Vape Train Australia (VTA) Single Flavor Tests by SessionDrummer

I’m sure I saw a jam roly poly juice listed somewhere but can’t remember where now.
Must have been the UK.


Chefs website, the brand is CCW, Chefs sells it under Chef’s Choice.


Yes I’ve got it, it’s made by Cupcake World and is not bad although it’s not very strong so you need to use plenty of it to get a satisfactory flavour, sadly it’s far more jam forward than bakery. I mixed some with another Cupcake World flavour called Jammy Dodgems and also Chef’s Welsh Custard and that turned out really well but because the flavours are weak the percentages were sky high and well over 20% in total. I don’t mind if it’s tastes good though. I think it’s time I had another play about with those flavours.:thinking:


Thx Lucas. Seems you have quite a few CCW… I have their Devon Cream, i heard Digestive Biscuit is ok, is there anything else worth to buy? Had a finger on Banana Milkshake/Yogurt in the past, but didn’t push it.


I have their Devon Cream and Digestive Biscuit and also their Salted Caramel which is pretty good. A great mixer that I follow that goes by the names Nevans or Nick Evans got me into the Salted Caramel because he uses it in a number of his recipes that I enjoy. The ones I have are pretty good flavours but like I said just be prepared to use them at much higher percentages, I mention this because I know some people get stressed out about this and try to keep the numbers as low as possible in recipes whereas it doesn’t bother me in the slightest if that’s what it takes for it to taste good. For the price you get a 30ml bottle which isn’t bad really so it’s all swings and roundabouts in the long run.


Blood Pudding or as we know it here in the U.K.Black Pudding is made from pigs blood and fat with oats and/or barley and herbs and spices and is typically served fried with a full English breakfast, I personally love it. It is in a similar ilk to our Scottish haggis which I also love.
“The national dish of Scotland is haggis. It is a type of savory pudding. Haggis is a tasty dish, made using sheep pluck (the lungs, hearts, and liver). The cooked minced offal is mixed with suet, oatmeal, and seasonings and encased in the sheep stomach. Once stitched up, the stuffed stomach is boiled for up to three hours”.
My Grandmother used to make a fantastic steak and kidney pudding made with beef suet that she would steam for hours and serve with boiled potatoes and cabbage and gravy. We always ate well in our family or as we say here we had good grub.:yum:


I remember black pudding and used to love it. Eventually my mum told me what was actually in it and I admit it made me think but I just thought bugger it I like it.

You can buy it in Australia but it’s not the same.

I also remember a white pudding which I believe originated from Ireland?
Haven’t seen that anywhere in years and I can only imagine what the ingredients are!


I have had white pudding and quite like it but prefer the black. Apparently it doesn’t contain the blood which turns it black.
I shared your way of thinking as when I found out what was in it I too thought “bugger it I like it” lol. I’m sure if people really knew what goes into all of this processed convenience crap that is often eaten today then they wouldn’t eat hardly anything at all.


Very true.

I read an article once on the contents of a McDonald’s chicken nugget and since then have very rarely eaten any chicken nuggets from anywhere.
From memory the article was headed Pink Goo and was truly disgusting!

Luckily I married a woman who enjoys home cooking and is very good at it which is just as well because if I was single I think I can guarantee I would live on processed foods and be the size of a small rhino.


also @Mikser CCW devon cream and digestive biscuit is good. That biscuit does not have coconut notes in it which can be good if you are sensitive to it. I have the salted caramel but it can be hard on coils- I would probably go with the new WF salted caramel now anyway. I have the banana yoghurt - I find it good but a bit weak.


That wf salted caramel, how does it fare against fw salted caramel? Was thinking of buying it but still have some fw


From all I have heard it is one of the best new flavors to be released amongst numerous other very good flavors. I hear it is a must buy.


I’d try blood pudding if it were presented to ne as a novelty and I was just, the ast the time - but I’d never deliberately shop for and then cook the shit :smirk:

I have absolutely zero compunctions with eating animals at all long as they taste good, but blood and fat and oats does not sound like something that tastes good :grimacing:


I do not use MB often but it is in one recipe a friend vapes a hell of a lot of. In that recipe it is at 0.75% and works well for a strawberry milkshake. It was higher but had to take it down as it can bully a recipe and turn weird.

Vape train flavors can definitely vary in strength, some just need a few drops and others in the 3% range.


It doesn’t taste how you would expect it to in relation to the ingredients. I was very surprised how much I liked it when I found out what was in it the same as I was with the Scottish Haggis. I like mine with a full English breakfast sliced and fried in the bacon dripping as an occasional treat.


I’ve been vaping Vapetrain Toffee Butter Base all day and have been pleasantly surprised. I mixed it at 4% and it’s been steeping for 17 days.

To be honest I didn’t hold out much hope for this one considering that I didn’t rate the two previous Vapetrain toffee flavours that I tried very highly.

This one is more of the toffee type taste that I expect and enjoy. I suppose my clue is in the name as butter and base are mentioned which leads me to think that I prefer a lighter toffee taste as appose to the burnt aspect I seem to get from most caramels.
In saying that I believe the taste could be a little stronger but considering it’s called a base I’m going to play with it a bit more to try and change that.

This one is undoubtedly my favourite out of the three, definitely has a buttery toffee taste and is easily vapeable on its own.

I would rate it at 8.5 out of 10 and would buy it again.


I eventually plucked up the courage to try Vapetrain Milkshake Base and believe I have spent long enough vaping it to form my opinion for now. I mixed it @3% and it’s been steeping for 19 days.
That’s perhaps a bit of a misleading or unfair introduction but the smell from the neat concentrate was truly off putting reminding me of spoilt milk.
I’m glad to say that once vaped at the percentage I tried it’s not as terrible as I thought it was going to be.

I’m honestly trying to keep an open mind on this one as obviously it’s intention is not to be vaped on its own but as an additive or foundation to build from. However due to my personal insistence to try each concentrate individually I had to try it solo.

I find it hard to describe but will try by saying that it does have a kind of sour milk type taste but also borders on a malt type taste. It’s aftertaste is much more pleasurable than its inhale and exhale leaving a taste that I more associate with a milkshake. Unfortunately that’s probably the best I’ve got other than I would never vape it solo again!

Although it will appear to be the opposite I’m not giving this concentrate a negative opinion as I do believe it has possibilities to work well when used as intended. My obvious thoughts are as (not surprisingly) a milkshake base and to mix it with fruit/fruits in the hope of creating a decent recipe.
As a side note I do have TFAs Malted Milk and also tried that as a stand-alone. From memory and some rather scratchy notes I’m sure I actually prefer this one and believe I’m likely to have more luck with it.

In regards to rating it and whether or not I’d buy it again quite honestly that’s going to have to be a guess. As I haven’t tried it in a recipe it’s a little hard.
But for the sake of completeness as of today I would rate it as a 4.5/10 and probably wouldn’t buy it again. Even then I hovered between 4 and 5 so settled on 4.5.

As stated though that may well change with some thought and attempting to use it properly.


Good stuff @Gazza7, keep them coming !!!



Coming from you I take that as a compliment.

I used to read your reviews when considering a new flavour to try and found them very informative and helpful.

To my detriment I have a bit of a distrustful nature and take far more notice of people reviewing because they’re trying to help other vapers. Reviews on manufacturers or vendors websites I’m a little more skeptical of.
Places like this are an obvious place to look.


Well I think distrust does have it’s place here from time to time. The BIGGEST hurdle however, is differeing tastes and palates between people.