Vape Train Australia (VTA) Single Flavor Tests by SessionDrummer

Oh and have we got any general/community ELR coupon/codes for VTA?


I don’t think I’ve ever got concentrates from them, batteries and the odd bit of hardware.

I haven’t got that one, but the few of their alcohol flavours that I’ve tried were good, not really my sort of vape though.

I did hear that VTA started a new flat rate shipping of $10 anywhere in Australia, not sure if it’s express or not. I haven’t ordered since that apparently started.

Discount code from the ELR resource page:
Vape Train Australia has their own concentrates! For 10% dicount use code: ELRECIPES


They’re branded ‘Rated Liquids’ now, and I can’t possibly believe they’re not heavily diluted given how little (even bad) flavour I got ot those 7 or 8 bottles I ordered recently.

And they were all triplers at that!

I snarked the dood at vapeking to ask approximately how concentrated the flavours are in comparison to ready to vape juice and his answer was ‘Around 3x’, which obviously isn’t very concentrated considering most the top brands seem to always be listed at around 3-5% on average in recipes.

Three times vape-ready juice = 30%, but even mixing at THAT level I still am getting very little flavour ot any of them.

I would (obviously) suggest avoidance for in house flavours - especially at $14.95 per 30mL bottle it’s not even cheaply priced compared to better brands.

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Alright we got these on the way…

Biscuit Base Flavour | 30ml
Milk Fresh Flavour | 30ml
Sweet Honey Flavour | 30ml
Sweet Cream Flavour | 30ml
VTA Acetyl Pyrazine 6% | 100ml
Warm Custard Flavour | 30ml
Barrel Oak Flavour | 100ml
Shisha Banana Flavour | 30ml
Pudding Base Flavour | 50ml
Vanilla Cream Flavour | 30ml

Since Vapoureyes FUCKED me on my order of Boss Reserve, a liquid I like so much I didn’t even need to google it to find a description of its flavour components even 3 years after last ordering it, I already know the basic components…

  • Biscuit
  • Honey
  • Fresh milk
  • Banana
  • Nuts
  • (Barrel Oak)

There’s nothing on the Boss Reserve description about barrel Oak so that’s my own addition, but since it’s a very rich, liqueur-like flavour I figured the oak would be great in with the rest.

Any other flavours in the list are in there purely to stack into what should be a key rich custard, which I may as well list too so I can see all the creamy shit stacked together…

  • Vanilla Cream
  • Sweet Cream
  • Warm Custard
  • Pudding Base

They look like they’ll be custardy

Oh and there’s still about 5mL left of this, which I’ve always found HAS to be used in tiny amounts or it makes the entire juice taste like squashed ants and disgusting, though it might be alright in custard …

Of the flavours in this order though, the one I am the most fuzzy about is the Acetyl Pyrazine 6%: the only other bottle of the stuff I’ve had was a little 15mL TFA 5% bottle, which has herbb empty a year or more.

I remember buying it on a whim because it said ‘nutty’ in the description, and how the first time I opened it and smelled the shit I could’ve sworn I’d just stuck my head in a mouse cage that hadn’t been changed in weeks.

But once I’d used it, it seemed to be useful and varied depending how much or little I used and I also instantly knew the primary flavour ingredient in Vapetasia’s Royalty II.

This time however, it’s no 15mL sampler sized crap but 100mL and even stronger…

100mL of the Oak Barrel one too since that just seems like a distinctive background scent/flavour so it better be good.

The Shisha Banana I dunno about but having already a 50mL bottle of “Ripe Banana” that’s so strong it’s almost impossible to use more than 1 drop in 100mL, and figuring their Banana Custard would maybe make the Boss Reserve attempted clone too creamy, Shisha was the only real choice.

Hopefully it’s not sickeningly strong like the one I’ve got, and the description says it’s super versatile and has a lightly smoky background to it, which also should blend well with the Boss Reserve clone I’ve specifically ordered to have a bash at.

For the benefit of you, the people, I will perform Single Flavour Tests on each of the above flavours and rate them.


Perhaps you ordered triplers and not concentrates from Vapeking?
When I first bought from them I’m sure the maximum recommended percentage on their site for concentrates was 25% but think it’s now listed at 15%.
I initially mixed them at 25% but didn’t believe they were overly strong from my notes, but that was probably 7 years or so ago, so my opinions might be different nowadays. I can say I’ve mixed their peanut butter concentrate in a recipe at 10% (I think) and definitely tasted it.
To be honest the juice was shocking so that’s probably not a good example!

In regards to Vapetrain I’ve only ordered from them once and that was just prior to Christmas last year. I was continually tempted but their shipping price was a complete rip-off which deterred me. However when I ordered I used the discount code above which brought the order down to an average amount and as I really wanted to try a few of their flavours I went ahead. If they’ve changed the postage to $10 flat rate as mentioned above then that’s a step in the right direction but changing the bottle sizes from 10 to 30ml is just the opposite.
Delivery time to WA was about a week I think, so about average.

I normally like my juices strong so I mixed the initial few higher than was suggested on here, but I think that was a mistake. I also looked at Concrete River, read his reviews and sort of went with his percentages along with other information I looked at. Obviously I also looked at Vapetrain recommendations too.

My humble opinion would be to go with the percentages as mentioned on this thread as I think they’re nearer the mark. Personally I’m not mixing any others higher than 4% as a stand-alone tester and will gauge my thoughts on recipes from that.

Problem is we’re all different and each individual concentrate is also unique so it’s the age old vaping dilemma in that the only way you will truly know is by trying them and forming your own thoughts.


Gawd why didn’t you show me the coupon code an hour ago :slight_smile:

Shipping was $14 express post, though yeah I did remember seeing the ‘Estimate shipping…’ dropdown at ther bottom of one the pages.

I don’t mind paying a bit more for faster couriers - DHL is always ~$19 - but of course express post isn’t much use if the vape shop itself doesn’t get around to actually pushing your order for s week :smirk:

I just want some flavours that’re concentrated enough to actually be concentrated and taste good, and somewhere to reliably order em and I wish we lived in the states: they seem to have close access to so many sites with all the massive brands…


I used to think that but considering what’s going on over there with all the various vape bans I don’t now.
The upcoming ban on shipping really is unbelievable and I can only hope our ‘leaders’ don’t follow suit.

Sorry to our American friends.


I’d love to hear about the light rum. It’s very hard to find a good one. Inawera used to have one available but I think you have to buy from Poland (if they even have it anymore).


Is original Hangsen brand still available anywhere? It’s so hard to find.


About another10 days and I’ll be testing it, and I’ll post my opinions soon after.


In the US River Supply still stocks some but it is rebottled. Nicotine River | Wholesale Liquid Nicotine | Flavors | Diluents

Another source would be diyvaporsupply Hangsen Flavor Concentrates


Thank you mjag. I did see their Hangsen line but so limited. Oh well, everything must change, as the song says.


Could be, though if they’re selling them labeled as flavour concentrates they shouldn’t be and I read pretty carefully to make sure I was adding concentrates to my cart.

Less than 24 hours anyhoo and VTA has packed my order with tracking number.

It’s taken 36 hours for vapoureyes to even get back to me with a refund for the Boss Reserve being outta stock and that’s still not beak in the bank.

I know they’re generally good but man, I’ve got a hair trigger on going angry edgelord with online shopping fuck ups: and having a product listed on the site with ‘5 items left’ then waiting a full day to even email the customer telling them they actually don’t have any in stock, that pisses me off.

I’ll still order my 100mg base from them, but now I dunno whether any of their sale items are ever really in stock makes adding other shit to my cart a less appealing thing.

Spose it’s ultimately worked out for the better since I’d wanted to order flavourings before I saw the Boss Reserve in stock at vapoureyes, but god I love that juice :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Used to think what?


I’m fuckin’ thrilled to have 100mL of Acetyl Pyrazine on the way… I got to love that nutty, rich popcorn flavored shit by the time I’d run out and could pretty happily use it solo I think.

The Barrel Oak 100mL should be a great flavor to have too - provided the flavour is actually good - but I couldn’t find any review on the site and the flavour itself isn’t even listed at that bull city flavours sub-section of their site at all.

Also, though I ordered flavourings for mostly a Boss Reserve style juice plus custard, I should also get a decent creamy honey & milk among a few other mixes though I’m already regretting not also adding milkshake base kinda…

Boss Reserve is heavily milk based, and though I’ve got fresh milk concentrate in the order, that milkshake base would’ve boosted it nicely.

Even knowing fuck all about mixing I’ve subconsciously absorbed enough to know you’ve gotta layer multiple versions of a dominant flavour - hence all the creams, milk and pudding, warm custard etcetera for my custard mixing.

The milkshake base would’ve been a good addition.


A while back I was trying to make a Milo flavour, as that is what I smelt when I first got the Milkshake Base. If that gives you a hint of which way this one leans.
I never got the Milo right, but this would still be what I based it on.


Ahh so a malty milk then.

I had a bottle of TFA Malted Milk (Conc), but I never got that milk flavour from it whether I tried 1 drop or 10%.

They’re nice and fast anyway - VTA: put in my order at almost midnight last night, in the mail by midday today.


@Guido_Possum Very malty to me, but goes great with chocolate, very low at 0.2%
Milk is one flavour I’ve found difficult to get right in a vape, they never taste like our Aussie milk. :rofl: There are other flavours I put in this category.


Milo would be a good flavour too: I can eat that shit right from the tin with a spoon dry :slight_smile:

Everyone I’ve ever known can eat it like that :smirk:

More like sweet crushed biscuit than chocolate powder: milo is so perfect on its own, it almost seems a waste to dilute it with milk :expressionless:

Or crunchy milk chocolate.


I wished I lived in America.