Vaporesso ceramic head sketchiness?

Atlantis v1 & v2, Triton, Triton RTA kit, Starre and Melo

I wouldn’t suggest any Aspire coils though. They have a raised ridge at the top that makes them difficult to fit in the chimney. I have some Freemax Starre coils coming (they don’t have the ridge) and I’ll let ya know how they work…

Aspire coils, ie. Atlantis v1 & v2, Triton (have a ridge)

Freemax Starre coils and the Triton RTA should also fit and they don’t have that ridge. I’ll be testing these once my vapemail gets here (Mon. or Tue.) and I’ll let ya know how it goes…

Freemax Starre coil…

The Triton RTA kit…


Thanks so much!!! I’ve been eyeballing that Triton RBA anyway. I don’t build yet but want to start. I have a steamboat RDA coming to practice on. And I’ll pick up a few of those freemax coils, just to have around. BTW, I’ve run one tank through and this thing is the bomb!!!

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What tank is that on your Target?

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It’s the tank that comes with it. It comes with a 0.9ohm ceramic coil installed and also has a Ni coil for temp control. Haven’t tried that yet.

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Dropping in to confirm that both the Freemax Starre coils and the Triton RTA fit perfectly in the Vaporesso Target tank. :+1:

Made an extended post about it here -> Clicky-Clicky


When you click the dropdown to select a color, if you choose White Battery Kit, the price is $32.99. If you choose the white kit, which comes with the tank, it is $54.99. It is pretty misleading.

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Tests look all good!


Thanks for the update @Drinkmilk, I’ve been checking the web periodically for a follow-up. :+1:

I don’t cater to fear mongering or bug-a-boo pseudo-science but their analysis seems rather underwhelming. The official report states that they used up to 40x magnification to identify possible particulate. They sent the sample to a “lab” for this…? Really…? I can hit 40x magnification with compounding lenses on my home workbench easily. I don’t have any fancy equipment either. Here’s an example of what 40x looks like on a regular coin…

Don’t get me wrong… If I had enjoyed the coils, I’d still be using them but they were too cool of a vape for me personally.

I hope this post doesn’t come across negatively; I just believe skepticism should be applied equally to both good news and bad news alike.


Agreed, technology moves pretty fast hard to keep tabs on all bs.either way still better than smoking!

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Hell yes! I think that’s the real bottom line right there :+1:

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I was glad to hear of the good report. I still used them, sparingly but that thought was always in the back of my head. I still don’t like them much, too cool for me. So then I thought, well Grimm is using his at 30w and I’ve been using mine at about 20w. Maybe if I crank it up a bit??? So out a fresh coil in, threw it in my work bag and headed out the door. A couple hours after getting to work I take it out, crank it 25(just couldn’t get my head around 30!) and BURNT!!! I mean massively burnt taste!! WTF? This sucks! So backed it off to 20 and been using it there. Flavor is ok, the burnt seems to be gone. Anybody else have this happen?

I haven’t tried yet, but I just ordered 1 coil a couple days ago to try. I’m going to plug it in my Starre and see if I like it before buying a bunch of coils and the mod/tank. I really like the looks of the mod, but if I don’t like the coils I won’t get the tank with it and save some money. Starre coils do ok to put in it if not, but I’m a Crown and TFV4 fan, much better flavor than the others so I wouldn’t really use it anyway I don’t think. How is the airflow on the Target tank? I’ve heard it’s not very good. Are they just rumors?

Ooooopss, never mind, found another thread and Mofogger said he loved the airflow on it. I still wouldn’t mind a couple opinions though, everyone has different tastes :wink:

I am trying one of these coils in my Starre tank. Flavor is pretty good, but I can taste the ceramic, and it’s kind of a dryer vape. Not the wet saturated taste I get from a regular coil. I like the airflow, and the vapor production. Just wondering if the flavor will improve and the ceramic taste go away? Is there a break in period? I have the same juice in my Kanger Nano, and this tank, and so far the flavor is better on the nano when I’m vaping side to side. I can taste more of the flavor backnotes with the ccell, but over it’s more muted than nano. I’m really hoping these will break in, I’d love a coil that lasts longer and carried the flavor longer. So far, I’m disappointed :frowning:

Hey Mo,
How about “Herakles”? As they are compatible with Atlantis and Triton right? …stands to reason Herakles should be compatible with the Target Ceramics shouldn’t they?
Thanks in advance for the advice!!!

May I suggest:
You mention the Triton RBA coil…I wasn’t overly impressed with that particular one. There is another RBA that is similar, fits the same tank, but has just a little bit of a different layout and the juice holes on the side are larger:
Anyvape SegaTank RDA Coil Head V2 for Atlantis

kidneypuncher no longer carries them, but you may find them elsewhere… Just a suggestion/option.


Yea, I could taste that too. It seemed to go away after pushing one tank through it. Once the coil ceramic started to darken, the flavor came through beautifully :smiley: …kinda like seasoning a cast iron skillet.

Yes, theoretically, they also fit in the Herakles. I read that it worked but have not tested it personally.

Thanks for the suggestion @Whiterose0818, I haven’t vaped on the Triton RTA yet but it’s on the to-do list :sunglasses: . I really wanna make a vertical coil on it (I’ve heard good things) but ever since I put the Starre coils in and discovered how much I like them; I just kept on chuggin’ along.

I had some new flavors roll in and I can be easily distracted sometimes (OOooo, Shiny…walks off) so I’ve been playing with the FLV stuff lately. I really do wanna try that RTA out, maybe later this week I can get to it :yum:


As long as it is not the plus. Any Sense product using the Plus coils are not compatible. A good replacement for the Atlantis coil is the Playboy Vixen coils. They even last twice as long as the Atlantis coil…

Aight… finally spent some time building, and rebuilding… and rebuilding this Triton RTA POS.

TLDR Note: EF this RTA

Warning: Expletive riddled rant ahead, turn now if you’re faint of heart…

I watched several videos (including MikeVapes and RipTrippers) and also read the instructions that were included for this RTA. Confident that I had all the information I needed; I set out to do some building and testing.

The first attempt was strictly by the book. I slapped in the premade coil they provided and wicked 'er up. Juiced it and let it sit in the tank a few minz. Took a toot and I swear it tasted like flaming dog shit (not that I’ve ever had any before but I’m guessing this was pretty damn close).

Took it apart and removed the wick; nope, not burnt. Decided to dry-fire it while watching the coil for issues (prolly shoulda done this first). Yup, got a hot leg. But how in the hell am I supposed to get to it…? Best thing I could think of was to just start stabbing at it with a screwdriver. Massive PITA but finally got 'er going inside out.

Rewicked and let it sit again. Still tastes like flaming dog shit but I keep hitting it cause I’m a trooper. Fourth hit burnt the crap outta the wick…WTF! Opened it back up and apparently I over-wicked (the juice holes are waaaaay too friggin small). Rewicked three more times till I could actually see it wicking into the coil when I put drops on the outside. I was starting to get irritated at this point… Juiced up the tank and what a surprise… dog shit.

Aight… I have two of these things so maybe I scorched some of the rings or something…? I grabbed the second one and this time I made my own coil since I know my wire doesn’t taste like crap (just in case it’s their wire). Wick it, juice it, vape it, dog shit… Grrrrr :rage:

Decided to wash and boil the parts, no help… After washing this thing and rebuilding it several times using everything from their coil to my kanthal and Clapton wire; I decided to try a TC build with my Ti 22awg to see if that would stop the burning flavor…

I was already about 3hrs into fighting with this thing and getting more pissed with every successive failure. While trying to install the Ti wrap… the miniscule set-screw (made of butter) snapped in half… at this point, I went blind with rage and officially lost my shit. I’m not completely sure of the following events but my kitchen now sits smoldering in utter ruin and I have no idea where all the parts to that RTA are…

Moral of the story: Just use the Starre coils… Any and all future builds will be done on my Griffins.