Vape Train Australia (VTA) Single Flavor Tests by SessionDrummer

@Sejuiced_By_Mel if you meant the Cigar Leaf, that was @Gazza7. :slight_smile:


I’ve had a couple of days with Vapetrain Carrot Cake which I mixed @6% and it steeped for 18 days.

This one shot is described as a moist and delicious carrot cake that’s full of flavour which consists of soft baked carrot cake with coconut,walnuts and spices.

I beg to differ!

As I enjoyed Vapetrain Xmas pudding so much I thought this one was worth a go but alas I’ve been left disappointed.
Personally I taste a butter… ish type taste with something else that I don’t like. It certainly is not anything like cake,coconut or walnuts but possibly could be a kind of spice. If it is then it overpowers the others and simply doesn’t work. It’s one and only saving grace could be the butter… ish that possibly could be used but I’d have to put a lot of thought into that as it would need it.
Vapetrain again recommended between 6-12% as a stand-alone and I will not be trying this any higher as I truly think it’s not going to improve the finished juice or my opinions on it.

I intentionally spent some time with it trying to work it out so I was able to put my thoughts into words but I’m certainly not enjoying it anymore now than I was initially and have had enough.
Therefore the best I’ve got is some sort of weird but not wonderful buttery type taste that is something I definitely wouldn’t buy again.
I feel a little guilty giving it 1/10 as it didn’t make me gag but it’s the worst I’ve tried from them so far so I’ll settle on 1 1/2 out of 10.


@Gazza7 you had me at ^^^^^^^.

Is there any possibility that 6% was too high, or just a bad flavor ?


My thoughts are it’s just a bad flavour or a bad bottle of a half bad flavour.
I take your point about 6% possibly being too high but I mixed it at the lowest percentage recommended by Vapetrain and it didn’t taste chemically just terrible!
I’m certainly very glad I didn’t mix it any higher.

I don’t like being so negative on a manufacturers hard work but I have to be honest and what I try to convey is my true thoughts.
I have to say that I cannot imagine this one being acceptable to me as a stand-alone at any percentage.

I apologise to Vapetrain for my honesty and will add that I did read somewhere how much somebody else thought it was a must have.
We are all different but I’m afraid I disagree.


I’m glad someone else don’t like the carrot cake because I mixed it at 4.5% and it tasted terrible so I let it steep for close on 3 month and it’s still horrible, I’m very disappointed in it because I only bought it because I seen lots raving about it, should have known better tbh after 12 years of mixing/vaping.


Thank you @Gazza7.


You are not alone @Dippy1.

I’m also glad someone else thinks it horrible.


Onto Vapetrain Cinnamon Doughnt which I mixed @5% and steeped for 22 days.

Described as warm doughnuts coated in cinnamon sugar with Vapetrain recommending between 6-12% as a stand-alone.
I purposefully dialed this down a tad as the smell from the concentrate just screamed cinnamon or some sort of spice to me and I think that could have been a good idea. Luckily I’m not one that tastes play-do in doughnut concentrates but unfortunately I rarely actually taste doughnut either. Although I’ve asked myself is it actually possible to create a concentrate or juice that really tastes of doughnut?
Either way this one is no exception and whilst being good enough it’s certainly not fantastic. I can definitely taste the cinnamon and think it is quite sweet so there’s the cinnamon sugar but alas I’m struggling to actually taste doughnut. In saying that there is something which isn’t terrible and actually does lend itself quite well but if I’m being honest I can’t say it’s a doughnut. I’ve tried and can’t describe it in words so perhaps that’s just my take on it.
Vapetrain do list this one as a one shot but to me I think moving forward I’m only going to use it as a spicy type bakery additive. I can vape it solo but the more I do the more I’m thinking “nope this just ain’t working”.
However I do believe it has possibilities as a bakery additive, perhaps taste more realistic mixed with a jam or could possibly help a disappointing custard out too. As often happens when I read my words back my thoughts could be a little harsh but I expect a one shot to be a little better than what I’m tasting and quite simply to me at least this just isn’t a cinnamon doughnut.

I’d rate it at 6/10 and very much doubt I’d buy it again.

Edit… 06/07/22

I just wanted to add that my son tried Cinnamon Doughnut and absolutely loved it. He said it’s probably one of his favourite juices to date.
Worth adding as another point of view and yet again it proves the point that we’re all different.


@Gazza7 I’ve found myself asking that question, over, and over.

Nicely written up and reviewed Sir, thank you.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this concentrate. I too struggle to taste doughnuts and many bakery flavours in general and it’s bloody frustrating at times especially when others describe all of these wonderful nuances that they taste and I’m getting nada.


@SessionDrummer and @Lucas_James_Holden you are both very welcome.


I’m glad you’re doing them @Gazza7, as sometimes I can only hear my OWN words, so I’m enjoying reading yours. Keep them coming mate.


I will do.
I’ve got another three Vapetrain to mix and sample which are;

1/ Golden Syrup
2/ Fruit Cake
3/ Cognac

Although this time I really think I am reaching the end of the road with them as I’m struggling to find many more that interest me.

Tempted fate stating that but we’ll see!


Its no way a single shot it needs wuite a bit of help this is what i did to get it to taste like a actual cinnamon donut


Interesting and thanks for that. Looking at your recipe I can see you’ve added some different cinnamon concentrates and sweetener. To be honest I wouldn’t have thought of that as that’s basically all I tasted off VTAs anyway.


The cinnamon from the vta cin donut goes away when adding other concentrates. And i steep it for a month. It was always lacking cinnamon so adding the others keep the cinnamon there in the mix. The cinnamon roll helps it become more of a donut and it does does come together nicely on low wattage and high wattage


OUTSTANDING @Psycho_316, thanks for sharing that.


I’ve been trying Vapetrain Fruit Cake for three days now so I’m happy enough to pass an opinion… of sorts.I mixed it @6% and it’s been steeping for 22 days.

Vapetrains own website gives absolutely no description for this one other than it’s name but do give a recommendation of between 5-9% when used as a stand-alone.

I was hoping for something better although it’s not terrible. As I enjoyed Vapetrain Xmas Pudding so much I thought this one was worth a go but after trying their Carrot Cake I was a little more hesitant. Fair to say this is on the higher end of in the middle of the two, if that makes sense. Personally I can taste some bakery spices but can’t truly discern which ones so I’ll just say generally a little spicy. I can also detect a slight boozy note to it which I think is what helps lift it as I do enjoy Vapetrain boozy concentrates on the whole.
There is something else but again I can’t honestly say it’s the cake aspect but it’s probably supposed to be. Problem is I can’t say what the ‘something else’ is so I’m not going very well with a description for this one!
Sorry, I have tried.

As mentioned it’s ok and I could vape it solo but quite honestly it’s a bit boring with nothing making me look forward to my next vape. Therefore my very basic but completely honest opinion on this one is it’s ok with bakery spice being the most prominent followed by a slight booziness. It’s all held together with a something but to me it’s not a cake of any description.

I would rate it at 6/10 and will use it but wouldn’t buy it again.

Apologies for a crap write up but I can only say what I taste and won’t just make something up for the sake of making it look right.


I have a few more Vapetrain concentrates to try but I’ve not mixed any for a while.
However I am currently vaping Vapetrain Cognac which I mixed @4% and it’s been steeping for 34 days.

Initial impressions were ‘meh’ as I found it a little bland and underwhelming, however as I’ve continued it’s become more enjoyable. As I’ve flogged to death I’m not a spirit drinker but strangely enjoy the taste in a vape. This does put my opinions in a bit of a dilemma as it’s hard for me to say if a particular alcohol concentrate truly tastes like it’s namesake.
This one does have the boozy taste that I’ve come to recognise and enjoy from Vapetrain but is definitely more subdued. It’s also sweeter than I would have thought and I’m sure I’m getting the slightest hint of Vapetrain Barrel Oak in it too. But what I’m not tasting is any real depth of flavour which is making it a bit of a boring taste. I don’t think that upping the percentage would help as I just don’t believe there’s much more in it and doing that could start pushing it into an artificial or chemical realm.
So to summarise this one is a rather dull but reasonably sweet boozy concentrate that whilst not being terrible basically feels like a waste of effort. Personally I don’t regret buying it and believe it’ll work well enough when used in a recipe but think the percentage would have to be at a seemingly high percentage to make it work otherwise it could just get buried. I wouldn’t bother vaping it solo again. Useable but not memorable.
I would rate it at 5/10 and wouldn’t buy it again.


Nicely done @Gazza7.