Vape Train Australia (VTA) Single Flavor Tests by SessionDrummer

I just utalised my Chefs 20% off code and placed another order. However this time I only included another three Vapetrain concentrates as I’ve kind of exhausted most that I’m interested in I think. Perhaps a few more will jump out at me at a later date but we’ll see. In fact I jumped more onto the Wonder Flavors wagon this time… but I digress.

I ordered ;
1/ Jam It as I keep looking and considering it although from what I’ve read it actually jams up bugger all and is more of a passion fruit.
2/ Glazed Strawberries as it’s another I’ve often toyed with buying but on my last order they were out of stock.
3/Tropical Fruit Tart simply because it was on sale! In fact after ordering it I thought I’d better check if any opinions had been made and found out it’s actually a one shot. As I understand one shots they’re simply a recipe in a concentrate form so not really a mistake but an indication to stop buying on impulse.

Anyway when I’ve tried them I’ll post opinions on here.


I’m interested to hear what you think of the Tropical Fruit Tart as I’ve thought about getting it but there is very little information about it or recipes that use it. Thanks for doing these reviews as they are very informative and it’s always good to hear what different people have to say.


I am a big fan of the Glazed Strawberries. I have a hard time tasting strawberries. This added to a few other strawberry flavors, seems to make it pop.


I have read that others have said a similar thing and that’s one of the reasons I wanted to try it.


My 2 bob…. It’s also one of the better strawberries :strawberry: to use in bakeries


My Chefs order arrived today.

Ten days I believe from ordering to arrival so again zero complaints with the time taken and all bottles present and correct. No leakages either so I’m a happy chappy once again due to Chefs.

I’ll mix the Vapetrain concentrates that I bought as soon as I can. I had a thought in regards to the Jam It which was I’ll mix a tester but also I’ll mix it with another strawberry at a lower percentage to see if I can taste any extra “jammyness”. It smells pleasant enough but I wouldn’t say the aroma makes my brain jump to a jam type smell. I’ve also put a tiny amount on my finger and rubbed it inside my cheek and similarly to the smell it tastes fruity but not jammy.
Time will tell though and obviously I’ll post my thoughts when able.


I broke my own rule and have been testing Vapetrain Orange Tang @4% today after only 12 days steeping and not my usual minimum of 14 but decided as it was a citrus I didn’t think it would matter that much. Basically I took advantage of the fact that I was about to use a recently cleaned and rebuilt RTA and thought it was an ideal opportunity.
Enough rambling and on with my thoughts.

In Australia we can buy a powdered orange drink called Raro. It’s available in one of the big supermarket chains but is made in New Zealand I think. Needless to say I enjoy it and have bought it many times. I’m sure this type of drink is available all over the world which is why I mention it.


For some reason I assumed this concentrate might be a reasonable representation of this drink and thankfully I was correct. The same as the drink it’s not a true orange taste as if you’ve bitten into a freshly peeled one but an artificial and sweetened type orange.
Undoubtedly it has a citrus type ‘tang’ to it and a very enjoyable lingering aftertaste of orange. Probably not too surprising given the concentrates name but true none the less.
My starting percentage of 4% could possibly be dialed down a bit as a stand-alone and depending on what finished flavour I was chasing I’d probably use it between 1-1.5% in a recipe. That being said I thoroughly enjoy this one and don’t need much time to assess that I rate it and definitely would buy it again. I would give it 9/10 as it is very sweet but personally I’m ok with that. One point to raise though is I wouldn’t add any sweetener to a recipe that it was in because it simply wouldn’t need it and could possibly ruin that recipe.

For those that enjoy these type of artificial powdered drinks and specifically the orange variety I would suggest it’s worth a go.

I just entered my thoughts on the data base and noticed that someone had mentioned they didn’t know what a tang drink was, thinking they just thought the description meant tangy. Once I researched it I think the penny dropped and I realise why I made the correlation. I must have subconsciously known what a ‘tang’ drink was and simply forgotten, hence my assumption. At the end of the day and what my daughter would say “whatever” as it’s very enjoyable and true to its name.
Sorry for the aging organ between my ears.


Welcome to ELR @marianna2651.


@marianna2651 Welcome to the forum. It’s always great to see a new person join our community.


Welcome @marianna2651


So you are telling me i can finally vape what the first astronauts drank in the apollo program. Oh im getting this :joy::joy::joy::joy:


I’ve been testing Vapetrain Brandy for a couple of days now and I’ve been enjoying it. I mixed it @5% and it’s been steeping for 21 days.


This one is second to VT Light Rum but none the less I can see it having heaps of possibilities. As I’ve well documented by now I’m not a spirit drinker but I enjoy the alcohol type tingle that I get from a decent boozy concentrate and this one has it in spades.

I can’t state with any certainty it’s exactly like brandy but I can say that it’s a more than acceptable alcohol taste that has a lingering and very enjoyable sweet aftertaste.
It does have the typical VT booze taste I’ve come to expect but thankfully also has another uniqueness that lifts it up above their bourbon etc. I’ve been trying to work out what the extra is and I keep thinking of a fermented fruityness of some description?

In my opinion if you enjoy a boozy concentrate then this one is worth a go. As I’ve thought with most VT boozy concentrates my limited experience is pushing me towards custards and tobaccos but I’m sure it’ll work well elsewhere too with a bit of thought.

I think my mixing percentage is about right as a stand-alone but I could imagine it being quite a bully so I’d probably dial it down to 1.5-2% in a recipe. I’d rate this one as a solid 8.5 out of 10 and would buy it again.


Nicely done @Gazza7.


We have Tang and it was brought on space flights back in the 60s or 70s I think :grin:. It’s still around today.


:joy::joy::joy: i forgot it on my last order. Won’t forget it on the next


Raspberry Jam (VTA) 4% (11-14-21) – This raspberry quickly turned into a mystery of sorts, as to exactly WHAT, it was. Was def. getting a red raspberry from it, but it’s almost like there was some light peach and/or apple notes in there. The “other” notes were low, but still present, so it left the raspberry kind of wandering around a bit. As far as the “jammy” accents, they presented as about a 50/50 split between jammy, and candied. Sweetness was about mid level, and there were some tart notes on the high end and finish, that let it exit with a sparkle. At 4% it worked really well, and I had briefly considered adding a dash of INW Malina just to see if it could be pushed FULLY into the RB camp, but I held out. All in it was a good RB Jam, just not a great one. Could VERY easily be pushed into that, with minimal effort. Minor takedowns for a somewhat vague RB, and the candied jammy notes. Felt good at 7.5/10.


Sugar Cane (VTA) 4% (11-14-21) – After talking to @Psycho_316 and the success he had in his, Cherry Cola, I knew I had to solo this one. He stated it really enhanced the “fizz” in the Cola, and who doesn’t love an actual fizz. I decided to test this one @ 4% as it smelled very light, and testing it, continued that trend. My first impressions were that of a very natural sugar cane, with slight caramelized notes, but with NO burnt, or bitterness. Possibly a very light hint of vanilla, but just barely. Having spent some time on the Cherry Cola myself, I can absolutely see how this flavor would boost and enhance it. I intentionally ran this one high, so your usage will vary depending on your needs, and I had nothing off-putting at this level, and even at that, it was still relaxed, smooth, and with just a smidge of caramelly, darker sugar undertones. For it’s namesake I would have to push it high at 9.1/10.


Wait till you add it to the cherry cola :joy::joy: i am steeping my last 50ml for fun. Smelt it today and wow :drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face:


A while ago @Lucas_James_Holden passed comments that he’d be interested to read my thoughts on Vapetrain Tropical Fruit Tart which I’m glad to say I can finally post. Apologies that it took so long!
I mixed it @4% and it’s steeped for 20 days.

According to Vapetrains description it’s supposed to be a refreshing dessert liquid topped with kiwis,strawberry and mangoes beneath a buttery tart shell filled with creamy custard. The operative word in that sentence is ‘supposed’ and it’s my own.
To be completely honest my opinion is probably tainted by my own stupidity as I tend to mix Vapetrain @4% and didn’t think to up it. I did realise this one is a one shot but unfortunately didn’t read the website as they suggest mixing it at between 6-12% as a stand-alone. I probably would have mixed it @9% if I had done my research properly. Although I’ve been bitten before mixing Vapetrain too high and taking their suggestions.
Therefore my thoughts are probably worth squat but I’ll give them anyway!

It’s pleasant enough but I do find it very weak in flavour, which I won’t dwell on anymore, but I will mix it higher at some stage and try it again.
At this percentage anyway I have no idea where the kiwis and strawberries are and also get zero buttery tart either. For me it’s a generic fruity taste with perhaps a hint of mango but personally I’m sure I taste a light coconut too?

It truly is just a faint generic fruit taste with nothing jumping out at me at all. I certainly don’t find it offensive but immediately thought how does that description match the taste? I’m sure I’ll use it and hopefully correctly in the future. Even though I completely stuffed up my initial test I think I could say I wouldn’t buy it again and would give it a 4/10.
However I will make a point of mixing it stronger soon as I’m inquisitive as to how differently it might fare. When I do I shall edit this post to add any additional thoughts.

Apologies for being such a numpty and HAPPY NEW YEAR to one and all.

Just a quick note to say I’ve decided that I’m definitely going to do another tester in a couple of weeks on my next mixing session and mix it @9%. It seems a tad redundant to leave this hanging in mid air and I’d like to know if there’s a considerable difference or not.

Edit… (2)?

I’m finally offering my opinion on this one @9%. It’s been steeping for 17 days.
To be honest I’ve nothing more to report that’s any different than what I’ve mentioned above. Obviously it’s a little stronger but quite honestly I still find it lacking in any depth of flavour and still believe it’s devoid of any strawberry or kiwi fruit. Perhaps the lingering coconut may have increased but I basically taste a generic fruity type taste that whilst not offensive isn’t one I’d rush to vape solo again.
To summarise it’s pleasant enough but I’m only going to raise my rating to 5/10 and wouldn’t buy it again.


Thanks you @Gazza7 for testing this one and getting back to me, it doesn’t sound too promising but you never know and I look forward to hearing your thoughts when you have tested it again at a higher percentage. Happy New Year to you mate and to everyone else reading this post.:partying_face: