Vape Train Australia (VTA) Single Flavor Tests by SessionDrummer

I noticed that on Vapeking but to be honest I haven’t used them in so long didn’t take much notice.
I’m very reluctant to do any bank transfer on line so that could be another reason I won’t use them.

In regards to the VENZ shipping, I’ve used them twice and each time the order took what I believed to be an unnecessary amount of time too. I think they called it “Nicotine Safe” shipping or something similar and guaranteed it to arrive or they sent another order?

Another reason to stick minister Hunt in the freezer.


I have mainly used the iMix cream. It is ok and seems fairly strong and dairy heavy. Works as a mixer to add a dairy note to weaker creams and milky type recipes for me. I only use it at low percentages though, more of a suggestion than a actual noticeable flavour.


Finally - after a full 7 seven days - it’s marked as outbound from NZ to Australia this afternoon; though doesn’t state its left yet.

And I thought we were too relaxed!

NZers are like slugs the way they get around to doing shit…

Bet Australia Post gets it from Sydney to me in a single day once it crosses the border…

OUR postal workers aren’t so busy bumming sheep all day they forget to do their job.


That’s what I like about that one bottle of banana I’ve still got now: I’m sick of banana, but the flavour is SO strong I’ve only ever needed a few drops in a 30mL bottle to get plenty of banana in there.

The bottle’s still 75% full after having in for 2 years now! That’s how ALL flavour concentrates should be.

The new vapeking flavours aren’t anywhere NEAR that strong and I ordered triplets of every flavour.

The one concentrate I ordered that IS excellently potent is the sweetener: at $4 a 15mL bottle, I got 4x of those and can actually see those lasting forever.


Speaking of flavour generally…

With only 3-4 of the “organic Japanese” cotton pads I ordered from vapeking two years ago for the first RDA I bought left in that little snap lock bag they came in, I’ve switched to this and won’t be going back…

All the marketing bullshit about “proper vape cotton” with the constant chants to “only use organic!” can go fuck itself: the flavour with these cotton balls is cleaner than the beige ‘unbleached’ Japanese shit if anything; the fibers are the full length of the ball once it’s unrolled (around 15cm) and they’re so thick they shit on those ‘proper vape’ pads completely.

$4 for 200 cotton balls that unroll and wick as easily as the ‘proper vape cotton’ I’ve used, opposed to $4 for 4 shitty organic pads that taste like the goddamn underground bore water they’ve been ‘prepared’ in.

Available at any Coles and Woolies supermarkets plus a million other shops and without the psychosomatic/placebo effect of marketing influencing everyone’s tastebuds they would find there’s at worst NO notable difference between ordinary cotton balls and that gimmick we’ve all been headfucked into buying from ‘proper vape’ stores.

This post has taken on an edgier tone, simply because I spent a while googling cotton last night and was mystified by the sheer amount of stupidity I saw, with so many people simply parroting crap about how you gotta boil all cotton first and even more prevalent from all internet morons: "As long as it says it’s organic and unbleached on the pack", then noting that not a single one of these morons has any fucking clue how cotton is even made, let alone how loose and meaningless the word ‘organic’ is in products we buy every day.

How many times I had to read what could’ve been copy/pasted nonsense about bleech being in ‘ordinary’ cotton balls and no matter how many times they were corrected with the information that peroxide is a) not bleech and b) well and truly evap’ed off the cotton long before it’s even packaged, those morons still continued with the ‘they’re bleeched stay away from them!’ rubbish.

And sure, $1/pad isn’t much, but it’s a shitload more than $1/20 pads and the notion of having to wait for an order to reach you just to replenish your supply of marketing rubbish ‘vape cotton’ when you can simply throw a huge bag in your basket while out shopping and not even have to think about cotton supply again for 3 years at a stretch…

Wake up sheeple: ordinary 100% cotton is fine for vaping.

Stop listening to horseshit from self-appointed vape-lords - fools who only perpetuate the kind of comic elitist shit across the board - acting like they’re the Knights Templar of electronic fog machines and guardians of knowledge: as if we’re all apprentice brain-surgeons in training and require the masters approval to do anything differently - it would be silly if it weren’t so pathetic.

/rant 0.

And that might’ve seemed to have come from nowhere, but it’s been accumulating with all the reading all over the net I’ve been doing and all the ridiculous gate-keeper posing I see all over the place that’s planted the seed of annoyance.

The fact that even I have been dumb enough to wait for an order with ‘proper cotton’ when I could’ve just been using supermarket cotton that costs 1% of the money and is instantly available to me - that annoys me too.


Australia…the only country in the world whose entire Foreign Policy is based on beating their neighbor at every sport they play.


You Sir, are correct :slight_smile:


And the problem is? LOL


I will say in VENZ defense at least their nicotine is reasonably priced when compared with other companies that have set up shop in NZ.
Still not as cheap as Hiliq but I appreciate there’s been some vapers saying they believe Hiliq to be of lesser quality.

Personally I’ve no problem with Hiliq and will use them first while I’m able. Somehow the delivery time is faster too.
I’d be lying if I said what I have received from Hiliq is always crystal clear but I wouldn’t be lying to say whatever I’ve received has always vaped perfectly ok.



I’ll go have an eyeball of their page later - there’s probably half a dozen australian site’s for vaping I don’t even know exist.

For the most part I’ve used for commercial juices and just settled on their 18mg clear to mix with because they’ve always been super fast on the shipping and because I’m always… iunno… better the devil you know sorta thing.

It’s easier to go through the site you already know than roll the dice on an unknown, so I stuck to vapo a while.

Then I had a go of vapeking, and though they don’t sell ANY nicotine which is whatever of them, they DID have a bunch more shit far as hardware goes and they’re fast too so I’ve ordered through them a half dozen times now.

Almost ordered through, but got suspicious about them for some reason and went with vapoureyes instead but I’ll bet hiliq have different hardware again.

Wouldn’t mind a spool of clapton wire, but I can’t find that on vapo, vapeking OR vapoureyes in their wire section… they’ve all got pre-made clapton coils, but I’ll be fucked if I’m paying $25 for TWO coils… I wouldn’t pay that much for a pair of wire coils even if they were gold-plated.

I don’t care what colour the nicotine is, long as it vapes fine :slight_smile:

I’m curious to know too whether VENZ 100mg salts base liquid has both the smoothness AND lung-hit of the commercial salt juices I ordered few weeks ago or whether their salt base will have the horrible harshness one bottle of salt juice had: Pachamama Sorbet - that shit was completely unvapable at 50mg, while the other three bottles were as smooth as silk at the same mg/mL.

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I probably misled you and I’m sorry.

Hiliq are not in Australia or NZ but China, I think they’ve set up a different site for Australian customers.

I know when I first heard of them I was unsure but honestly I can vouch for them and say their very easy and fair to deal with.
Although they don’t sell much hardware and I believe are used primarily for that certain substance we can’t legally buy in Australia.
I’ve tried a few of their concentrates and for the most part enjoyed them.


Ah okay, so not just a local nicotine option.

Is that ‘not legal to buy’ in vape/wax-pen/oil form in bottles?

I’ve contemplated that with machinery filling bottles in clean-rooms now, we could probably get away with bottles of all different concentrates - certainly in a mixed order - since they’d be well sealed and I’ve seen many are flavoured like nic eliquid…

I don’t imagine the dogs would be hitting well on strawberries & cream flavoured liquid with only the drug molecules added by the milligram, since there’s no organic plant material for them to pick-up on.


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The All Blacks!


I used HiLiq for 3 years and their nic was always great, the smoothest I’ve had to date.


Sounds like a good option if you’re not im a hurry for shipping to, ship.

My plan is to not panic, but order two bottles of nicotine base each payday until October, so maybe I’ll give hiliq a go next week.


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I actually hate football.

I’m sure sometimes I’m the only person here who does…

Watching doods chasing each other around kicking a bit of inflated pigskin while they get all doodbro with each other, hugging aand grabbing at each other … I still don’t know why so many people are SO into it hmm.

I thought that maybe when they had women’s football I might finally see the light but quickly realized that NONE of the women who play football do it in any kind of feminine way or with any kind of grace at all so it’s like, the LEAST sexy sport a woman can play :frowning:


They’ll label the bottles differently if you request.


You’ve been watching the wrong league.


Has anyone here have any experience with VTA Cinnamon Doughnut? It seems in the recipe side that there is a one shot, I realize that there’s usually a miss spelling or double entries. It doesn’t say anything about one shot at BCFs site.

