Vape Train Australia (VTA) Single Flavor Tests by SessionDrummer

I imagine vaping Milkshake Base standalone at 3% would not be great lol. It useful for a Milkshake recipe though but makes it more of a malt. In a mix use it at 0.50% to 1%, my strawberry malt recipe it is used at 0.85%. I only use it in that recipe, have tried and failed in a lot of other recipes. MB Milkshake might be better overall, just depends on the mix.


I was about to inadvertently and spontaneously reply to another thread with this, before realizing I might’s well move it to here.

Last week I finally ordered another dual 18650 mod - not so much because I even want one to use right now, but because I figure it’s essential for the pre-restriction vape hardware I’ve been ordering every week: a Voopoo Drag3 with two new Molicel 18650s to go in it.

Because I’ve switched to mostly stealth vaping with pods and high mg/mL salt mixes, I had to dig out one of the freebase-only 6mg/mL juices I mixed a month or two ago and since I had a large 200mL bottle of Butterscotch Custard that’s heavy on (VTA) Butterscotch that’s been sitting at the front of the second cupboard I use to shove all my mixes when they’re, mixed, I grabbed that.

Since I have an 0.2ohm dual-coil build in the dripper I decided to screw into the new dual mod (which auto-set itself to 50W when I screwed the RDA in and I bumped up to 60W immediately after doing so) what better way to check out some of the lower strength freebase mixes I’ve got laying about turning deep beige in colour.

I must not have realized at the time jusdt how much I’d used because I cannot really taste custard in the mix at all now: just butterscotch, and it’s intensely,, deeply creamy shit.

Creamy? or rich?

Try Creamy multplied by Rich: this shit is SO fucking tasty, it’s almost sickening in the amount of flavour it’s got: not sickeningly bad, just extremely full bodied, rich, buttery, thick - kind’ve like how the Milkman range tasted when you’d been ADVing it well, for even ALL of ONE day - the taste is so thick and syrupy it’s almost too much.

But the taste - it’s fucking beautifully Butterscotch tasting.

This isn’t actually meant to be a review, just a note, so I won’t dribble shit anymore and just rate it: 9/10.

I CAN give it 10/10, but nothing gets a 10/10 from me because nothing in life is perfect and I’m sure if I really wanted to nit-pick I could vape it until I find something, but after having vaped it for a while tonight it really warrants 10/10 - the fact it’s SO overwhelmingly rich is not the flavours fault, nor is it neccessarily a bad thing: it’s just a shock to my taste-buds after the lower flavour output of the fresh salt nic mixes I’ve been vaping without any steep-time anyway: those mixes will steep out nicely, but fresh mixed the creams, custard, and dairy flavours aren’t there really.

The butterscotch by comparison - having steeped what, at least a full month now - is almost BRUTALLY rich: I’ll maybe just use a little less in future, knowing it’ll intensify with steepage.

Yeah - 10/10 for Butterscotch (VTA)

Don’t let how mild it is when freshly mixed fool you: it’ll just keep on oozing flavour into the mix for many weeks to come and I can’t even remember what % I actually mixed at, but I know I didn’t need as much as it was :slight_smile:


Matter of fact I’ve just yanked that 0.2x Ohm shit outta there to rewind something even smaller: something small enough for Voopoo’s 81W+ SUPER mode: having been using 10W to 30W builds and hardware for so long now, I’d forgotten just how much more flavour I’m missing out on with higher Sub-ohm builds, so I’m about to get a dose of butterscotch SO powerful, my tongue might just jump clear outta my head and run away screaming.

I’ve converted to Voopoo like a born-again christian, because - after finally trying Vaporesso with a little MTL tank of theirs that was absolute farking garbage - not a single one of Voopoo’s hardware has ever had a fault - not one fault out the 5 kits and countless pods, tanks and RBAs I’ve tried in recent weeks.

That’s hardly a test of time I know, but it’s not only that they haven’t missed a single beat: it’s the fact they produce hardware that is so obviously very well considered and their hardware design reflects this beautifully… just examining their devices you can see they’ve thought about every millimeter and how every piece slips together to account for both appearance and* functionality…

Also - on an almost totally unrelated and random note: I finally went and bought myself a coffee plunger the other day because I am sick of the “cowboy coffee” bullshit I’ve been making in a saucepan - with all it’s little floating chunks of ground coffee I’ve just got used to after months of it.

I WAS using one those little pod machines - a Nescafe Dulce Gusto - which in my opinion is still the best pod-based coffee machine on the market, but I would either forget to buy the patented pods or just grow suck to fuck of how little cups of coffee I’d get and all the refilling the water tank etcetera, so I switched to just ground coffee and a saucepan.

But this plunger: it’s not the standard glass shit, but a double-walled insulated little number that’s well, it’s not the little 1-2 cup size but the double-wall thickness makes it not QUITE as big as the 4-6 cup glass plungers.

It’s 3 cup, but the beauty of it is that rather than staying hot while you’re drinking the first cup, being luke-warm for the second cup then corpse-cold garbage for the other cups you end up tipping down the sink, this little fucker actually keeps your coffee hot for all three cups, so there’s not only no wasted cold coffee, but you get 3 cups without having to wash it out and re-fill fresh again.

$45 @ Big-W and a fucking bargain for what it is.

/coffee-plunger-review: over

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Been vaping Vapetrain Chocolate Mousse for a few days now on and off just to try form a true opinion. I mixed it @4% and it’s been steeping for 22 days to date.Basically been leaving it and returning to the flavour after vaping something else.
Not because I didn’t like it but because I was trying to differentiate this chocolate from any others that I’ve tried.
Luckily I’m not one who gets band aid from chocolates and do enjoy them for the most part. As this one is described as a mousse, that’s what I was chasing and think I get it now.
It’s a chocolate but certainly at this percentage it’s not in your face chocolate and more subtle than I was expecting. I have absolutely no idea how a mousse can be duplicated in a concentrate but I believe this does a pretty good job now I’ve taken my time and not just made a snap decision. Contradictory perhaps but I liked this straight off the bat and was deciding if it stands head and shoulders above for example Inawera Milk Chocolate (V1) and I’m afraid I can’t say it does.

It’s a very nice,subtle,satisfying chocolate with a different aftertaste which I’ve now decided to translate into the mousse aspect. Sort of like that taste that sits on the roof of my mouth immediately after I’ve eaten a chocolate mousse.
I certainly enjoy it and could easily vape it solo at this percentage but also can see it working in a recipe very well too.

I don’t want to seem harsh but I was expecting something a little bit special from it so I’ll give it 8/10 and would buy it again…
But (always a but) I would probably only buy a bigger bottle if I was buying from Vapetrain again and would chuck it in the cart as I was there anyway.

I believe that concludes my little Vapetrain experiment as I’ve now passed comments on all that I have.

As my opinions are rather spread out now I’ve decided to complete one last post on them listing each flavour in alphabetical order and condense my words to a couple of sentences against each one.
The idea is just to make it a little easier for someone who is interested to read them but not go scrolling for ages as this little experiment has dragged on a bit.
Obviously they can do further research as they require but if it’s a quick simple reference it might help them decide to look harder if they so desire.


Bravoooooo! (whistles)

Good show old chap good show!


@Gazza7 I liked your write up very much.


Awesome @Gazza7 - look forward to the summary page too, much appreciated.


A very brief summary of the fifteen concentrates that I tried from Vapetrain. I shall list them in alphabetical order for ease and only the briefest of descriptions.
I’m now convinced that some were mixed too strong which obviously has an effect on the taste and therefore my opinions. I shall note that against the particular concentrates.

1/ Butter Toffee Base - Mixed @4%. A very enjoyable buttery toffee and much better than the other two listed below. The actual toffee taste could be a bit stronger but I now think that’s a thin line between tasting burnt or not.
2/ Chocolate Mousse - Mixed @4%. A subtle but satisfying chocolate taste but I was struggling to work out the mousse aspect. I believe it’s more so on the aftertaste.
3/ Christmas Pudding- Mixed @6%. An enjoyable vape which I would have described as a bakery spice. To me it’s a spice, mixed fruit (but not citrus),sponge of sorts with an alcoholic tinge. Even though I enjoyed this one it’s one I should have probably mixed lower.
4/ Croissant- Mixed @4%. Not really for me. It has a buttery taste but personally I found it a bit sickly. I did taste something else which I presume is the croissant/ bakery aspect but it just didn’t work. However I’m sure it’ll work in a recipe but not as a solo.
5/ English Toffee- Mixed @4%. Most definitely not for me as I didn’t like it. Somehow this managed to mix a light toffee taste with a stronger burnt taste. Possibilities in a recipe at a low percentage but definitely not as a solo.
6/ Fizzy Sherbet- Mixed @5%. Absolutely spectacular and by far the best “fizzy” concentrate I’ve tried. I can taste lemon and lime but there’s more to it than that. As I understand concentrates it’s impossible to replicate the fizziness but this does a very good job.
7/ Honeycomb- Mixed @4%. Ok but basically a weak caramel/toffee type flavour. From what I’d read I expected more and found it acceptable but no more than that. In its defense I believe it has possibilities in a recipe but no point solo as it’s underwhelming.
8/ Light Rum- Mixed @4%. An extremely enjoyable “booze “ type flavour that is now my favourite from what I have. It’s has an unmistakable alcoholic type taste with a sweetness and I think a slight caramel tinge.
9/Milkshake Base- Mixed @3%. It smells terrible as a concentrate reminding me of spoilt milk! Thankfully it doesn’t taste as bad as it smells. It’s a confusing one to try solo as obviously it’s not intended to be used like that. In an attempt I’ll say sort of spoilt milk mixed with malt. That’ll sound worse than the actual taste and I can see possibilities when it’s utalised as it says on the bottle… as a base for a milkshake.
10/ Pear Halves- Mixed @7%. According to Vapetrain this is a concentrate to replicate peaches in a tin with syrup. Personally I can taste the syrup but find the pear a bit too subdued. It did taste a little chemically but I’m sure I mixed this a bit too strong and will reduce it to 4% to try again. It’s pleasant enough but possibly could be better. It did work well when I mixed my tester with something else to use it up.
11/ Pudding Base- Mixed @4%- Another strange one that it took me a while to get my head around. It’s pleasant enough having a deep buttery type taste with I think some eggyness lurking. Initially I didn’t like it but I believe it has good possibilities when used as intended.
12/ Scotch Whiskey- Mixed @6%- As I don’t drink whiskey I can’t say with any certainty this tastes of it but can say it definitely has an alcoholic type taste. It’s a bit of a strange one to me and personally I wouldn’t vape it solo again. However, I did mix my tester with a tobacco and it worked wonders bringing the whole juice up several notches. This is one that I think I mixed too strong so that will probably help it.
13/ Strawberry Jam- Mixed @4%. To me this is Strawberry Jam and it’s extremely good, being just the sort of concentrate I’ve been searching for. I noticed conflicting opinions but to me this tastes exactly like the description says. My favourite Strawberry Jam flavour. No need to say more!
14/ Sugarloaf Pineapple- Mixed @7%- I saw a lot of love for this one but I just don’t get it. Personally I found it a bit weak and bland. Pleasant enough and although it does taste of pineapple I expected more. It’s very possible I muted the flavour as I’m now sure I mixed it too high so I will try it again and see.
15/ Toffee Ice Cream- Mixed @6%- I found this one a bit underwhelming too. It’s pleasant enough but in general I get a taste reminiscent of toffee but somehow it’s a bit hit or miss. This is another one where I could have muted the flavour by mixing it a bit high so I will try it again. Either way I’m sure it’ll work well enough in recipes.

That concludes my opinions on the Vapetrain concentrates that I’ve tried.
As with all manufacturers some I’ve enjoyed but others not so much. One thing that can be said for them is that they certainly have an array of flavours and some I think are quite unique.

As ironic as this will seem as far as I’m aware in Australia we can only buy direct from Vapetrain and only now in 30ml bottles. I know my opinion is worth squat but I would have thought they’d do better to make them available at other Australian vape retailers and in smaller bottles.
I often add a few bottles of concentrates on when I’m ordering hardware which I probably wouldn’t have tried otherwise.

I particularly liked their Fizzy Sherbet, Strawberry Jam, Butter Toffee Base and Light Rum and will/would buy them again but time will tell.

I sincerely hope this little write up helps someone as I know I appreciate and try to look for REAL vapers opinions when I’m considering trying a new concentrate.
I’ll state the obvious and often cited taste is subjective but believe that statement is very true and something to consider when considering spending your own money.

Thanks and Happy Vaping!!!

As long as governments worldwide pull their heads out of their posteriors and enable us to enjoy what we want with our own legally hard earned money.


VERY nicely done @Gazza7.


Thanks mate for these reviews, they are very much appreciated.


Outstanding. Thanks for sharing your reviews.


Awesome effort. Yeh I would not be doing milkshake base at 3% though. Some of the others you scored low you could try lower too. When they first came out I was trying most of them at 2%-4%. Except the panadan leaf and hard crack toffee which are extra strong.


Anyone tried a decently stepped solo with Love?

I’ve got it in the cupboard and tried a quick mix when it arrived, but without sweetener it just tastes like shit: of course right, it’s basically white chocolate and mixed creams - why would white chocolate without any sweetener taste good.

Still, curious…

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You’re right and I’m going to revisit some of them solo but not the milkshake!
I tempted to not test English Toffee again either but probably should. I’ve actually mixed that with a few others and diluted it to use my tester up and still wasn’t impressed.


No worries and I’m glad to be able to contribute.


@Gazza7 I feel bad the Sugarloaf didn’t light you on fire with it’s deliciousness. I tested it a bit lower @ 4%, and wonder if your higher rate was partially to blame.

Keep the great reviews coming.


I suspect that’s at least partially to blame and I certainly will test that one again @4%.

I admit I’m extremely tempted to try some more Vapetrain, especially the jams.
If I do I’ll post some more opinions.

The ones I highlighted could also sneak into the cart but I’m put off by the fact that 30ml bottles are the smallest available.
No worries with the ones I like but not so much with any new ones.


Forgot to mention.

You’ve no reason to feel bad!
You (and many others) like it but unfortunately I can’t see why.
That’s life and taste differences.

Hopefully my opinion will be better when I’ve retested it at a lower percentage.
I’ll post either way.


@Gazza7 ever thought about getting a stack of VTA in smaller 10ml bottles from Chefs? They’re crazy cheap and so is the postage. Only downside is that it might take 3 weeks or so to get to us here in WA ‘cos it’s via Royal Mail. Well, that’s how long it took for mine anyways. Just a thought brother. Cheers.


I have indeed and probably will soon enough.
I’ve also noticed that they stock a few others I’d like to try from other manufacturers.

Problem is I’m attempting to be a little more frugal as this is the time of the year that we become inundated with household bills.
House/contents and vehicles insurances etc which unfortunately never go down.

Often tempted to not renew the house and contents but I just haven’t got the nerve I don’t think. I know my luck and can just imagine the year I don’t is the year I need to use it. Like all insurances one hopes to never need to use it but feels it’s a necessity to have it.

Thanks for the thoughts and suggestion.