Vape Train Australia (VTA) Single Flavor Tests by SessionDrummer

I’m sorry but I don’t know this Eight O’Clock Coffee that you speak of, is it one of Stixx?


Just sent this to my wife… I might get some brownie points out of it. :wink:


My wife said this is the old A&P brand. You gotta be old to remember that.


I’m just going to add that I had a juice mixed up from a vendor in Australia called Vapoureyes. It’s their a study in apricot which is described as a dark,dried apricot with light hints of pipe tobacco.
Personally, I get the apricot but no tobacco finding it ok but nothing to jump up and down about. It’s one I bought during a sale to make up the postage.

However, I decided to add Vapetrains Pear Halves to it and this transformed the juice making it ten times better. Obviously still no tobacco but the apricot has intensified and come alive.

I think I’ve found a good use for Pear Halves.


I have MF apricot and will make note of that.


As I needed to mix some juice for my son I decided not to waste the opportunity and just mix a couple more testers from Vapetrain.
I’m running out of space so I’ve really got to concentrate on using some existing mixes up but I’d like to form opinions on all that I bought.
My son uses the Crowm 4 with the 0.23 mesh coil and just ploughs through it compared to me. It’s hard to keep up with him.

I only mixed two being;

1/ Honeycomb @ 4%
2/ Pudding Base @ 4%

As I believe my previous mixes were a little strong I dropped these to 4% and I’ll take it from there.


They would be close to their upper limits probably.


And another Vapetrain juice that’s worked with another flavour.
I had a tobacco to use up and mixed another tobacco with it with decent results. It was better but it could have been better.
And enter Vapetrain Scorch Whiskey which really added an extra and enjoyable bite.

It’s made me think that whiskey could be used in other tobacco recipes.
Just a thought.


It’s only been thirteen days but I thought bugger it and decided to give **Vapetrain Honeycomb **a go.
I wasn’t too sure what to expect but @4% it doesn’t really hit the mark for me. Again, it’s one I could take or leave.
To my tastes it’s basically a weak caramel/ toffee kind of taste which is fair enough but I find it a little lacking in the flavour department.
I did expect something along these lines but also expected a little more to float my boat.
Personally I’ll use it but only in a recipe which I’m sure will be fine but wouldn’t vape it solo again.

I wouldn’t buy it again and rate it as 6 out of 10.


Currently vaping Vapetrain Pudding Base and it’s another one that grew on me. Not literally but figuratively speaking!

Initially I didn’t like it, tasting a sort of greasy,buttery type taste but decided that it deserved some time due to its description as a base and that it’s probably intended for recipes only anyway.
After some more time I started to taste some eggyness and sweetness that I’d read about and my imagination started to consider what it could bring to a recipe.
I doubt I’d vape it solo again as I still find it a little sickly but believe I can envisage some good uses for it at lower percentages.
To summarise my actual solo taste test I get predominantly a deep buttery taste with some eggyness lurking mixed with a sweetness.

This has been an odd one to me but I think it deserves higher marks than what I would normally due to its intention and possibilities.

I’ll give it 8.5 out of 10 but am unsure if I’d buy it again due to the fact that I haven’t tried it in a recipe but think it’ll work well.
I’m thinking it would help to take the burnt edge of some caramels and add a little more authenticity to some peanut butters and the like.
I’m glad I bought it, both for curiosity sake and what I perceive it could do.


I remember buying some pipe tobacco flavours back in the day that had whiskey added to them so it’s definitely a good match for certain tobaccos. Vapetrain seems to make good booze flavours by what I have read and the Noted crew on YouTube nearly always give them pretty good marks too.


I’m going to mix the Light Rum on my next Vapetrain session as I’m beginning to think that might be a similar story.


I’ve just bookmarked their site - you duh man!

Never thought we had a decent manufacturer of flavours right here: I sure as shit won’t be buying any more of the shitty house-brand flavourings from from now on.

Though I’ve thus far only done the one order from vapeking so you got me early, before I’d wasted much time or money with the cheaper shit when there’s an obviously better quality option.

Awesome :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


The Light Rum is a good one.


That makes sense, I mainly use it as an accent and not the main note in a recipe.

We are a little limited here in Australia. Mainly on range but there are a few decent places to get concentrates and I regularly order from Vape Train. Otherwise I order from the UK, the shipping from the states is a killer.


You know those are Hangsen flavours?
I have used them a bit, they are interesting but not really stand out for me.


Try flavour world, they have a decent range. Also, vapoureyes have concentrates as do a few other aussie sites.


Is that good?

I remember reading about one Hangsten flavour a little group of people in some forum mentioned they thought super-awsome: the Arab Blend Tobacco I got: ordered before I’d googled ‘iMix flavours’ and found myself at said forum to a thread about Hangsten flavours, though I picked that tobacco because it was the only one contained NET’s so figured that’d be the one to go for.

I still haven’t really tried it - not as a single flavour anyhoo - though I made a point of mixing it in a 100mL bottle of straight VG about two weeks ago @ around 10% - just so it can start steeping in advance for when the nicotine arrives and I can use it.

I’m not blown away by the strength of the flavours, though I like a few of the ones I’ve got - particularly the Creme Brulee Custard, which I’ve also added to pure PG in a 100mL bottle just to get it started ahead of time.

And the soft-serve vanilla ice-cream: got a bottle of that soaking too, though there’s not a bunch of flavour in that so I ended-up adding another ~5% Milky Marshmallow.

Ultimately, I’d really like to find flavours from sources that aren’t just vape flavours in a bottle: there’s so many flavoured food products around that corporations have already spent mega-bucks on, with teams of flavour experts doing research and development as well as customer surveys to find the best flavour for any given food.

I’d love that.


My opinion on Hangsen flavours is similar to other manufacturers, some hits and some misses.

I’ve got a few Imix and personally find the tobaccos to be on the whole misses. From memory the 555 wasn’t too bad but as you mention they’re also a bit weak.

The peanut butter and butterscotch are the best I’ve got and if Vapeking had something else I wanted and their free postage rate wasn’t $150 I’d definitely buy bigger bottles of both.

I’m actually thinking of buying the new Aspire Nautilus Prime X when it arrives in Australia and am guessing that Vapeking will stock it so the thought has occurred to me to buy some more then.
In saying that I’ll only buy the AIO if both rebuildable coils are available too.
For a long time now I’ve not bought a tank/AIO that doesn’t have the rebuildable option as I don’t want to be locked in to continuously buying stock coils unless I believe they could be rebuilt.

Forgot to mention I find Imix toffee very good too and to date the best I’ve tried.


I’ve still got a little 50mL bottle of the older iMix Ripe Banana - that shit is incomparably stronger than any of the flavours I got a few weeks ago: now marked “Rated Premium Eliquids” instead of iMix.

Yeah that $150 threshold for free shipping is pretty steep… also, even paying there’s no DHL option (I don’t remember if there was in the past) but just a $10 parcel post, which might’ve been Express Post - not sure.

But also, regards to ordering anything from VapeKing: their site has a banner up top now ( saying that their paypal payment option is out, so the only way to pay is with bank transfer or one of the two weird online services I’ve never tried.

Their postage a few weeks ago with the $10 shipping was alright though - only took one day longer because of Australia Day happening a day after ordering - and only took 3 days even with the public holiday.

But yeah that bank transfer shit: I remember having to use that back in the dinosaurian days when the net was so new nobody except huge corporations had visa online, and what a pain in the arse it was… though, that was before phone banking and now we’ve even got Osko instant xfers so that is probably not a big setback now I think of it.


Less impressive, is how has now chosen the standard NZ Postal service for ALL 100mg nic bases which is already proving to be stupid-grade slow: I ordered on friday afternoon, it sat for a full day monday before finally being packed by VEs staff tuesday morning, then didn’t get picked up by NZ Post until Tuesday afternoon at 4:30 and it’s been sitting in the Hastings depot since - that’s what, 2 days just sitting at the first depot it went to after leaving VapourEyes warehouse…

That’s yknow… DHL would have had it in my hands on monday - Tuesday at the latest.

With NZ Post it’s taken a full week tomorrow just to get from VapourEyes warehouse to the closest post warehouse and I’d say if it takes 2 weeks to get here and ends up leaking or damaged, that’ll be the last order with VE I make, but I’m worried that other online stores who ship 100mg nic bases may be using NZ Post too anyway, which will mean we’ll all be stuck waiting a full fortnight for every nic base order just to find out whether it arrives in one piece or not.

VapourEyes are still sending everything else through DHL - including commercial liquids up to 60mg/mL - it’s just the nicotine that’s send using SuckPost.

Toffee and Butterscotch I’ll remember em next order: especially with sweet/desert.creamy/bakery being my favorite flavours.