Vape Train Australia (VTA) Single Flavor Tests by SessionDrummer

What is this Imix you speak of?


It is a rebottling/rebranding of Hangsen flavours by an Australian vape store. Pretty hit and miss compared to reviews for branded Hangsen so not sure if they dilute it…


I’ve just mixed another couple of Vapetrain concentrates, both @ 4%.

I mixed Light Rum and English Toffee so I’ll leave them to steep for approximately 14 days and pass my opinions after that.


How are their favours?

…i’ve realized after a few weeks of trying those vapeking inhouse concentrates that they’re shit, and won’t be ordering anymore.

Mostly it’s the lack of strength: even if they started as Hangsten, they’ve been diluted by vapeking to thr point you need a full 30mL tripler to even taste it in a 100mL mix and no matter what excuses a person makes to themselves to justify it they’re just too weak to be worth buying.


I’ve posted my thoughts on those that I’ve tried in this thread but on the whole they’re OK in my opinion but not what I was hoping for.
In saying that FIzzy Sherbet is spectacular and well worth getting if you like that kind of taste.

If you don’t have many concentrates and are wanting to stock up or explore a few options you could certainly do worse.
Unfortunately though I’ve noticed Vapetrain have increased the size of their smallest bottles to 30ml which is a game changer for me if I’m just trying out a new flavour.
They do make some unique flavours.


Whether I’m into it or not, I’d throw it in the cart anyway if it’s that good.

I’ve decided to not even bother wasting VG or nic base trying to mix juice with the vapeking flavours I stil have left: I’ll order another bottle of freebase and a few bottles of commercial juice this week and use those until I get a few flavors from the major brands.


It is mate, it is :smile:


Yeah flavours are SO hit and miss and mostly miss, so any concentrate described as “spectacular” needs to be grabbed while you’re there even if it’s not part of your favourite profile.


I’ll add my two bob and agree with me mate from the west. There are quite a few VT flavours I’d choose over others.
Only a few more weeks brother! Bring on the footy :grin: Roosters for the spoon :wink:


As I’ve got too many 10ml testing bottles banging around I’ve been mixing some together using my initial thoughts to see if I can get any to compliment each other.
This little experiment has been working quite well.

The one I’m vaping just now is;

Hiliq caramel @ 7% which I enjoyed and found it to be certainly one of the better caramels that I’ve tried, although I wouldn’t go any higher.
Vapetrain Pudding Base @ 4% which I found hard to form an opinion on because as a solo it was a little greasy and sickly but I believed it had much better possibilities, when used for what I perceive to be its intention, in a recipe.

This has literally just been looking through and picking anything that I believed to have possibilities and just opening one bottle and dripping in by eye and memory.
Nothing scientific!

These two have paired together beautifully and have given me a deep but buttery toffee type taste that I enjoy.
I’ve just thrown together another concoction but this time putting a small amount of TFA Vanilla Swirl in too.

I mention that in this thread as I’ve posted my initial thoughts on Vapetrain Pudding Base here but apologies if it should be somewhere else.


Tell ya what: they’ve got a fuckload of different flavours… I went right through the site last night and see they’ve got a version of almost every popular concentrate I’ve seen repeatedly talked about from huge brands.


Ah, you’re a funny man my friend. “Roosters for the spoon”. :rofl: Cracks me up brah :rooster: :rooster: :trophy:.


How long do vape train take to deliver within Australia?

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Also, VT flavours aren’t weak as piss like those shitty vapeking “Rated” liquids are they?

Like, if I order a bunch of 30mL bottles Im not going to find myself needing to use half a bottle to get any taste in a 30mL mix?

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Most of my VT flavors I use 0.5-3%.


Awesome, so they worth ordering?

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And do you have Nestlé Peppermint Crisps .in the States?

God they’re awesome…

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They are normally fairly quick. A few days to QLD


I had my cart filled with discounted capella, flavor art and TFA 10mL bottles that were down to $1-$2 each on some site called, but then at checkout the banking details form sketched me out too much.

Not only did they want card details, the fuckers expect you to enter your account number, BSB, card issue number, your online banking internet password

Fuck that.

I don’t even think they even asked for credit card details, but go straight for your actual online banking login.

Only time I’ve EVER done that was for one those instant online cash loans where I borrowed $1500 and even THEN it seemed altogether… wrong.

But giving ask that shit to a friggin online vape store? That’s just NOPE


That Barrel Oak flavour any good?