Vape Train Australia (VTA) Single Flavor Tests by SessionDrummer

I was just looking at VTA cuc and I think that may work, I still need a melon and looking at Shisha Melon VTA, but not much info out there on that flavor. Thinking this mix may be all VTA, :thinking:


Wow, how could you have picked two VTA’s I didn’t have ?? !!! :slight_smile:


Ha, I’ve been dreaming Cucumber Syrup for weeks, (Rocky’s got a dream​:crazy_face:) and your review on Golden Syrup Just made it click! Now I’m on VTA site, and it’s all starting to make sense, :ok_hand:


This would have to be one of my VTA favourites, especially paired with their honeycomb :drooling_face: :drooling_face: :drooling_face:

Looking back I think the last 4 or 5 reviewed would be close to my top used.


{Racing to see if Honeycomb is on the rack} …


Looks like I must have edited not adapted when I got MB Classic Sponge Cake and I can’t find the tester. So I just remixed it.

I think sharing this recipe might be easier than a long winded post.


Thank you @marsh8, perfect place for it !!


Lemon Meringue Tart (VTA) 5% (5-17-20) – We can start this one off by saying this SHOULD be a must have from the VTA line. Your personal mileage may vary depending on your tastes, but this presents as a new, and unique take on a LMP/LMT. Being a longtime CAP LMP user, this one was a breath of fresh air. It’s not that CAP’s isn’t good, as it is, and it’s my go to, BUT, this one shakes things up a bit. The lemon in this one is perfect, sweet, tart, pronounced, but not overbearing. The meringue, while lower in the mix, works well here, and perhaps the crust is much different than CAP’s. I’ve seen this paired many times (as I have done as well) WF’s Flapper Pie, and they work perfectly together. This one might not be as “generic” as CAP’s, but that’s what makes it unique. Maybe some buttery undertones in there, sweetness mid level, and as a single flavor, it honestly doesn’t need a lot of fixing right out of the bottle. Now, you can always tweak to your needs, but as a solo, pretty damned good. On a short 2 week steep, the lemon longevity cannot be determined, but @ 5%, this was a great LMP/LMT vape. I can’t 100% define the tart vs. pie issue, but I suspect more of a biscuit, than a graham base. I will have to further test in some of my Looper mixes to see how it compares/contrasts to CAP’s. All in, damned nice offering from VTA, that doesn’t really need much help. 9.9/10.


Milk Fresh (VTA) 2.5% (5-17-20) – I think I just found ANOTHER must have from VTA, and that would be Milk, … Fresh Milk !!! To start with, this is an excellent Milk, and it’s ONLY closest cousin might be FA’s Milk (which is no longer sold in the US). They are similar would be a fair statement. What makes this unique from most of the other Milks is it’s very neutral profile. NO sour notes, cheesy notes, etc., just a great dairy milk. Although I love TPA’s Dairy/Milk it is not as neutral as this one, and VTA’s is FAR more present than OOO’s Milk Creamy Undertones (gasp !!!). Yes, that’s right, I think this is better than OOO’s. @lukeloop warned me testing this @ 2.5% might be pushing the ceiling, and although it was VERY full at this level, it didn’t appear broken. Clearly, you could mix it lower, and still get a lot of Milk Bang. Low sweetness was great, because the focus stayed on the Milk. Even smelling this in the tank, still had me guessing how they did it. For a fresh, clean Milk with NO off-notes, cheesy-ness, sour or BA notes, THIS IS the one you want. I can’t go less than 10/10.


I’m loving this thread and would like to thank everyone for their input.
I am sorry if this has already been posted but has anyone tried the VTA Tropical Fruit Tart? I think it is one of their one shot line of flavours.


Vanilla Cream (VTA) 5% (5-31-20) – This one proved to be a very good flavor, but hard to fully explain. Not overly complex, but still delicious at 5%. The repeat feeling I got from this throughout the test, was a Vanilla Butter Cream, WITHOUT the butter. Like maybe an icing, but without the butter, and that gets you in the ballpark. The Vanilla was forward as expected, and the cream rounded it out. It wasn’t overly creamy, but the smooth finish and mouthfeel impart creaminess. Although full at this percentage, it still came across as somewhat subdued. Sweetness was actually lower than mid level which was surprising. Hard to say exactly, but the vanilla did lean towards a bean as opposed to any of the spicer ones. There was an almost dryness to this, but it wasn’t enough to throw off the mix. No faults with this one, and for a somewhat laid back vanilla cream, this one works. 7/10.


Milkshake Base (VTA) 2% (6-6-20) – Starting these back up again, with the Milkshake Base !!! Having tried a few MS bases (or variants) and been somewhat disappointed by one thing or another, I am always hopeful that the NEXT one, will be better. This one IS quite a bit better than what I expected, and at 2%, gave up some really good Milkshake nuances. Mouthfeel was thick and creamy, with sweetness higher on the scale, maybe mid level plus one, but not overbearing. It didn’t present as overly “malted”, and was fairly neutral with no choco, or nilla notes, which will really let you push/pull this to your shake liking. I’ve seen other reviews where they picked up malted notes, but to me, the note was more of a condensed milk note. At 2% didn’t appear to be hitting the ceiling, and the overwhelming singular takeaway from this was creamy mouthfeel !!! Not a problem, when you’re working up milkshakes. During testing, I was almost overcome by a desire to toss in my fav SB base, just to see, BUT, that will come later. As a single, this didn’t present any off notes, no in your face BA, and just a really good creamy, milkshake without anything extra. Clearly far more than a simple Milk, or Cream, so VTA did this justice. Feels great @ 9.4/10.


So far it seems that VTA makes mainly very good flavors. The vape standards (TFA, Cap, etc) have just as many, if not more, misses than hits. However, VTA seems to be at the Tom Brady level. Would you concur?


So far @natbone they do seem to have a lot of hits. Tastes vary between, well, EVERYONE, so the mileage will always vary, but so far, so good.


Pineapple Juice (VTA) 3% (6-7-20) – Pineapple juice, vs. Pineapple ?? Let’s see what’s what. Smelled great out of the bottle, and vaped somewhat as it smelled, but not entirely. This did present as a Pineapple of sorts, but it was surprisingly NOT juicy ? What ?? How can that be ?? @3% it seemed high enough, but this one really lacked any “punch” you’d expect from a PA juice. Another reviewer called it “dull”, and that’s an about perfect way to describe it. Somewhat darker than expected, with low to mid sweetness, but just didn’t have the “zing” it needed to stand out. Nothing off-putting or chemical, just an average pineapple-ish flavor. Very 2 dimensional. Def. use to add to a base, but NOT the star of any Pineapple shows here. 6/10.


Sour Lemon (VTA) 4% (6-7-20) – Lemon, lemon, lemon, who doesn’t need a good lemon ?? Having never tested an official “sour” lemon, was all set to pucker up on this one. BUT, it never happened. :frowning: This one @ 4% was surprisingly lack luster. It wasn’t terrible, and there was lemon in there, with some mid level sweetness, but the sour was almost too low to detect. Kinda odd for a sour lemon, BUT, as it was, not terrible, not stellar, and laid back at 4%. The lemon was candied, and almost like a sour lemon candy, but missing the sour. With all the lemons on the market it can be hard to stand out, and this one, doesn’t. Middling candied lemon with little to no sour. Good for mixer fodder. 6/10.


Take it down to 1-2% and give it 4 weeks. Not a pucker sour but definitely sour.


Been using the Milkshake base at 0.85% for a strawberry Milkshake my friend vapes like a mad man. Changed the name to strawberry malt as that is what he keeps asking for but it is not an in your face malt to me.

VTA Milkshake and Pudding base are both excellent, gives you what you are expecting.

Great stuff as usual SD :+1:


Thank you very much @mjag.


Sugarloaf Pineapple (VTA) 4% (6-9-20) – Having just tested VTA’s Pineapple Juice, and having had a “so-so” reaction to it, AND, having used this one many times, was anxious to really solo it. My previous experience in mixes, mirror my SFT here. This one is a Pineapple Powerhouse. No other way to put it. It actually pushed my beloved INW Pineapple off it’s perch as my number one. This “sugarloaf” pineapple should be re-named “sugarLOAD” pineapple. It’s sweet, bright, punchy, and damned delicious. It leans on the sweet side, but not too sweet. Sugarloaf pineapple is a white pineapple, that I’ve never eaten, but I sure would LIKE to now. Very natural, multi-dimensional, and interesting to vape. Nothing artificial tasting to my tastes, and wherein VTA’s Pineapple Juice presented to me as somewhat dull and/or lifeless, this one was the exact opposite. BPD (Bright, Punchy, Delicious), just is really all you need to know on this one. Typically I would think even as good as this is, it will probably be mixed with INW Pineapple, or maybe CAP Golden Pineapple just to round things out, but I’ve used it as the only Pineapple and it worked out GREAT.. So it’s not required, but an option. This one leaned heavier in the mid and high notes, with less lower/darker notes, and it does it well. Hands down a GREAT flavor, and IMO, should be on your VTA Must Have List. 10/10, zero hesitation.