sherbet and as previously mentioned has made this little experiment all worthwhile regardless.

As a side note as I visited Vapetrains site I noticed they seemed to have increased the vast majority of their minimum size bottles of concentrates to 30ml which I think is a mistake. From what I know the only place within Australia to buy their products is direct from them which rather limits my options of trying anymore.

Looks like I made the decision to buy some just in time.


Yeah, I’m not really looking for that right now. Thx for stopping me in my tracks before I did further damage :rofl:


Same here, Robin. Of course, I haven’t tried them all but the ones that have worked without that burnt taste are WF Brazilian Coffee, VSO Espresso, SC Cappuccino, Stixx Mixx coffee bean extracts. There are others that get good ratings but are combo flavors with coffee and cream, caramel, etc. I have them but haven’t SFT yet.

ETA: That recipe I posted has room for more complexity but it was a good start. Maybe you’ll get inspired and embellish on it.


I can’t get VSO Espresso in the U.K. so what substitute would you recommend @muth? I have quite a few different coffee flavours. Talking about VSO, I had a look on Chefs the other day and noticed that they don’t seem to be stocking many of the VSO flavours now like they did before, many of the single flavour concentrates were not listed. :thinking:


I wish I had experience with all the coffee flavors so I could answer that. Can you get Stixx Mixx? SessionDrummer liked SSA Cappuccino Coffee but of course that will have milky tones in it. Since I like VTA I’m curious about the coffees they have to offer. For now maybe try subbing with VTA Coffee Liqueur. The Toffee IC gives plenty of creaminess to it.


Thank you @muth, the only VSO coffee flavour that I can get is their Coffee Mocha which I have heard contains their Espresso but obviously it also has other flavours in it. I have the VTA Coffee Liqueur that you recommended so I will try that. I will have to look into some more of Stixx coffees as they might be useful where a N.E.T is needed which reminds me that I have his French Roast that I need to try.


I’d love to know what you think. I hear the Italian Roast mixed with the Eight o’ Clock Coffee is very good. I like IR in RL so I’ve been interested to try.


Love 8-oclock coffee! Haven’t found one I don’t like yet. Here lately been using the black & tan and caramel macchiato.


You talking Stixx Mixx?

