Vape Train Australia (VTA) Single Flavor Tests by SessionDrummer

Fran on ECF probably has.


And you’re right. Nevertheless, I think I’ll order a small bottle for starters.


Hey @natbone Are you a Pat’s fan or just poking fun at Coach Belichick’s over the top enthusiasm? :rofl:


Should I treat salts like FB and transfer to glass and into the freezer? I’m starting with a small bottle to try. Do you know if a 120 ml bottle gets shipped via ground or can it fly? :smile:


I freeze mine. As for shipping, I don’t know. I get mine from Heartland which is geographically close, so it likely just hits the highway.


@muth you should absolutely treat Salts like FB. Into the glass, into the freezer, no change. As far as what gets shipped by which method, you should ask the vendor for clarification on that issue.

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Yeah, thx SD, I just needed to read their shipping info on weights, etc. LNW gives you a host of options which I like. I’ll get shipped by air. I didn’t have a choice with Vapers Tek and it was ground so I ordered during the cooler months. They were shipping from Oklahoma. Btw, my VSO order shipped from Ohio.


Both. Ive been watching the Pats a long time. As a kid living in Alston I snuck onto their games in Harvard stadium. I saw Joe Namath play there. Here’s the interesting thing. I left the US in 98. I just returned 5 days ago. The entire Brady - Bill era I’ve watched from afar. Now that I’m back it’s over. However. Cam Newton lives on my street here in Georgia. That’s weird.


Wow, that is quite a coincidence. I know Alston very well. Don’t live far from there at all. Anyhow, welcome back…:smile:


I did say I wasn’t going to as I consider their postage rates an absolute gouge but I kept checking out VTs website and was continually tempted… Enough to say I relented and bought some of their flavours that arrived today.

Still a rip off on postage rates but using the 10% discount code I found on ELR it brought the amount down from $16.70 to $9.95 which is far more like it.
Reading that I know I look like an absolute tight a@@e but it bugs me!
The 10% did it and I have them in my greasy little paws.
I received;

1/ Chocolate Mousse
2/ Fizzy Sherbert
3/ Croissant
4/ English Toffee
5/ Honeycomb
6/ Milkshake Base
7/ Pear Halves
8/ Light Rum
9/ Pudding Base
10/ Scotch Whisky
11/ Strawberry Jam
12/ Sugarloaf Pineapple
13/ Toffee Ice Cream
14/ Christmas Pudding
15/ Butter Toffee

The smell out of the envelope was Devine and I must admit I’m now glad I overcome my “tightness”.
Individually they all smell good too apart from milkshake base which smells foul… but given its intention that’s not that surprising.

I always test each concentrate individually and this little haul will be no different although given the smell of milkshake base that’s not going to be the first.

I doubt I’ll get a chance to mix any before Christmas but once I have and let them steep I’ll post my opinions here.
It will take a while to complete them all but eventually I’ll get there.

I’ve been doing some research and am going to mix them at varying percentages ranging from 5-8%.

A lot of that reading has been done on this thread so I’d like to thank everyone who has contributed and helped me out too.


@SessionDrummer, thanks for the Inawera + VTA pineapple combo idea - works great.


You’re very welcome @kamanza.


I made time as they were just calling at me.

I was going to mix Sugarloaf Pineapple at 8% but dropped it to 7% due to the strong aroma.
I mixed ;

1/ Pear Halves @ 7%
2/ Scotch Whisky @ 6%
3/ Sugarloaf Pineapple @ 7%
4/ Toffee Ice Cream @ 6%
5/ Christmas Pudding @ 6%
6/ Fizzy Sherbert @ 5%

A bit of a random selection process other than I didn’t want to mix the toffees or honeycomb together so as to not confuse them and Christmas Pudding simply because it’s that time of year!

I’ll leave them to steep for at least two weeks and start testing them soon after.


I’ve got 6 or so out of those and you shouldn’t be disappointed. Idk where you live but Bull City Flavors carries VTA.
6% off anytime you use “elrecipes”


They seem a bit high in percentage IF you find them high drop them in half.


I live in Western Australia and Vapetrain are on the eastern side of the country in NSW.
Hence my reluctance to get ripped on postage but with the ELR discount it’s about right all up.

I appreciate I appear to be Scrooge during the festive season but I’m not normally.
But their standard postage rate is nearly double of what it should be and it just annoys me.

Thanks for the thought though.


I did notice that session drummer had mixed his a lot lower but from what I read elsewhere my percentages were ballpark.

Perhaps I’m wrong but at the end of the day taste is subjective and this session should give me an indication to my personal preferences… At least that’s the theory!

Thanks for the advice though.


@Gazza7 there’s no real wrong at the end of the day, but your tastes will tell you where to mix these at. Some people have more or less sens taste buds, longer time frames from smoking (which kills a lot of taste), personal tastes, etc. Your particular SETUP, can have a HUGE difference on how high you have to mix flavors. MTL vs. DTL, even VG/PG ratios can change that, so there’s def. not one size fits all for everyone.

The best rule however, is always the same, start low, and move up. You can ALWAYS add more, but you can’t take it out (save diluting your testers).

I had really good luck with the 2, 3, 4, and 5% listed above.


And don’t forget the amount of nicotine, which I think is an important factor …


Thanks for the advice.
Personally I do seem to tend to enjoy my efforts mixed on the stronger side but occasionally I think I’ve overdone it.

For a while now I’ve been doing my testing on a Wasp Nano RDA with the build at approximately 0.8 ohms. My preference has changed a bit from a MTL to what I take as an open MTL. An example being that with the Nano I have the airflow open to a dot rather than oblong, if that makes sense. I’m definitely a flavour chaser and am not bothered about clouds in the slightest.
To my way of thinking this gives me a good indication if I like the concentrate or have mixed it at the wrong concentration.

To be honest all the restricted DTL,open MTL, true MTL etc has me confused and I’ve just fallen into that sort of pattern. As with all things vaping there’s variables but as long as I’m not smoking it’s working is my general rule of thumb!

I prefer RTAs for day to day use for the ease of filling and forgetting. Basically I build for what is considered on the higher end nowadays and adjust the airflow to suit on whatever I’m using, trying to find the ‘sweet spot’.

I started vaping over eight years ago now (doesn’t time fly) with the intention of simply quitting smoking and with zero interest in anything other than tobaccos. However as time progressed I really began to enjoy the process and decided to try other flavours. That was the time vaping became much more than a cessation effort and what I consider a hobby too. I appreciate some don’t like the term hobby but it’s the best way I can describe it.

Apologies and back on topic!
I also have a habit of rambling but I’ll leave those words in.

Thanks and I’ll post my opinions in due course.