Vape Train Australia (VTA) Single Flavor Tests by SessionDrummer

Oh they’re right up a dark and twisted alley. I’ve already bottled liquorice root and ginger wine for the winter.


Brandy fruitcake ??


Vape Train’s Mastiha Flavoured DIY Concentrate for e-liquid making.

Use Ideas: Great for Arabic, turkish style chewing gum recipes, and Greek festive breads like tsoureki, and even Greek ice creams (kaimaki). Also known as Mastic Crystals, Mastika Resin flavor


Although I can appreciate the ginger in the wintertime, I may have to bring some beer when stopping over. :slight_smile:


The irony here is, I can eat these ALL DAY LONG

BUT, if it goes inside one of my tanks, …


Yes, but on the richer side: It’s trying to emulate a brandy steeped fruitcake with suet.

I’ve been playing around with Mastiha on a few thick ice creams and potted fruits.


Do it! Would love to see more.


I think I’ve given Vapetrain Bourbon long enough now to pass an opinion on it. I mixed it @5% and steeped for 22 days. I noticed that others were mixing it a tad higher so I upped from my normal 4% for Vapetrain but am unsure if that was wise or not.
This is another one that I was enticed to try due to my enjoyment of another from Vapetrain, namely Light Rum.
Unfortunately these alcohol concentrates aren’t ones that I can hand on heart say taste like their namesake as I very rarely drink Rum,whiskey, bourbon and the like as they simply don’t agree with me. But in a vape I tend to like them which is a little strange but true.

This one definitely has the alcohol type kick and taste I’ve come to expect from Vapetrain but it doesn’t match their Light Rum in my opinion. To be honest it doesn’t match LA Butter Rum either so perhaps I should stick to the Rum concentrates?

Tastes are subjective but for my 2c worth this is a more than decent alcohol type taste and quite sweet. It also seems to leave a very nice aftertaste following the vape too. I can easily vape it solo but think moving forward it’ll be best served mixed with a tobacco, custard or something I haven’t thought of yet. I’m leaning towards the opinion that it’s a little weaker than it could be so in a recipe and dependent on that recipe I’d probably go towards 3% to taste.

I wouldn’t buy it again as Light Rum is far superior but this one is acceptable so worth a shot.
I’ll rate it at 6.5 out of 10.


I’ve given Vapetrain Rum&Raisin a few days now so I’m happy to offer my opinions.
I mixed it @4% and it’s steeped for 25 days.

The reason I gave this a bit more time was to truly test it and not jump to conclusions as to be honest I really wanted to like this one. Initially I thought it’s ok and the brutal truth is I’ve arrived at the conclusion no amount of time is going to change that.
If my tastebuds don’t deceive me I’m sure I’m noticing a similar type taste to all of Vapetrain boozy concentrates that I’ve tried and this one is no exception. I’m not saying they all taste exactly the same but to me there’s a similarity somewhere. That similarity is true of their Light Rum too but that has a greater depth of flavour and something more in the taste department.

I’m certainly not knocking them as it’s a taste I like and enjoy which to me is reminiscent of alcohol and I’m sure will work in a way I’ll enjoy in a recipe.
This is a more than decent concentrate but I think it’s lacking a depth of flavour and just seems a bit bland almost. Perhaps I should try it stronger but after my initial Vapetrain session I don’t want to make the same mistake and overdo it. I believe I will try 6% and see if I enjoy it more. If I was to blind test this I’d say it’s an alcohol but there’s nothing more I could really add.
In my opinion this one is nowhere near as good as Flavorah Rum&Raisin which is a shame as I was looking forward to trying it and hoping it would match or come close, but it doesn’t.

I’ve tried to put what I taste into words but I just can’t come up with much else as to me it doesn’t really have a lot of much to mention.

Sorry if that’s repetitive and not very informative.
Needless to say I wouldn’t buy it again as Flavorah has it beat and I would give it 7.5/10 which perhaps may seem a little generous considering what’s above but to be fair it’s certainly useable and probably quite easily.


Thank you @Gazza7, great honest review.


Definitely honest but a bit crap too I fear. I tried but thought there was no point repeating myself.
I just had nothing else.
If I was reading it I admit I’d think there’s not much substance to it but in a nutshell my advice would be buy Flavorah instead!


Thank you very much @Gazza7, you made perfect sense to me and I am grateful for your review.


Thanks for the review. It’s always nice to see others’ impressions.

Personally I think you went a tad strong with it: I rarely use it as high as 1.35%.


What pct do you use? I love caramels but all too often I’m disappointed. I do have the VTA Salted Caramel in my stash but only tried it once. I’m willing to give it another go if I felt more confident about pcts and maybe other compatible/supporting flavors.


Thx for the review @Gazza7 I usually pair their Bourbon with another like FLV. I find the VTA a good bourbon for desserts and FLV has the real alcohol kick. Together they’re a more realistic pair, I think. I’ve tried TFA Kentucky Bourbon and I just get this off note from it that ruins it for me. In spite of this it’s widely used. I wish I could find a way to make it work better for me.


This recipe might give you an idea of percentages and flavours that compliment it, I think this was the recipe that got me started on Salted Caramel VTA.


I’ll be honest and say at 1.35% I don’t think I’d taste anything but PG/VG.
It’s true to say I generally like my juice strong which perhaps is my downfall as I could be overdoing it and muting the flavour on some.
Interesting to read your comments though and I will play around with it I’m sure so thanks.


Thank you, Lucas. It seems that the Golden Syrup (VTA) would be a good pairing with the Salted Caramel because of its caramelized property. This leads me to VTA Honeycomb which might also be a good compliment from what I know of it.


I think you could be right there @muth as it’s along the same lines as the Salted Caramel, maybe they would make a good trio together at the right percentages.


That sounds like an interesting project. I’m thinking I don’t have the right pcts on some VTA flavors for my own liking because there are some that I just adore using common percentages and then others that aren’t working for me. Your words, “right percentages” dings a bell for me.


The Honey Comb is like the centre of a few UK/Au chocolate bars, and not like a natural form. In the UK we have a Crunchie as the best comparison, I don’t know your version.
