Vape Train Australia (VTA) Single Flavor Tests by SessionDrummer

Let us know what you think of this one if you get the time. I’m wondering how it compares to the “Energy Cow” that Tom sells over at the Juice Factory. That’s assuming you have tried his EC. Just curious as it’s one of my faves and I mix it up solo all the time. But only if you have the time brother :wink: Cheers.


No worries, I’ll post an opinion as soon as I can.
I do own Juice Factory Energy Cow and remember quite enjoying it.
I just checked my notes and I mixed it @3% although that was a long time ago.


@Dardy, for what it’s worth my Chefs order arrived today and I can say the RB Energy Drink definitely smells of Red Bull.
Obviously I haven’t mixed it up yet but I will asap and let you know my thoughts.


I had a little mixing session today which included six Vapetrain.
I mixed ;

1/ Custard Tobacco @ 7%
2/ Hokey Pokey Ice Cream @ 5%
3/ Chocolate Custard @ 5%
4/ Fruit Mix @ 8%
5/ Banana Custard @ 4%
6/ RB Energy Drink @ 7%

@Dardy, I will try the Energy Drink first so I can give you my opinions. Sorry for the delay but it’ll be another couple of weeks before I post about it I’m afraid.


No rush mate. It’s good enough that you’re gonna do it. Appreciate you keeping me in the loop :+1:. Fingers crossed…


If only the banana could be separated from that custard. Still pretty good though.


Specifically for @Dardy but hopefully other vapers may find my humble opinions worth a read.

Im currently testing Vapetrain RB Energy Drink at a testing percentage @7% that’s been steeping for two weeks.

To be honest I haven’t been vaping on this long at all but don’t think I need a lot of time with it. The taste is certainly reminiscent of Red Bull but it’s also not particularly great either. At my mixing percentage I find it very basic and quite bland, feeling it needs to be boosted with something else in the flavour department.
I’m not a great drinker of Red Bull but have had it and if I was to blind test this one I’d think it sort of tastes like Red Bull but is too weak. Vapetrain haven’t missed the mark completely but it ain’t no bullseye either. That really is my opinion of it in a nutshell… it’s sort of Red Bull but @7% too weak and lack luster.

On Vapetrains website they recommend between 6-10% stand-alone and for me personally I’d take it up to 10% at least in the hope of obtaining some depth of flavour. I don’t think upping the percentage would make it taste too chemically which could summarise my thoughts in itself.
The aftertaste is the best thing about it and as I’m typing this I’m wondering if I’m being over critical as it’s not terrible or foul tasting just weak.
I can see uses for it but mixed with others as stand-alone I honestly don’t think it’s worth the effort. I’m thinking trying it with another Red Bull as an experiment or even a cola… something along those lines.

@Dardy, in answer to your question I believe that Juice Factory Energy Cow concentrate was better and although it’s been a long time since I tried it my notes confirm my memory being that I thought that was quite good @3%. Perhaps it might work in conjunction to concoct a slightly different angle for Red Bull… don’t know for sure but that’s the sort of area my aging brain cells are taking me.

Needless to say I’d rate this one at 5/10 and wouldn’t buy it again.


I just wanted to add after I finished my testing my son finished off the 10ml tester of this one and thoroughly enjoyed it. Admittedly this flavour profile is right up his alley but it goes to show how we’re all different.
At least I now know the bottle will not go to waste.


Next up I sampled Vapetrain Hokey Pokey Ice Cream
@5% and it’s been steeping for 14 days.


Firstly I apologise for the picture but it was the best I could find.
That point leads me onto another which I find strange. Vapetrain themselves don’t list this one as a concentrate on their site but only as a juice. They do give you various options as in higher/lower PG/VG or a doubler but not a concentrate? At least I couldn’t find it.

On Chefs site the recommended percentage is between 3-5% and I opted for the higher end. This could have possibly been a mistake as unfortunately I think there’s a faint burnt aspect to the taste. Not overwhelming so but I believe it’s lingering in the background which could possibly be clouding my judgment on in a bit.
Personally I taste very little ice cream and find it a little unbalanced if that makes sense.
I definitely taste a caramel or toffee of some sort but as stated think it’s a bit too heavy on and overtakes the flavour too much.
I believe it has possibilities probably by adding some cream and playing about with the percentages a bit but as a stand-alone at 5% it doesn’t work for me. As I’ve found with a few Vapetrain flavours now it’s not terrible but not what I was hoping for either. My thoughts could well be user error but I have mixed it within their recommendations.

Overall I find it disappointing and to summarise it’s a slightly burnt caramel with something else that to my tastes isn’t ice cream or anywhere near creamy enough.

I’ll give it 5/10 and wouldn’t buy it again.


Thank you @Gazza7.


On to Vapetrain Fruit Mix now which I mixed @8% and it’s been steeping for 15 days.

As this appears to be a one shot and on the Vapetrain site it’s recommended percentage is between 6-10% as a stand-alone I went down the middle @8%. I wasn’t sure at first but I must admit this flavour has become more agreeable as time progresses.

If the picture is anything to go by it truly is a medley of fruits but I can’t taste them all which is probably not surprising. I can definitely taste banana and I’m sure I also get pineapple but other than those two I’ve no idea. But it doesn’t taste only of banana and pineapple so others must be around somewhere.

Initially I thought I tasted plastic and cursed myself for overdoing the percentage again but as I continued that doesn’t seem to be the case anymore. Now I think it’s quite refreshing and not too shabby so perhaps I just needed to adjust a bit and thankfully that adjustment time didn’t take too long.

It is now a decent mixture of fruit with a kind of sweetened syrup type taste lurking with banana overriding it all. Personally I definitely prefer the exhale and aftertaste with the initial inhale still making me question what I’m tasting overall.

I could vape it solo but probably never will again as I enjoy other fruits over it but will be able to use it as a base and perhaps try and boost the pineapple aspect a bit.
Therefore I’ll give it 6.5/10 and will have to say I’m sure I wouldn’t buy it again.
Passable but in no way spectacular with work needed to use it up which can’t be a recommendation in anyones book.


I wasn’t going to but I think it’s relevant as anothers viewpoint.
My son has just returned home from the pub and rather sheepishly commented that this juice “tastes like shit”. I know that sentence is a contradiction but I’ve always said to him anything that he doesn’t like just tell me the truth so I don’t waste time or effort trying to mix something he doesn’t like. Therefore sheepishly because he felt guilty but the shit comment because he simply thinks it tastes like shit!
He has only vaped about 2ml as he says he just can’t continue with it and is going to change his coil.

So a tad harsher than my opinion but another opinion nonetheless.


Another one shot to try now being Vapetrain Custard Tobacco which I mixed @7% and it’s been steeping for 15 days.


This is one flavour profile I know I enjoy but as the picture showed a green leaf I was thinking perhaps it had a touch of menthol in it too, which was putting me off. I’m glad to say if it has I certainly can’t taste it.

As I say I enjoy tobaccos, custards and a combination of both and this one does creep into the enjoyment stable. It’s not the best I’ve ever tasted but not the worst either.

Vapetrain recommended percentage for this one is between 6-12% which I thought was quite a span so I opted for being a little more conservative @7% and I’m glad I did. The flavour is certainly there at this percentage but I’m thinking anymore and it could start to be a little heavy.
It’s a more than acceptable combination with I believe custard being the predominant taste. If I had to estimate I’d probably guess about 75% custard 25% tobacco. Personally I’d prefer the custard to be a little lighter but I think with a little thought it could be easily used as a base and a tobacco added to sort that bully out.
As soon as I tasted it I was reminded of a juice I’ve tried before and after a little exercise of the old brain muscle I think it’s Ripe Vapes VCT. I remember this one receiving it’s fair amount of love back in the day so when I visited America I made a point of picking up a bottle. Similarly to this one I enjoyed it enough but it didn’t blow my socks off.

That being said I am enjoying it at my mixing percentage and even though it’s not tobacco forward all in all it’s certainly acceptable as a stand-alone. To summarise I’ll state the obvious and say it’s a good enough custard and tobacco combination and for anyone else who enjoys that profile probably worth giving a go. It’s got a little bite to the custard so a vanilla is what I think it is but as for the tobacco goes it’s too far hidden to give much information on other than you can taste it more so on the exhale and aftertaste.

I’ll give it an 8/10 (just) but wouldn’t buy it again as it’s not enough tobacco for me as a one shot.


GREAT notes / reviews @Gazza7, thank you very much. Very good.


Thanks for taking the time testing this one brother, appreciate it. Yeah, not a fan of using too much in a recipe percentage-wise and 6-10% for a single is just a tad too much for me to justify. Tom’s Energy Cow will do me just fine. I mix that as a single and use it at 4% but reckon it would still taste just as good at maybe 3-3.5%. Just like you mentioned for the VTA, I too get a great after-taste (on the Energy Cow) and that’ll do me. Thanks again mate, well done… :+1:


I’ve been using Vapetrain Banana Custard for the majority of the day trying to gauge a proper opinion. I mixed it @4% and it’s been steeping for 21 days.

I’ve certainly been enjoying it but for some strange reason the flavour seems to be ‘jumping around’ a bit, for want of a better description.
What I mean is I think I’ve worked it out but on the next vape my mind changes. I cleaned the dripper,built a new coil and wicked just to be sure I wasn’t tainting the taste somehow. But no difference and for that I have absolutely no explanation why.
What I’ve eventually arrived at is not surprisingly a banana custard but I’m sure I’m getting an unexpected sweetness too which I’ve had to put down to marshmallow?
It is extremely enjoyable but for me personally I do find the banana a bit lacking and to be honest I believe I could bump the whole percentage up a bit too. I seem to taste the unexpected sweetness on the exhale and aftertaste which is certainly not unwanted but is a little unexpected.
So after all that time the best I can come up with is it’s a sweetened banana custard which whilst being very good if I was to vape it solo again I’d bump it up by at least 1%.
After reading my words I feel I’m being a little harsh which I don’t mean to be and believe I would buy it again. However I’m also going to play with it a bit and probably add another banana at a low percentage just to see how it changes.
I’ll give it 8/10.


For years since this flavor came out I have been asking Theo to release this without the custard. The banana is quite realistic and could be my favourite banana if it didn’t have the custard notes. Hoping for a Mushy Banana VT in 2022.


Onto Vapetrain Chocolate Custard which was mixed @5% and steeped for 22 days.

I thoroughly enjoy this one and believe it’s has a very authentic milky chocolate taste. However I have to admit I’m a little unsure about the custard description but it is heavier than a milk so I’m probably overthinking it too much. From memory I find the chocolate aspect similar to their chocolate mousse which I also enjoyed.
As I’m vaping it now I’m trying to put more thoughts into the description without over bogging this unnecessarily. I think I should say that my milky chocolate description doesn’t necessarily mean it tastes of milk chocolate as I don’t think it does but more of a darker chocolate that’s got a creamier additive or something similar. In as much to say that the chocolate is certainly prominent in the mix and complimented by a thicker type creaminess, if that makes sense.
I’d better stop now as I’m beginning to confuse myself!

To summarise anybody who enjoys a decent chocolate vape would I think enjoy this one as I do.

I’d rate it at 8.5/10 and would buy it again.


VERY nicely done @Gazza7. I honestly don’t think I’ve ever tried to pair custard and chocolate. Sounds complicated.


Currently vaping Vapetrain Cigar Leaf which I mixed @5% and it’s been steeping for 15 days.

I was very unsure about giving this one a go as I noticed that Vapetrain don’t manufacture many tobaccos and the only one I’ve tried to date (Custard Tobacco) was lacking in the tobacco taste department. To be honest I didn’t think it would be much good but then I reasoned perhaps the reason they don’t manufacture many is simply because tobaccos don’t appear too popular these days.

Either way I’m glad I did bother as I actually like it although it’s not my usual tobacco taste preference. I tend to enjoy the deeper tasting tobaccos with an ashy aspect and this one is definitely quite sweet but it just works for me. I also believe it has a slight spice to it which enhances the overall taste. The taste is definitely tobacco but not as I remember a cigar to taste. It’s aftertaste is very good and that’s the aspect that I think won me over. I’m surprised I enjoy it due to the perceived sweetness but I can definitely vape it solo and also believe I’ll be able to use it to good effect in recipes. My immediate thoughts have been to add it to a few NETS that I’ve made which to NET lovers is probably akin to sacrilege but that’s what I’m going to do as an experiment.
Due to my enjoyment of it I’m going to try USA Tobacco when I next place an order.

To summarise personally I enjoy it although it surprised me, believe it’s more of a sweeter tobacco with a spicy edge than a cigar and rate it 8.75/10.
I would buy it again.


Nicely done @Gazza7.


@SessionDrummer thanks for the review on this flavour, as we were looking on their website last week, and have thought about picking a bottle up. This has helped make our minds up, to pass on it.