Vape Train Australia (VTA) Single Flavor Tests by SessionDrummer

Do not ever try the VTA pinacolada it is horrific. Think flyspray with clove. One of my biggest disappointments.


Not my idea of a desirable vape either. Thanks for the heads up as I have looked at that one previously.
Going by your thoughts I’m glad I didn’t go for it.

Although the flies have been a right royal PITA this summer so perhaps it could have been useful.


That’s disappointing and surprising as I would have thought that because they have a pretty good coconut and pineapple they could have at least got a Pina Colada right. Thanks for the heads up mate.


I’ve been using Vapetrain Glazed Strawberry for a couple of days now and feel ready to pass comment.
I mixed it @5% and it’s steeped for 25 days.

I can’t remember what made me mix this @5% but it must have been opinions I’d read. I’m glad I did and to be honest believe it could be pushed a bit higher as a stand-alone.
What I get is indeed a strawberry but I’m struggling to understand the glazed description a bit. Probably a sweetened strawberry and for me that’s exactly what it is. A sweet strawberry that is a little underwhelming but not bad by any stretch. Certainly an enjoyable vape but personally I prefer Capella Sweet Strawberry, as a stand-alone anyway.
For some reason I expected a bit more but from other comments believe it’s used more as a sweet strawberry additive which is fair enough. That’s definitely where I’ll be using it moving forward too.
I don’t want to seem unfair so I will stress that I did enjoy it and definitely don’t regret buying it but if I’m being completely honest I would rate it at 6.5/10 and wouldn’t buy it again but only because I prefer Capella.


I think I’ve had enough time to offer an opinion on Vapetrain Jam It now and it’s been a bit of a mission.
I mixed it @4% and it’s been steeping for 29 days.

The truth is I actually like it but honestly have no idea how it’s supposed to “jam up” anything. But there again the truth is in the pudding, so to speak. Due to the fact that I’ve only tasted it as a stand-alone and haven’t tried it for it’s intended purpose I can’t speak from any experience on that point.

At this percentage and on its own it’s an enjoyable fruity taste to me and I’m sure leaning more towards a passion fruit. It does seem to have a very nice depth of flavour and a kind of sweetened syrupyness …( I don’t think that’s even a word but it works!)
I’ve found it very hard to try and define its flavour, as I’ve mixed it, and therein lies the problem. I’m trying to imagine it mixed with a strawberry or apricot and by extension would that “jam” them up. My initial thoughts are that no it wouldn’t but to do this justice I’m going to try just that, as was my original intention anyway. Time constraints and a heap of other concentrates to try are my excuses but this question needs to be answered in my own mind.
I’m thinking something very simple as in just one other concentrate in each of those flavours mixed a bit weaker than I have previously.

But for the purpose of this post my opinion is that as a stand-alone it’s a sweetened syrupy passion fruit and very enjoyable. Even if it doesn’t “jam” anything up I’m glad I tried it for that reason alone and would buy it again.
I wouldn’t normally be as generous with my opinions if it doesn’t taste as described but I already had doubts that this one was some sort of magical additive and still think Vapetrain have produced a nice concentrate here which will work in recipes just fine.
I’d rate it at 8.5 out of 10.

Therefore as an obvious footnote I shall mix this again as described above and add my opinions here. Similarly to Tropical Fruit Tart to save it hanging around I’ll do that in a week or so, time permitting.

Additional notes;

1/ TFA Juicy Peach @8%
VTA Jam It @3%
If I was Mr. Vapetrain I’d rename this concentrate as Zing It, Bling It, Lift It or something similar as this has now worked wonders and I can see where it shines.

Jam It doesn’t cut it (enough it’s now) as to my tastes this simple yet effective experiment still doesn’t jam the juice up but has definitely lifted the taste to a new level. Contrary to what I read when I solo tested TFA Juicy Peach I didn’t find it that good. I mixed it @10% and found the juice ok but a little weak and as per my notes would up the percentage if I was to ever mix it solo again. That’s one of the reasons that I picked it to conduct this taste test thinking it wouldn’t dominate the Jam It and thus giving me a better indication of the use for Vapetrains offering.

However as my percentages above the peach has come alive in this simple recipe and dominates the flavour but in a very good way.
I have no idea how but the peach has transformed into a flavour with a true depth of enjoyable “preachiness”. I honestly don’t detect the Jam It at all but it’s worked it’s magic magnificently.
I’ll reserve total judgment until after I’ve tried the same experiment with TFA Strawberry Ripe but after testing this I’m certainly looking forward to that.

And again apologies for all the “It’s” in these few words as I did try and curtail them!

2/ TFA Strawberry Ripe @5%
VTA Jam It @3%
I originally (many moons ago) solo tested TFA Strawberry Ripe @15% and regularly use it in recipes ranging in percentages, probably up to 8%. Therefore I’ve got a reasonable idea of how it tastes and how it plays with other concentrates which is why I decided to use it with Jam It for this taste test.
Whilst is still didn’t change Strawberry Ripe into strawberry jam it has made a difference. I’m sure it has added to the strawberry in a good way giving it a deeper taste. Contrary to Juicy Peach I think I can discern Jam It in the taste and wouldn’t say it’s made such an impression on me. In saying that I’m not knocking it and believe it has improved Strawberry Ripe as a stand-alone. To be honest I expected more going from the peach test but I suppose you can’t have everything!
I forgot to add above but will here both of these testers had steeped for 24 days.

To summarize to my tastes Vapetrain Jam It @3% is a fantastic additive that doesn’t add any jammy flavor but does seem to somehow give the juice a deeper more enjoyable flavour. I’ve only tried it on these two but I would imagine it’ll work well with many others. Perhaps if I’m thinking a particular recipe is a bit lack luster it could be the concentrate that makes it work as I would have originally liked and intended?
It’s forte is in my opinion as an additive although it is certainly vapeable solo.

I’m upping my original score to 9.5/10 and would definitely buy it again.
I was toying with 10/10 but thought as it didn’t quite lift Strawberry Ripe as much as Juicy Peach I couldn’t quite do that.


PERFECTLY done @Gazza7. As I was reading your words, I was reliving that experience. Sometimes, flavors solo’d can be impossible to PRE-judge as mixed. Solo’ing sweeteners, milks, creams, can be HARD to fully exploit, AS a solo, BUT, solo testing is WHERE it all begins.

Very nicely done, and well written on a tough flavor.


Thanks very much @SessionDrummer ,coming from you especially I appreciate that very much.

I completely agree with your point on solo tasting everything as to me it’s the only way YOU know what it tastes like or could bring to a recipe.
Although I enjoy the process it is very time consuming when I include all the cleaning and clearing up afterwards.
Things would be so much easier if I just worked on recipes and made bigger batches but life’s not meant to be easy!

On my next little session I’m going to just mix Vapetrain so I can knock over all I have, including Tropical Fruit Tart @9%, Jam It with two other concentrates,Barrel Oak (which I’m not particularly looking forward to solo),Sugar Cane and Buttered Popcorn.


Jamit worked for me on stone fruit flavors such as peach and apricot. I tried it on watermelon and that was a bad move. I also don’t think it works the best with bakeries etc. Conceptually you might think I will add this to the fruit but it does not discriminate in a mix it blends with everything. So if you are just making a jam or something it does give it that gooeyness and worked pretty well. A good example of it being used well is @Nevans Aprijam recipe Check cookies


Thanks for sharing your experiences. I don’t have a couple of those concentrates but will sub them and give that one a go.



GREAT info @lukeloop.

To Jam It, or NOT to Jam It, that is the question.



I’ve been having alot of fun with that “Barell Oak” it’s actually not a bad flavor to mix with vanillas and custards espically.


Today I mixed up my last remaining Vapetrain concentrates that I have and the two experiments with Jam It. I also remixed Tropical Fruit Tart but at 9% this time.
Therefore today I mixed ;

1/ Barrel Oak @ 5%
2/ Buttered Popcorn @ 8%
3/ Sugar Cane @ 3%
4/ Tropical Fruit Tart @ 9%
5/ Jam It @ 3%
TFA Strawberry Ripe @ 5%
6/ Jam It @ 3%
TFA Juicy Peach @ 8%

I was a little bit more experimental with my choice of percentages this time but I gleaned information from reviews and Vapetrains own website.
Could be an absolute disaster but time will tell.

I’m hoping to start testing and offering opinions in a couple of weeks time.


It’s been a while but after answering the Jam It and Tropical Tart questions that I had I’m now onto Vapetrain Sugar Cane which I mixed @3% and it’s been steeping for 30 days.

Due to my insistence on tasting all concentrates I buy on their own I have tasted a couple of sweeteners solo and from memory and referring to my notes this one is actually more palatable than the others, being TFA Sweetener and FW sweetener.
In saying that it’s certainly not one that I’d choose to vape solo again but obviously that’s not it’s intended use anyway.
It’s hard to describe other than the obvious in that it’s extremely sweet but it does have a decent lingering aftertaste that I don’t remember from the other two. I think it reminds me more or raw brown sugar than the white variety. On the odd occasion that I’ve inadvertently eaten a granule or two of brown sugar I think that’s the aftertaste I’m getting.
I certainly to my detriment have a sweet tooth so I do find myself adding a sweetener to some recipes and believe whilst I have this one it’s the one I’d think of first.

But unless I order a 30ml bottle I can’t order it domestically within Australia so I’ll probably never end up buying it again as the 10ml I have will last a long time and I don’t consider it that different/better to warrant a lifetimes supply in a 30ml bottle.
There’s nothing wrong with it and in fact quite the opposite so I would order it again in a 10ml bottle if I had no other sweetener and was placing an order with Chefs or any other stockist.
I’ll give it a 7/10.


Currently vaping Vapetrain Buttered Popcorn which unfortunately didn’t match my expectations.
As it’s a one shot I mixed it @8% and it’s been steeping for 31 days.

When I mention above that it doesn’t match my expectations I should also add I do like it. Basically what I taste is butter and more butter with very little popcorn. It’s an extremely greasy type tasting butter too which on its own can become a bit tiresome and sickly after a while.
But personally I find it vapeable as a stand-alone albeit in small sessions. That in itself should lead me to rate it lower than I will as at the end of the day it is marketed as a one shot or as I think of them a recipe in concentrate form. Personally I wouldn’t vape it solo again as I can imagine having this out with me and only vaping it to keep the cravings away rather than actually enjoying it. Where I was hoping this one would be was with popcorn front and foremost with the buttery aspect complimenting it in the background but unfortunately it’s definitely the reverse with as mentioned the actual popcorn hard to find.
I was actually considering buying Vapetrains Butter Base but quite honestly don’t think I need to as I already have this one.

Therefore my obvious conclusion is where I believe this one will work well would be using it as a buttery additive rather than a one shot. I’m teetering between a 6/10 and a 7/10 but as to me it doesn’t seem to do what it says on the bottle I’ll give it a 6/10 and wouldn’t buy it again.

I’m a little disappointed as I was looking forward to this one so I think I’ll try a recipe using it but with another popcorn concentrate to see if I can create something similar to what I expected it to taste like.

To summarise I think I’ll find it useful but buttered popcorn it ain’t.


Sorry you didn’t get more popcorn from it @Gazza7, but I think your review will help a lot of people, looking for popcorn and butter.


No worries and thanks.
Ultimately that’s why I’ve been posting these opinions so it gives another vaper my ideas on some of Vapetrains concentrates.
I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again personally I always look for other vapers thoughts before buying a new flavour and doing this just makes me think I’m giving back a bit.
Nowhere near as much as you though!

I picked on Vapetrain as the array of rather unique flavours initially intrigued me but I was struggling to find many reviews.
Couple that with the fact that I live in Australia and it just made sense!
Not so sensible is the fact that I have to buy them from the UK but doing that has given me the chance to try other manufacturers too so I’m not complaining.


Outstanding !!!

That’s equally great @Gazza7.


Not so long ago I said that I thought I’d exhausted my Vapetrain purchases but I was clearly delusional.
Today I placed an order for a few more with Chefs.

I’m sure this will be it but either way I bought;

1/Chocolate Custard
2/ Carrot Cake
3/Hokey Pokey Ice Cream
4/ RB Energy Drink
5/Golden Syrup
6/Fruit Mix
7/ Fruit Cake
8/ Custard Tobacco
9/ Cognac
10/ Cinnamon Doughnut
11/ Cigar Leaf
12/ Banana Custard

Bugger it,you only live once.
Im obviously a glutton for punishment but will post opinions on all in due course.

Lately I’ve been perusing Nom Nomz and there’s a few on their site I’d like to try but I decided to give Chefs another shake for now.


Onto the last of this little batch of Vapetrain concentrates and it’s Vapetrain Barrel Oak which I mixed @5% and it’s been steeping for 38 days.

Truth is I’ve been returning to this one for the best part of a week trying to get my head around it but I think I’m finally ready to put some thoughts into words.

I immediately liked it as a stand-alone so no problem there but I just found it hard to write words against it. What I definitely get is the Vapetrain booze taste that I enjoy but it’s quite a bit more subdued. There is something else there which I presume is the ‘woody’ or charred aspect I’ve seen some mention. I wasn’t sure what to expect from this one as I didn’t want to taste charred wood but if that’s what it is my concern was misplaced as it works very well. There’s also an agreeable sweetness which was somewhat unexpected but welcome none the less.
Whilst I was trying to think of how best to describe it I was looking at the picture above and then the thought hit me. I have on a few occasions smelled the barrels that whiskey has been aging in and wished that I could actually drink that whiskey due to that aroma but unfortunately I knew that if I did I’d regret it. I believe that the taste I’m getting is how I would imagine the taste to be which makes perfect sense… to me anyway!

It is somewhat light at my testing percentage but still one that I’ve thoroughly enjoyed as a SFT. Therefore stand-alone I think it could be pushed higher with perhaps 4-5% being it’s ceiling in a recipe, but I do tend to enjoy my juices strong I think. The obvious jumps to mind being that it would mix very well with tobacco’s,custards or a booze concentrate with my preference leaning more towards the tobacco or custard.

I like this one and would definitely buy it again giving it a rating of 8.5/10.


Very nicely done @Gazza7. :slight_smile: