Vaporesso ceramic head sketchiness?

OMG…LMAO WHILE ROFL! You have an awesome way of writing, your personality really shines through. You need to become an author, you’d really shine!


Hehe, thank you for your kind words of encouragement @MysticRose, maybe I missed my true calling :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I had clearly lost my mind (a little) yesterday and needed somewhere to vent so I came to my ELR family (only they can understand my suffering). It was actually very cathartic and I felt a lot better after getting that out.

I tried to explain my frustrations to the dog but she wanted nothing to do with me after “The Incident” (hand air-quotes). My RTA Battle Royal apparently scared the crap outta the poor thing and she was most likely thinking “well, he’s certainly pissed off about something and I’m not getting involved…”

Anyway, it’s a new day and I just put a clean build in my Griffin that’s steamin’ up a storm. Back to my jolly old self and the dog was even brave enough to come over and give me that “you ok” look…:flushed:

…Thanks for reading my craziness :laughing:


Only thing I’ve heard about the Vaporesso Target in general was that the coils provide a cooler vape basically nof matter what and that the 5/10 connection pin up top on the top of the mod itself is just glued in there and pops out very easily. We had one run of them in our shops and I believe we are not getting them back in because of the firing pin issue. The ceramic coils are a great idea, don’t get me wrong. But on a different device. After seeing someone take their tank off after owning it for one week and watching the firing pin come out of the mod attached to the base of the tank pin was enough for me to no longer trust Vaporesso at all.

I have one and love mine, at first i wasn’t sure about it, the flavour to me tastes weird for about an hour whenever I put a new coil in but after that the flavour is great. I like vinilla flavours the most in this tank because it makes the vinilla really stand out to me. Hope that made sense lol 2hrs sleep last night

Im thinking this eleaf rba will fit in the target tank too. The eleaf ECR head. (Used in melo tanks and ijust tanks)

The vaporesso ccell coils will fit in the eleaf tanks so why wouldn’t their rba fit in my target tank?

Only 2 bucks. Gotta try this

So the possibilities so far are the Atlantis Triton rba, the eleaf ecr head rba, and the anyvape segatank rba.

We need to try all 3 and see what works best in the target tank.