Vape Train Australia (VTA) Single Flavor Tests by SessionDrummer

Forgot to mention I mix at 50/50 and 20mg.


All part of the learning curve.

It’s really up to you if you want a more restrictive draw, or a more open/airy one.


Absolutely up to you which style of vaping you prefer. Personally I fall into the true MTL category, but sometimes I like a loose MTL just to be different.

I mix stronger than most, but I think my taste buds are stuffed after years of smoking damage. I try recipes on here and sometimes cannot even taste them.

Good to see you have been experimenting. My journey started as a means to an end, but buggered if I know where that is now…

Mind you, the missus still nags me to give this up too so nothing changed in that respect :rofl::rofl:.


My sympathies. I get buggered too and by a smoker no less. A smoker who complains of the pg being an irritant! Can’t win.


Hmm, I wouldn’t mind mixing 1,2,3 and 6. :smiley:


I too have been hassled to stop vaping and buying “more vaping stuff”. In my mind I don’t do anything else other than have literally 3 beers with my father in law at home on a Friday night.
I very rarely go out and obviously don’t smoke anymore.
I go to work 5 days a week and provide as best as I’m able so I think I’m entitled to a bit of “me” money.
I hate my job too!

To be fair my wife (or mother in law) have not said too much lately but I’m always reluctant to make a new purchase.
Truth is I don’t “need” anymore vaping stuff but I’m only human!!

Anyway as a new deadline has been set in Australia I think I know where my vape budget will be spent for the next few months.


True mate, I hear you. I don’t even drink so apart from vaping I have no “vices” to speak of. As to what is going on here, I am in SA so we are used to being steamrolled… :roll_eyes:


Well ya’ll got some great flavors…thank you! I’ve been working with VTAs toffees lately.


Looking forward to reading your opinions as toffees was one reason I was drawn to their flavours.
Previously I’ve tried a limited few but only really rated one from a vendor we have in Australia called Vapeking who lists them as imix but from memory are actually Hangsen.

Problem is he has very little else that I’m ever interested in so I’ve used what I have sparingly but was still running low.


Got a couple recipes steeping. I’ll let you know.


Yep, they are Hangsen and they have updated the site to say so. Still not sure if they are full strength or have been diluted. The cream they have seems fairly strong but others, not so much.


I think Vapekings concentrates were among the first I ever bought and believe I initially mixed them at 25%. From memory that’s what was recommended but I think 15% is stated now.
25% seems incredibly high to me now and I wouldn’t go that high anyway.

I really liked their butterscotch,toffee and peanut butter but not so much the tobaccos I tried.
I also bought the cinnamon which on its own was truly vile but strangely mixed well?

Apologies for going off subject as this is Vapetrains.


Well, Hangsen is known for their Caramel Toffee. I know that much. Also their RY4 Double. I don’t really consider that a tobacco though. Just my opinion.


Very early days but as today marked the 14th day since mixing I decided to try Vapetrains toffee ice cream
Early impressions are not bad but the toffee aspect is a bit weak for me at 6%. I believe the creaminess is there and overrides the toffee…
To be fair the name does describe as such but as I say early days and even if my opinion doesn’t alter I can vape it solo and believe it’ll mix well too.

I’ve been vaping this all day and am still using it now as I comment. My opinion hasn’t changed that much other than perhaps the toffee aspect has started to taste a little burnt, perhaps it is too high at 6%?
All in all I’m a little disappointed with it but do think it’s enjoyable enough. I’ll probably only use it in recipes going forward. As time progressed I thought it tasted a little jumbled by which I mean it doesn’t really taste like a creamy toffee to me but has a pleasant enough taste reminiscent of toffee. However I do rate it above FWs Butter Toffee and Toffee Dream Cream. I’d give it 6/10 and wouldn’t buy it again.


I’m trying Vapetrains Scotch Whiskey which is an experience. It’s certainly a unique flavour to me and one which deserves time I think. I actually don’t drink whiskey but really bought it in the hope of mixing my son a half decent whiskey & coke juice.
I’ll post my opinion tomorrow as I don’t think it correct to say anything yet.

After a nights sleep I’ll just add that although I’m not ready to offer my final opinions yet this one has grown on me. Personally I initially test with my nose by which I mean I take a sniff as a concentrate,whilst steeping and the final juice.
This was inoffensive as a concentrate but started to smell chemically when steeping and is now stronger when I’m vaping it. No complaints from the wife though which is always good news to me!

That’s probably a bad habit as it’s possible I subconsciously make a decision before I’ve actually tasted it. Added to this is the fact that I had a terrible experience with whiskey in my misspent youth which probably adds to my preconceived thoughts. However as mentioned this one has certainly improved as I’ve been using it.

I’ve returned to offer my opinion and its favourable.
Initially I didn’t like it but as I continued to vape it I began to think differently. I have a few boozy type concentrates and have enjoyed some, Flavorahs Raisin & Rum being my stand out with FAs Jamaican Rum being a close enough second to mention.
Whilst this isn’t in their bracket it’s not bad which I wouldn’t have thought I’d be saying last night. It still has a rather strange inhale but the exhale and aftertaste are good and certainly remind me of alcohol. I doubt I’d vape it standalone again but do believe it has good possibilities in a recipe. Custards and tobaccos are my thoughts.

I honestly can’t say if I get a whiskey taste but whatever it is I’m happy enough. I would rate it at 7.5 out of 10 but doubt if I’d buy it again, simply because I rate the aforementioned two above it. If my son likes it then he can!


VT toffee ic works well for me at 3%, might try diluting the sample. It is a soft toffee but easily boosted with a caramel or butterscotch. Works really well in coffee mixes btw.


I can see your point here and believe that’s about where I’ll use it from now on. I might try a weaker percentage as a stand-alone down the track too but still can’t imagine it would match Imix (Hangsen).
Thanks for the suggestion.


Next to try will be Vapetrain Christmas Pudding which smells Devine but I haven’t rewicked my dripper yet so I shall post my thoughts when I have.

Returning to offer my thoughts.
To me a Christmas Pudding is a dense and moist pudding with spices and some fruit. I also believe a bit of brandy is occasionally used.
I don’t know how but Vapetrain have come pretty close with this one. I certainly taste some spice but it’s not overpowering, some sort of fruitiness that I can’t discern and I’m sure an alcoholic tinge too. The dense and moist pudding is I’d imagine hard to nail and although I do taste a pudding of sorts I’d not consider it an exact replica of a Christmas Pudding as I know it.

That’s not knocking this one as I like it and can easily vape it solo. If I was blind testing it without knowing it’s description I’d say it’s a bakery spice type additive of some sort. Again, that’s not trying to take anything away from it as I genuinely enjoy it as is but also think it has a lot of possibilities too.
Very nice and I’d buy it again giving it a 8.5 out of 10.


Next will be Vapetrain Fizzy Sherbet.I’m looking forward to trying this one as it appears highly regarded. I’ll post my opinions in a day or so.

I may as well just copy and paste session drummers review as I completely agree with it.
This stuff is fantastic and I really didn’t need any time to realize that.
I definitely taste lemon and lime but it’s got more to it than that. Whatever the extra/extras are it just works perfectly. I also have TFA and Flavorwest Rainbow Sherbets and this just stomps all over them.

In regards to the “fizzyness” as I understand it it’s impossible to replicate a fizzy drink in a juice but this does a dammed good job. It’s a long time since I’ve eaten sherbet but I’m sure the taste left in my mouth after a vape is nigh on identical. Plain and simple I just think this concentrate is a must for anyone chasing a fizzy type recipe. Obviously I can’t say that from experience but I’m convinced it will work. Another thing that I noticed is that the juice is completely clear which I just thought I’d mention.

Even if I think the remainder of what I’ve got left to sample are camel dung it doesn’t matter as from what I’ve tested so far it’s been worth it, and this one just made that statement possible.

10/10 with complete ease and I would 100% buy this one again.

This is easily vapeable as a solo and I would imagine has endless possibilities in a fruity recipe too.


@Gazza7 you’re right …