Vape Train Australia (VTA) Single Flavor Tests by SessionDrummer

Awesome information @SessionDrummer, thanks for the time put in on this.


You’re very welcome @Beaufort_Batches.


I found a lot of these flavours to be overhyped, reminded me of Real Flavors years ago as I got little out of many of them, especially the fruit flavourings of VTA. But ones I think are superb would be:

Arabica Coffee - Best coffee by a mile for me, the only coffee in fact
VTA Bubble Gum Base - Again the best, does exactly as it says
VTA Pudding Base - NOt my favourite but does a good job genereically for lots of bakery recipies
VTA Sherbert - Molinberry does a decent sherbert but this is still by far and away the best one I have tried
VTA COffee Milk Froth

Jams, fruits, custards and sweeteners I didnt personalyl like any of that I tried and I think I am the only person not in love with the honeycomb flavouring which I find very weak


Thats a scary thought …out of 100 or so i think I use 5


Which five out of interest? I didnt get all the big reviews for them, especially before the super concentrated line. But I did buy a few again recently as I do really like (and more importantly they are so cheap now haha):

Strawberry Milkshake
Sugar Cookie
STrawberry Pastry with Frosting


Strawberry Milkshake
Graham Cracker
Condensed Milk

And I need to look , but these are all very good flaves…Where are you buying them from ??? I know awhile back they had some bad batches at BCF and Rover Supply


I am in the UK so rainbow vapes who are pretty much the only people that stock an extensive line of them at all now here


Be careful , I dont know what happened but they had a bunch of bad batches over here …Yumberry is very dark reddish and the bad was clear …


I was going for a vanilla slice but turned out to be a soft serve ice cream cone.


You were right regarding the strawberry milkshake :frowning: It isnt bad but definately not the same as before, rest are ok thankfully


What is there buttercream frosting like? I see there are several now like Wonder Flavors etc. Only used Loranns version which was ok but always stuck with Flavorah as its one of theres I like, though use it more as a sweetener than anything else


I get more butter from VTA than the others. Find it fairly flexible if I want to emphasise the butter or vanilla depending on the mix.

If you are talking about Cream Cheese Icing, it’s a while since I used it but that one was a long steeper and found it could easily take over a mix.
There’s no cream cheese in the VTA for me, a buttery cream with hint of vanilla, that’s not overly sweet.

While I would still use FLV the most, it’s more as an accent and sweetener, I find it needs other flavours to get it toward a complete frosting.

Only recently got WF so haven’t really used it much.


the buttercream frosting is like white wedding cake icing. It is firmer and slightly stronger than WF Vanilla buttercream frosting. It is a very good concentrate use it where you want hard icing.


Haven’t tried that, but it sounds like a good idea, thanks for the tip. What a shame I’ll have to start a new basket. :crazy_face:

Oh I love this flavour, would be in my list of favourites for sure :drooling_face:


Thank you, lukeloop :smiley: That’s exactly what I’ve been looking for. What a stroke of luck for timing. I’ve got a cart over at BCF that I thought was done.


Excellent thanks for the feedback. i do really like flv frosting but yes I get little in terms of buttercream or actual frosting from it all all, just a pleasant sweetness


tHanks, funnily enough that almsot sounds like a description of rf sugar cookie


Interesting popcorn brings it out…of course I dont have that


More bloody flavours for me to buy! Thanks SD your sft’s are “simply the best,” cue Tina Turner.


@SessionDrummer There are 2 flavors that I never buy, chocolate and pineapple. I love eating pineapple but I could never anticipate a good pineapple vape. I believe you have convinced me to break my aversion. On the shopping list! I’m not a chocolate junky in RL like so many people are. I’m the boring one who always orders a plain vanilla cone (but that vanilla better be damn good).

There are times when vaping that I can almost taste the need for chocolate. It’s there, in my brain, in my nose, but I never could trust chocolate flavors. And anyone using them I figured was just a desperate chocolate junky…and I felt sorry for them. Well, my friend, you’ve convinced this naysayer. I’ve got the Chocolate Mousse on the list, too. I have other VTA flavors that I’m pleased with so my confidence level is up. Thanks once again for your hard (you know you love it) work. :grinning: :ok_hand: