Vape Train Australia (VTA) Single Flavor Tests by SessionDrummer

What a great train and review of different flavours. Thinking to mix and make something unique now. There is a lot to try and come up with something different. Nice one.


so the lemon Meringue and the milkshake base are 2 of your favorites? Lol so in other words…get those…haha!


@ladycrooks VTA had quite a few good ones in that run, and tastes are always subjective. Technically the Sugarloaf, Fizzy Sherbet, and Milk Fresh were the two topps for me, but the others weren’t far behind …


@SessionDrummer , I hold you personally responsible for my just made VTA order…

Banana Custard
Warm Custard
Chocolate Mousse
Glazed Strawberries
Pudding Base

My thinking is the Banana custard may work solo for me, I struggle with most other banana flavours.
The Warm Custard sounds like it could work with the pudding base as a slightly creamier base.
Glazed strawberries used low to thicken my other strawberries.
And finally chocolate mousse… because it’s chocolate mousse!!!


Hehe @Ianc13 I think you’re really going to like them, and please post up your thoughts here !!!


I received one order from Chefs and am currently waiting on another.
The first order contained three new (to me) Vapetrain concentrates and the second four. I also added 30ml bottles of Fizzy Sherbet and Light Rum as I initially enjoyed those so much.
I was tempted to buy another Strawberry Jam but as I ordered OOOs I thought I should try that first.
There’s always next time!

Anyway, new to me and on the seemingly never ending list of concentrates to test are;

1/ Orange Marmalade
2/ Citrus Mate… I have actually tried this one and will post a few words beneath.
3/ Blueberry Jam
4/ Rum & Raisin
5/ Brandy
6/ Bourbon
7/ Orange Tang.

Life has been very busy lately so I don’t know when but as I test them I’ll post opinions on each.

I’ll just add here that when I was scrolling through this thread to post at the bottom I obviously hit some button or other by mistake.
Something along the lines of “thank you for keeping our community civil “ or similar and I think it may have been directed at @muth.
I’ve no idea what I touched and definitely didn’t mean to so if I’ve reported @muth for anything it was completely unintentional and I apologise as you or anybody else certainly haven’t offended me in any which way, manner or form!

Hopefully if I have inadvertently done something a moderator can read this and delete the work of my stupid fat fingers.


As mentioned above I’ve recently tried Vapetrain Citrus Mate.
I mixed it @3% and it was steeping for 15 days.

I haven’t seen much mentioned about this one and the truth is when my son started vaping he introduced me to fruity/ citrus flavors. They were a flavour profile I wasn’t particularly interested in but have grown to enjoy them for the most part.

Vapetrain seem to utalise mate a lot in their flavour descriptions, presumably playing on the Aussie vernacular. Fair enough as I understand this line to be more of an additive than a flavour concentrate, so therefore it’s a mate of a concentrate which helps boost or push a particular flavour in a direction. At least that’s my take on it anyway.

And that’s exactly what this one does as it has a true citrus type ‘tang’ to it. I wouldn’t say it’s a particular flavour and does seem to have that generic bite that I’ve come to enjoy from most citrus type flavours. If I had to try and pin it down I’d probably say it’s leaning more to a lemon/lime type flavour but that’s not really doing it justice as to my taste it’s a bit more than that.
At the percentage used I can definitely vape it solo and as you can probably tell enjoyed it.
I can certainly believe that it can add to a fruit recipe and lift it a bit to where it would improve the juice.

Personally I probably wouldn’t go much higher solo and am thinking along the lines of 1-1.5% in a recipe. If pushed too high I think it could become too much and taste chemically or take over.

I’d rate it at 9 out of 10 and would buy it again.


I’ve been giving Vapetrain Orange Marmalade a taste. Mixed @3% and steeped for 15 days.

My very basic knowledge of a marmalade is that it’s similar to a jam but I think made with citrus type fruits. I haven’t actually eaten marmalade for a long time but I do remember enjoying it and it actually brings back memories of my dearly departed mum who used to love it.

I think this one hits the profile pretty well as it’s an unmistakable orange flavour and the citrus wallop is certainly there too. I honestly can’t remember if it’s an identical taste as I recall it but in all honesty I’m not sure that would be possible.
What it definitely tastes of is a very citrusy laden orange, almost orange peel like which again given the description is about right I think. Quite sweet too I believe.

I enjoy it as a stand-alone and would probably buy it again if I ever ran out and the urge took me. I think this one would work in a recipe but keep the percentage low unless you’re chasing a full on smack in the gob orange flavour. For someone who enjoys orange vapes it’s worth a go.
I’ll give it 8 out of 10.


Thank you @Gazza7 .


No worries.

I’ve got Rum & Raisin, Bourbon and Blueberry Jam steeped and ready to go but I’ll probably test them on the weekend.


Hopefully you’ll love the Rum & Raisin. I always get a 30ml each autumn for seasonal vapes.


Testing Vapetrain Blueberry Jam @4% and it’s been steeping for 21 days.

I gave this one a go as I thought Vapetrains Strawberry Jam was excellent but unfortunately this doesn’t quite match that description.
It’s certainly vapeable as a solo but I think it’s lacking any real depth of flavour. I do taste the berry aspect and to a lesser extent the jam too but it doesn’t quite hit the mark for me. To be fair it’s flavour description is correct but it just seems a bit lack luster and is missing that wow factor that I experienced from Strawberry Jam. Perhaps this one could do with being mixed a bit higher but I’m reluctant to do so as my previous experience with Vapetrains concentrates and advice from here tells me that I could mute the flavour more if I do so.
To summarize I would describe it as a rather dull berry type jam concentrate that is useable but I doubt I’d vape it solo again. I can see uses for it in a recipe with my mind jumping to a Peanut Butter/Toffee something or other.
I’d rate it at 6.5/10 and wouldn’t buy it again.


Thanks for the honest review @Gazza7.


No worries mate.


Thanks for that: I know to remove it from my shopping list.


@SessionDrummer every time I see the name golden syrup I think corn syrup. Is it anything like that?


@NuttyNana although I’ve not officially solo’d it, it came across as more of an almost buttery sweet sweetness if that makes sense. Far richer than a corn syrup, still sweet, but the undertones were different, almost buttery-like IMO.


I still keep getting likes on this thread, and you guys are making me want to get TRIGGERED, and load up on some MO VTA flavors !!!


It’d be fun to see you trying out some of their oddball offerings. Ones like Mastiha, Black Liquorice, Ginger Root and Xmas Pudding have become permanent fixtures in my palette.


Hehe, as far as THOSE TWO ^^^^ I may have to decline, as they are not in my wheelhouse, BUT, Mastiha, and Xmas Pudding might. :slight_smile:

Every time I have tried to indulge in the aforementioned two, it hasn’t ended well, at least for me.