Vaporesso ceramic head sketchiness?

Anyone catch pbusardo’s or grim greens cryptic warning about the cool heads?

no, care to elaborate?

Kinda cryptic warning about quality control check out and grim greens last vlog. Weird.

Nope, gonna search for it tho…

PS: links, or it didn’t happen…

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Thanks, was jus trying to find it but grim doesn’t have anyting on youtube for it that I could find.

He mentions it on his last vlog

Jan.7/16 vlog at 59:19.

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Just read through the link you gave and now I found the vlog entry… 1.5hrs long, sheesh, back in a bit…

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Lol…it’s still kinda weird and cryptic.i don’t have one but thought someone else must so…not sure what’s up? Whatever it is it’s still gotta better than cigarettes!

Yea, not overly concerned… I tried 'em and love the mod but the coils just weren’t for me (cool vape)

However, the tank is awesome and was thinking of grabbing a few spares and giving the coils away (VIF) so others could try them without any investment. They work in a bunch of different tanks, Atlantis v1 & v2, Triton, Starre and Melo. But if there’s an issue, I may not mail them out.

P.S. 4minz in and already distracted by something Grim said…VapeSlam convention in Charlotte, NC :flushed: …had to alt+tab and check it out. That’s only an hour away :sunglasses: CLICKY

Aight, back to the video…

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Ok, still watching the vlog but finally got to the part where Grimm addresses the ceramic coils. For anyone interested in this that doesn’t have 1.5hrs to spare… Go to 59minz 20secs to see the Vaporesso coil bit.

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Phil posted a note he got from Smore about it. They say it’s a marketing gimmick from competitors, to make them look bad. Could be true. My kit should be in the mail tomorrow (I hope!) and very much looking forward to trying it. They aren’t the only ones with a ceramic coil, are they??

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These are the only ceramic coils on the market that I’m aware of. Aspire had ceramic coils awhile back but they were brittle and got shit-canned by the vape community. I don’t think they even make those anymore.

I believe Vaporesso is the first to take a shot at ceramic since the Aspire incident. Grimm states that he’s awaiting additional testing so we’ll have to play the wait-n-see game I guess. They are damn good tasting coils though.

I hope there’s not much to this but if this report does go downhill, I’ll be snatching them up for pennies on the dollar and slapping Freemax Starre coils in them :grinning: Great tank even if the coil turns out to be bad.


Well I’m glad to hear that about the tank at least. I was so darn excited about those coils!

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Didn’t the Goliath come with Ceramic coils? I am pretty sure it did. They were great if I remember right.

So other coils will work in this tank? Didn’t realize it was a cool-ish vape, like mine a little warmer. I’ll give em a shot, of course, but if it’s too cool I’d still like to be able to use it. It’s hard finding the right combo of heat/throat hit/flavor. Ahhh, the money I’ve wasted on tanks that just don’t do it for me🙄

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Got my Target today, YAYYY! Coming from an Istick and a nautilus tank, and being a MTLer, may I say this thing is FABULOUS! I just may become a DL convert. I’m getting way more throat hit, enormous clouds!! But the flavor, holy crap the flavor is out of this world! Yes, I’m using the ceramic coil, until they tell me to absolutely NOT I’m going to use it. I haven’t had a chance to play around with it yet but right off the bat I’m pretty impressed. I got the white one, and it’s just plain sexy!


I think that is the one I am leaning towards too. My girlfriend wants the purple one. It will be a step up for her for sure. Ordering a couple of these this week.


I really wanted the purple one too, nobody had it. I meN NOBODY!! I settled for white and I really like it.